관광객이 뽑은 ‘충남관광 100선’ 선정

김정환 기자 | 기사입력 2021/07/05 [16:41]

관광객이 뽑은 ‘충남관광 100선’ 선정

김정환 기자 | 입력 : 2021/07/05 [16:41]
▲ 청양 천장호출렁다리     © 김정환 기자

충남도는 5일 도내 관광지를 방문했던 관광객을 대상으로 온라인 만족도 설문조사를 실시해 전국 최초로 관광객이 뽑은 ‘충남 우수 관광지 100선’을 선정했다.


이는 지난달 7일부터 3주간 도내 241개 주요 관광지 대상 온라인 설문조사를 진행해 만족도 평가점수에 따라 선정한 결과다. 


이번 설문조사에는 총 4만 1982건의 설문이 접수됐으며, 이 가운데 표본이 현저히 낮아 평가 결과를 신뢰하기 어려운 관광지나 골프장·야영장 등은 결과에서 제외했다. 


이번에 선정된 관광지는 자연휴양림, 수목원, 전시관·박물관, 역사유적지, 해수욕장 등 다양하다.


시군으로 보면, △대천해수욕장, 충청수영성 등 보령시 11곳 △아산 외암마을, 공세리성당 등 아산시 10곳 △국립부여박물관, 성흥산 사랑나무 등 부여군 10곳 △꽃지해수욕장, 천리포수목원 등 태안군 9곳 △간월암, 해미읍성·해미순교성지 등 서산시 8곳 △춘장대해수욕장, 신성리갈대밭 등 서천군 8곳이 포함됐다. 


또 △각원사, 독립기념관 등 천안시 8곳 △공산성, 마곡사 등 공주시 8곳 △돈암서원, 명재고택 등 논산시 7곳 △난지섬, 삽교호 등 당진시 6곳 △속동전망대, 용봉산 등 홍성군 5곳 △금산인삼관, 칠백의총 등 금산군 4곳 △칠갑산, 천장호 출렁다리 등 청양군 3곳 △수덕사, 예당호 출렁다리 등 예산군 3곳도 뽑혔다. 


*아래는 위 기사를 구글 번역기로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]이다. [Below is the [full text] of an English article translated from the above article with Google Translate.

                                                                 Reporter  Jeong-Hwan KIM


[Selected as one of ‘Chungnam Tourism 100’ selected by tourists]


On the 5th, Chungnam-do conducted an online satisfaction survey for tourists who visited tourist spots in the province, and selected the “100 best tourist destinations in Chungcheongnam-do” selected by tourists for the first time in the country.


This is the result of conducting an online survey for 241 major tourist destinations in the province for three weeks from the 7th of last month and selecting them according to the satisfaction score.


A total of 42,82 questionnaires were received in this survey, and among them, tourist destinations, golf courses, and campgrounds, where it is difficult to trust the evaluation results, were excluded from the results because the sample was so small.


The tourist destinations selected this time are diverse, including natural recreation forests, arboretums, exhibition halls and museums, historical sites, and beaches.


By city and county, △ 11 Boryeong-si locations including Daecheon Beach and Chungcheong Suyeongseong △ 10 Asan-si including Asan Oeam Village and Gongseri Cathedral △ 10 Buyeo-gun locations including Buyeo National Museum and Seongheungsan Sarang Tree △ 9 Taean-gun locations including Kkotji Beach and Cheollipo Arboretum △ Eight sites in Seosan-si, including Ganwolam, Haemi-eupseong, and Haemi Martyrdom Site, and 8 sites in Seocheon-gun, including Chunjangdae Beach and Sinseong-ri Reed Field were included.


In addition, △Eight locations in Cheonan, including Gakwonsa Temple and Independence Hall, △8 locations in Gongju, including Gongsanseong, and Magoksa, △7 locations in Nonsan, including Donamseowon and Myeongjae Old House △6 locations in Dangjin, including Nanji Island and Sapgyoho Lake △5 locations in Hongseong-gun including Sokdong Observatory and Mt. Yongbong △Geumsan Ginseng 4 places in Geumsan-gun, including Gwan and Chilbaekui-chong, 3 places in Cheongyang-gun, including Chilgapsan Mountain and Cheoncheonho Suspension Bridge, and 3 places in Yesan-gun, including Sudeoksa Temple and Yedangho Suspension Bridge.


[Selected as one of ‘Chungnam Tourism 100’ selected by tourists]


On the 5th, Chungnam-do conducted an online satisfaction survey for tourists who visited tourist spots in the province, and selected the “100 best tourist destinations in Chungcheongnam-do” selected by tourists for the first time in the country.


This is the result of conducting an online survey for 241 major tourist destinations in the province for three weeks from the 7th of last month and selecting them according to the satisfaction score.


A total of 42,82 questionnaires were received in this survey, and among them, tourist destinations, golf courses, and campgrounds, where it is difficult to trust the evaluation results, were excluded from the results because the sample was so small.


The tourist destinations selected this time are diverse, including natural recreation forests, arboretums, exhibition halls and museums, historical sites, and beaches.


By city and county, △ 11 Boryeong-si locations including Daecheon Beach and Chungcheong Suyeongseong △ 10 Asan-si including Asan Oeam Village and Gongseri Cathedral △ 10 Buyeo-gun locations including Buyeo National Museum and Seongheungsan Sarang Tree △ 9 Taean-gun locations including Kkotji Beach and Cheollipo Arboretum △ Eight sites in Seosan-si, including Ganwolam, Haemi-eupseong, and Haemi Martyrdom Site, and 8 sites in Seocheon-gun, including Chunjangdae Beach and Sinseong-ri Reed Field were included.


In addition, △Eight locations in Cheonan, including Gakwonsa Temple and Independence Hall, △8 locations in Gongju, including Gongsanseong, and Magoksa, △7 locations in Nonsan, including Donamseowon and Myeongjae Old House △6 locations in Dangjin, including Nanji Island and Sapgyoho Lake △5 locations in Hongseong-gun including Sokdong Observatory and Mt. Yongbong △Geumsan Ginseng 4 places in Geumsan-gun, including Gwan and Chilbaekui-chong, 3 places in Cheongyang-gun, including Chilgapsan Mountain and Cheoncheonho Suspension Bridge, and 3 places in Yesan-gun, including Sudeoksa Temple and Yedangho Suspension Bridge.
