이날 개교 기념식은 71주년 경과보고, 충대를 빛낸 동문상 시상, 표창장 수여, 개교 기념사, 축하공연, 교가 제창 등이 진행됐다.
이날 개교 71주년을 기념한 ‘제5회 충대를 빛낸 동문상’에는 강준현(건축공학과 84학번) 국회의원, 김성태(경영학과 81학번) IBK기업은행장, 김재철(국어국문학과 84학번) 대전일보사장, 김홍일(법학과 75학번) 법무법인(유) 세종 고문, 박영순(영어영문학과 83학번) 국회의원, 신범철(사법학과 89학번) 국방부 차관, 유영돈(사회학과 82학번) 중도일보사장, 정용래(행정대학원 13년도 입학) 대전유성구청장, 정훈진(법학과 85학번) 대전지방변호사회장 등 9명(가나다 순)을 시상했다.
이 총장은 또, “충남대는 개교 71년의 자랑스러운 역사에 안주하지 않고, 충청권이라는 한계에 머무르지 않으며, 미래를 향한 도전에 적극적으로 나섬으로써 ‘CNU 100년이라는 위대한 미래’를 향해 힘차게 도약하겠다”며, “혁신의 선두에 선 대학, 대학 구성원 모두가 함께 성장하는 명품 충남대학교를 만들어 나갈 수 있도록 학생, 교수, 직원, 동문, 지역민들께서 아낌없는 애정과 지혜를 모아주시길 바란다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungnam National University holds the 71st anniversary ceremony
Chungnam National University, which celebrated its 71st anniversary, celebrated its 71st anniversary at 11:00 am on May 24 at Jeong Shim-hwa International Cultural Center Baekma Hall with the participation of university members including President Lee Jin-sook, Alumni Association President Kang Do-mook, member of the National Assembly Kang Jun-hyeon, Daejeon Metropolitan Government Mayor Lee Taek-gu, former president Jeong Sang-cheol, and others. The 71st anniversary ceremony was held.
On this day, the opening ceremony was held with progress reports on the 71st anniversary, awarding of alumni awards for outstanding loyalty, awarding of commendations, opening commemorative speeches, congratulatory performances, and singing of school songs.
In commemoration of the 71st anniversary of the school, 'The 5th Alumni Award for Shining Chungdae' was awarded to Kang Joon-hyeon (Department of Architectural Engineering, class of '84), member of the National Assembly, Seong-tae Kim (class of 81, Department of Business Administration), President of IBK Industrial Bank, Jae-cheol Kim (Department of Korean Language and Literature, class of '84), President of Daejeon Ilbo, and Hong-il Kim (Department of Korean Language and Literature, class of '84). Department of Law, Class of 1975) Law Firm Sejong Advisor, Park Yeong-soon (Department of English Language and Literature, Class of 1983) Member of the National Assembly, Shin Beom-cheol (Department of Law, Class of 1989) Vice Minister of National Defense, Yoo Young-don (Department of Sociology Class of 1982) President of Jungdo Ilbo, Yong-rae Jung (Graduate School of Public Administration, entered in 13) Daejeon Nine people (in alphabetical order) were awarded, including Mayor Yuseong-gu and Hoon-jin Jeong (Class of 1985, Department of Law), President of the Daejeon District Bar Association.
In her opening address, President Jinsook Lee said, “Despite numerous difficulties and challenges both inside and outside, Chungnam National University was able to celebrate the glorious 71st anniversary of the school because our university members, alumni, and the local community came together as one.” Borrowing this opportunity, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the university members and local residents who are doing their best for the development and innovation of Chungnam National University.”
President Lee also added, “Chungnam National University will not settle for its proud history of 71 years and will not stay within the limitations of the Chungcheong region, but will take a strong leap forward toward the 'great future of the 100th anniversary of CNU' by actively taking on challenges for the future. He said, “I hope that students, professors, staff, alumni, and local residents will gather generous affection and wisdom so that the university and university members at the forefront of innovation can create a prestigious Chungnam National University that grows together.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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