‘희망2025 나눔캠페인 사랑의 온도탑 105.8℃를 달성한 대전시는 3일 이장우 대전시장, 조원휘 대전시의회의장, 유재욱 대전사회복지공동모금회장 등이 참석한 가운데 연말연시 기부문화의 상징인 ‘희망2025 나눔캠페인’폐막식을 개최했다.
희망2025 나눔캠페인은 2024년 12월 1일 대전 남문광장에서의 출범식을 시작으로 62일간 숨 가쁜 여정을 달려왔으며 목표금액 67억 9000만 원 대비 71억 8000만 원을 모으는 결과를 달성했다.
폐막식에서 이장우 대전시장은 “불안한 대내외 경제 여건에도 사랑의 온도탑 온도가 100도를 넘어 105.8도로 펄펄 끓게 해준, 시민들의 뜨거운 사랑에 깊은 감사를 드린다”라며 “이번 나눔캠페인에 많은 노력을 기울여 주신 유재욱 대전사회복지공동모금회장 및 관계자분들의 노고에 감사드리며 앞으로도 나눔문화확산에 계속 힘써주시길 당부드린다”라고 말했다.
세종사회복지공동모금회(회장 박상혁, 이하 세종모금회)는 2월 3일 11시 20분 세종시청 앞 사랑의온도탑 앞에서 박상혁 회장, 김윤회 세종 아너 소사이어티 회원 대표, 이영옥 세종시 보건복지국장, 민경희 세종 사랑의열매 나눔봉사단장 등 30여명이 참석한 가운데 ‘희망2025나눔캠페인 폐막식’을 가졌다.
이번 희망2025나눔캠페인은 모금 목표액 20억 4천만원을 목표로, 지난 2024년 12월 1일부터 2025년 1월 31일까지 총 62일간 “기부로 나를 가치있게! 기부로 세종을 가치있게”란 슬로건으로 캠페인을 전개했다.
62일간 세종시민들께서 보내주신 성금은 30억여원이 답지했고, 세종시 나눔온도 148도를 달성했다.
박상혁 세종사회복지공동모금회 회장은“어려운 상황 속에서도 세종 시민들이 십시일반 성금을 모아주시고 고액의 성금이 답지 하여 나눔온도 100도를 초과하는 기적이 일어 났다”며 “시민 여러분의 사랑과 마음으로 모은 소중한 성금을 지역사회를 밝고 행복하게 꼭 필요로 하는 이웃을 지원할 수 있도록 하겠다”고 밝혔다.
연말연시 기부문화의 상징인 이번 캠페인은 지난해 12월 1일부터 지난달 31일까지 2개월간 진행했다.
이 기간 경기침체 등 녹록지 않은 상황에서 도민들의 따뜻한 마음은 목표 모금액인 210억 4000만원을 뛰어넘는 216억 7000만원(잠정), 사랑의 온도 103℃를 달성하는 성과로 이어졌다.
1인당 모금액은 전국 평균 9426원을 훨씬 웃도는 1만 142원을 기록했으며, 시군별로는 금산군 1만 5647원, 서산시 1만 2822원, 예산군 9938원 등 순으로 높았다.
이 자리에서 김태흠 지사는 “도민의 뜨거운 나눔 열정을 확인했다”며 “올해도 어김없이 사랑의 온도탑 100℃를 넘겼고, 216억원이라는 큰 금액을 모금했다”고 감사의 뜻을 전했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
‘Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign’ Love Temperature Daejeon 105.8℃, Sejong 148℃, Chungnam 103℃ Recorded
Daejeon City, Sejong City, and Chungnam Province all finished the ‘Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign’ that they have been conducting since the end of last year on February 3rd, and the love temperature was recorded at 105.8℃ in Daejeon, 148℃ in Sejong, and 103℃ in Chungnam.
Daejeon City, which achieved the ‘Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign Love Temperature Tower 105.8℃’, held the closing ceremony of the ‘Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign’, a symbol of the year-end and New Year’s donation culture, on the 3rd, with the attendance of Mayor Lee Jang-woo, Daejeon City Council Speaker Cho Won-hui, and Daejeon Community Chest Chairman Yoo Jae-wook.
The Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign began its 62-day journey with the launching ceremony at Daejeon Nammun Square on December 1, 2024, and achieved the result of raising 7.18 billion won against the target amount of 6.79 billion won.
At the closing ceremony, Mayor Lee Jang-woo of Daejeon said, “Despite the unstable domestic and international economic conditions, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the citizens’ warm love that made the Love Thermometer Tower exceed 100 degrees and boil to 105.8 degrees.” He added, “I would like to express my gratitude to Daejeon Community Chest of Korea Chairman Yoo Jae-wook and the related staff for their hard work in this sharing campaign, and I ask that you continue to work hard to spread the culture of sharing in the future.”
Sejong City also completed its 62-day journey by creating a miracle with the Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign on this day.
Sejong Community Chest of Korea (Chairman Park Sang-hyeok, hereinafter referred to as Sejong Chest of Korea) held the ‘Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign Closing Ceremony’ at 11:20 AM on February 3rd in front of the Love Temperature Tower in front of Sejong City Hall, attended by 30 people including Chairman Park Sang-hyeok, Sejong Honor Society Member Representative Kim Yun-hoe, Sejong City Health and Welfare Director Lee Young-ok, and Sejong Love Fruit Sharing Volunteer Group Director Min Kyung-hee.
This Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign aimed to raise 2.04 billion won, and was carried out for a total of 62 days from December 1, 2024 to January 31, 2025 under the slogan, “Make me valuable through donations! Make Sejong valuable through donations.”
Over the past 62 days, the donations from Sejong citizens amounted to approximately 3 billion won, and the Sejong City Sharing Temperature reached 148 degrees.
Park Sang-hyeok, the chairman of the Sejong Community Chest of Korea, said, “Despite the difficult circumstances, Sejong citizens have been raising donations and large amounts of money have been donated, resulting in a miracle that has surpassed the Sharing Temperature of 100 degrees.” He added, “We will use the precious donations collected with the love and hearts of our citizens to brighten and support our neighbors who desperately need them.”
Chungnam Province also announced that it held the closing ceremony of the ‘Hope 2025 Sharing Campaign Love Temperature Tower’ at the multipurpose plaza in the southern gate of the provincial government building on the 3rd, with about 40 people in attendance, including Governor Kim Tae-heum, Chungnam Community Chest of Korea Chairman Seong Woo-jong, and employees of both organizations.
This campaign, a symbol of the year-end and New Year’s donation culture, was held for two months from December 1st of last year to the 31st of last month.
During this period, in a difficult situation such as the economic recession, the warm hearts of the residents of the province led to the achievement of 21.67 billion won (tentative), exceeding the target fundraising amount of 21.04 billion won, and reaching a love temperature of 103℃.
The amount raised per person was 11,420 won, far exceeding the national average of 9,426 won, and by city and county, Geumsan-gun was 15,647 won, Seosan-si was 12,822 won, and Yesan-gun was 9,938 won, etc.
At this event, Governor Kim Tae-heum expressed his gratitude, saying, “We have confirmed the residents’ passionate sharing,” and “This year, we have once again surpassed the love temperature tower of 100℃, and raised a large amount of 21.6 billion won.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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