황 의원에 따르면 위원들은 R&D 예산 증액 1.4조원에 4조원을 추가한 5조원의 AI·R&D 추경이 절실하다고 강조하며, AI, 양자, 반도체, 우주항공 등 초격차 기술에 대한 투자가 필요하다고 밝혔다.
기자회견에는 최민희, 김현, 김우영, 노종면, 박민규, 이정헌, 이훈기, 정동영, 조인철, 한민수, 황정아 의원과 이해민 의원이 참석했다. 이들은 정부와 여당의 추경 반대 입장을 강력히 비판하며, AI 추경을 추진하자는 이재명 대표의 요청에 조건을 붙이는 정부의 태도를 규탄했다.
또한, 이들은 국회 과방위에서 여야 합의로 9천억원 규모의 R&D 예산 증액이 의결되었으며, AI 및 이공계 인재 육성, 출연연 예산 등 다양한 R&D 사업이 즉각 추경에 반영될 수 있다고 주장했다.
주요 R&D 증액 사업으로는 AI 연구용 컴퓨팅 지원 프로젝트, AX 실증밸리 조성, 초거대 AI 기반 가상융합서비스 개발 지원 등이 포함되었다.
마지막으로, 야당 위원들은 대한민국 AI·과학기술 강국을 위해 국회가 해야 할 모든 일을 추진하겠다고 다짐하며, 추경, 규제 혁신, 인재 육성, 정책 발굴 등 현장의 목소리를 담아 과감하게 나아가겠다고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Rep. Hwang Jeong-ah: "Democratic Party and Cho Kuk Innovation Party members urge AI and R&D budget to be balanced at 5 trillion won"
Rep. Hwang Jeong-ah reported that the Democratic Party of Korea and Cho Kuk Innovation Party members of the National Assembly Science, Technology, Information, Broadcasting and Communications Committee held a press conference at the National Assembly Communication Center on the 3rd and called for a supplementary budget of at least 5 trillion won for AI and R&D.
According to Rep. Hwang, the members emphasized that a supplementary budget of 5 trillion won for AI and R&D, which is an additional 4 trillion won to the 1.4 trillion won increase in the R&D budget, is urgently needed, and that investment in super-gap technologies such as AI, quantum, semiconductors, and aerospace is necessary.
Rep. Choi Min-hee, Kim Hyun, Kim Woo-young, Noh Jong-myeon, Park Min-gyu, Lee Jeong-heon, Lee Hoon-ki, Jeong Dong-young, Jo In-cheol, Han Min-soo, Hwang Jeong-ah, and Rep. Lee Hae-min attended the press conference. They strongly criticized the government and the ruling party’s opposition to the supplementary budget, and condemned the government’s attitude of attaching conditions to Representative Lee Jae-myung’s request to push for an AI supplementary budget.
In addition, they argued that the National Assembly’s Science and Technology Committee passed an agreement with the ruling and opposition parties to increase the R&D budget by 900 billion won, and that various R&D projects, such as fostering AI and science and engineering talents and the budget for government-funded research institutes, could be immediately reflected in the supplementary budget.
Major R&D increase projects included AI research computing support projects, the creation of the AX verification valley, and support for the development of ultra-large AI-based virtual convergence services.
Lastly, the opposition party members pledged to push forward everything the National Assembly must do to make the Republic of Korea an AI and science and technology powerhouse, and announced that they would boldly move forward by incorporating voices from the field, such as supplementary budgets, regulatory innovation, fostering talent, and policy development. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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