충남대학교가 2024학년도 신입생 모집정원 가운데 74%를 수시모집으로 선발한다고 밝혔다.
수시모집 규모는 전년보다 327명(12.4%) 대폭 증원해 2천971명을 선발한다.
충남대는 또, 수험생 부담 완화를 위해 면접 평가 없이 서류 평가만으로 선발하는 학생부종합전형Ⅰ(서류전형)을 신설했다.
충남대의 2024학년도 전체 모집정원은 4천012명이며, 이중 수시모집으로 2천971명(74%), 정시모집으로 1천041명을 선발한다.
지난해는 수시 2천644명, 정시 1천313명을 선발했다.
충남대는 수시모집에서 ‘학생부교과(1,705명)’, ‘학생부종합(1,178명)’, ‘실기/실적(88명)’ 전형을 운영하고 있으며, 입학을 희망하는 지원자는 지원 자격이 충족되는 경우에 한해 최대 4회까지 복수 지원을 할 수 있다.
‘학생부교과’ 전형은 ▲일반전형 1천106명 ▲지역인재전형 508명 ▲지역인재 저소득층전형 7명 ▲국가보훈대상자전형 20명 ▲고른기회 특별전형 53명 ▲국토안보교과전형 11명을 모집한다.
반영 방법으로는 체육·예술·교양 교과(군)을 제외한 전 교과목(진로선택과목 포함)에 대하여 졸업예정자는 3학년 1학기까지, 졸업자는 3학년 2학기까지의 성적을 반영하고, 일반전형(국토안보교과전형 포함)과 지역인재전형에 한하여 모집 단위별 수능최저학력기준을 적용한다.
‘학생부종합’ 전형은 ▲학생부종합Ⅰ(일반전형) 511명 ▲학생부종합Ⅰ(서류전형) 291명 ▲학생부종합Ⅱ(SW인재전형) 4명 ▲학생부종합Ⅱ(영농창업인재전형) 12명, ▲학생부종합Ⅱ(국가안보융합인재전형) 44명 ▲학생부종합Ⅲ(농어촌학생전형) 111명 ▲학생부종합Ⅲ(특성화고학생) 42명 ▲학생부종합Ⅲ(저소득층학생) 44명 ▲학생부종합Ⅲ(특수교육대상자) 89명 ▲학생부종합Ⅲ(특성화고졸재직자) 30명을 모집한다.
전형 방법으로는 학교생활기록부 또는 학교생활기록부 대체 서식을 바탕으로 학업 역량, 전공 적합성, 발전 가능성, 인성의 4가지 평가 기준에 따라 독립적·종합적으로 평가한다.
면접이 있는 전형의 경우 제출 서류(학교생활기록부 등)를 바탕으로 의사소통 능력, 전공 적합성, 발전 가능성, 인성 4가지의 평가 기준에 따라 15분 이내 개별면접을 진행한다. 학생부종합전형에 대하여 보다 자세한 내용은 충남대 입학정보 홈페이지(ipsi.cnu.ac.kr)에서 확인할 수 있다.
‘실기/실적’ 전형은 ▲실기전형(무용, 관현악, 회화, 조소) 69명 ▲체육특기자 19명을 모집하며, 반영 방법으로는 학생부 교과와 비교과(출결) 성적 및 실기(실적) 등을 반영한다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungnam National University selects 2,971 students for regular recruitment for the 2024 school year
74% of total recruitment quota is regularly selected
Chungnam National University announced that 74% of the 2024 new student recruitment quota will be selected through rolling recruitment.
The size of regular recruitment increases significantly by 327 (12.4%) from the previous year, selecting 2,971 people.
Chungnam National University also established a new Student Records Comprehensive Screening Ⅰ (document screening) that selects students only through document evaluation without interview evaluation to ease the burden on test takers.
Chungnam National University's total recruitment quota for the 2024 school year is 4,012, of which 2,971 (74%) will be selected through regular recruitment and 1,041 will be selected through regular recruitment.
Last year, 2,644 people were selected on a rolling basis and 1,313 on a regular basis.
Chungnam National University operates the 'Student Department (1,705 students)', 'Student Department Comprehensive (1,178 students)', and 'Practical Skills/Performance (88 students)' selection process in rolling admissions. Applicants who wish to enroll must meet the application qualifications. You can apply multiple times up to 4 times per year.
The 'Student Department Subjects' selection process recruits ▲ 1,106 people for the general screening ▲ 508 people for the local talent screening ▲ 7 people for the local talent low-income screening ▲ 20 people for the national veterans screening ▲ 53 people for the even opportunity special screening ▲ 11 people for the homeland security curriculum screening. .
As a reflection method, the grades of all subjects (including career elective subjects) excluding physical education, arts, and liberal arts subjects (including career elective subjects) are reflected by the 1st semester of the 3rd year for those expected to graduate, and by the 2nd semester of the 3rd year for graduates, and the general admission ( The minimum academic achievement standard for the CSAT for each recruitment unit is applied only to the homeland security curriculum screening (including homeland security curriculum screening) and regional talent screening.
The 'Student Record Comprehensive' selection process consists of ▲Student Record Comprehensive I (general screening) 511 people ▲Student Record Comprehensive I (document screening) 291 people ▲Student Record Comprehensive II (SW talent screening) 4 people ▲Student Record Comprehensive II (agricultural startup talent screening) 12 people, ▲Comprehensive student record Ⅱ (national security convergence talent selection) 44 people ▲Comprehensive student record Ⅲ (rural student selection) 111 people ▲Comprehensive student record Ⅲ (specialized high school students) 42 people ▲Comprehensive student record Ⅲ (low-income students) 44 people ▲Comprehensive student record Ⅲ (specialized students) Training target) 89 people ▲Student record Ⅲ (specialized high school graduates and current employees) 30 people are being recruited.
The selection method is an independent and comprehensive evaluation based on four evaluation criteria: academic ability, suitability for major, development potential, and personality, based on the school record or an alternative form of the school record.
In the case of a selection process that involves an interview, an individual interview is conducted within 15 minutes based on four evaluation criteria: communication ability, suitability for major, development potential, and personality, based on submitted documents (school record, etc.). More detailed information about the student records comprehensive selection process can be found on the Chungnam National University admission information website (ipsi.cnu.ac.kr).
The 'Practical Skills/Performance' selection process recruits 69 people for practical skills (dance, orchestra, painting, sculpture) and ▲ 19 people with special talents in sports. The reflection method includes student record subject and extracurricular (attendance) grades and practical skills (performance). do. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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