대전시, 3급~5급 수시승진 인사 단행

김정환 기자 | 기사입력 2025/01/31 [16:58]

대전시, 3급~5급 수시승진 인사 단행

김정환 기자 | 입력 : 2025/01/31 [16:58]

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대전시가 2025년 2월 3일자 국・과장급 승진과 전보인사를 31일 사전 예고했다.


이번 5급 이상 승진 대상은 총 12명으로 3급 3명 ,4급 4명 ,5급 승진요원 5명을 각각 선발했다.


3급 승진자는 총 3명으로 투명한 재정운영과 공유재산의 전략적 활용에 힘써온 전일홍 회계재산과장과 도시성장 기반 설계 및 지속가능한 도시공간 창출에 기여한 최종수 도시계획과장을 승진대상자로 선발했다.


특히, 공공기관 유치를 위해 힘써온 조성직 균형발전과장은 인사혁신담당관 근무 시, 전국 최초로 인사행정분야 발명특허 등록(챗하라), 격무・기피부서 및 출산 가산점 신설 등 민선 8기 성과중심 인사혁신제도를 구축한 공적을 인정받아 특별승진 대상자로 발탁되었다.


4급 승진은 총 4명으로 행정 1명, 기술 3명을 선발하였으며 그동안 서기관이 없었던 소수직렬인 사회복지직과 공업(전기)직에서 과장급 관리자가 배출되어 눈길을 끌었다.


행정직(1명)은 사회복지직렬에서 선발된 가운데 초고령사회를 대비하여 활기차고 안정된 노후생활 보장 등 노인복지 향상에 기여한 최현숙 노인정책팀장이 선발됐다.


기술직(3명)은 시민 안전을 최우선으로 최적의 교통시설물 관리에 힘써온 정대수 교통관리센터팀장, 지방하천 정비 등 재해로부터 안전한 생태하천 조성에 기여한 이관호 하천관리팀장, 도안지구 2ㆍ3단계 등 서남부권 택지개발사업을 이끈 남상구 택지개발팀장이 선발됐다. 


5급 승진교육대상자는 총 3개 직렬(류) 5명으로 행정 2명, 토목 2명, 건축 1명을 각각 선발한 가운데 3월중 5급 승진리더교육 과정을 마치면 사무관으로 임관하게 된다. 


2.3.자 과장급 이상 전보인사 규모는 총 23명으로 국장급 9명과 과장급 14명이다. 


특히, 이번 국장급 전보인사에는 자치구 부구청장 인사 교류가 함께 이루어져 교류 기간이 1년 미만인 중구를 제외한 4개 부구청장이 모두 교체될 예정이다.


먼저, 대전0시축제등 문화예술관광분야를 총괄하는 문화예술관광국장에는 전일홍 회계재산과장을 승진 발령하고 도시철도건설국장에는 최종수 도시계획과장이 직무대리로 배치된다.


자치구에서 시로 전입하는 고현덕 부구청장은 교육정책전략국장으로, 문창용 부구청장은 환경국장으로 전진 배치하고 박제화 부구청장은 건설관리본부장으로 배치된다.


자치구 인사 교류는 구청장들의 의견을 적극 반영하여 조성직 과장을 동구 부구청장으로 승진 발령하고 김낙철ㆍ박문용ㆍ노기수 국장을 각각 서구ㆍ유성구ㆍ대덕구 부구청장으로 교류(전출)한다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Daejeon City, 3rd to 5th Grade Promotions


Daejeon City announced on the 31st the promotion and transfer of bureau and department heads for February 3, 2025.


A total of 12 people were promoted to 5th grade or higher this time, with 3 3rd graders, 4 4th graders, and 5 5th graders selected.


A total of 3 3rd graders were promoted, with Jeon Il-hong, the head of the Accounting and Property Division, who has worked hard to manage finances transparently and strategically utilize shared assets, and Choi Jong-soo, the head of the Urban Planning Division, who has contributed to the design of urban growth foundations and the creation of sustainable urban spaces.


In particular, Jo Seong-jik, the head of the Balanced Development Division, who has worked hard to attract public institutions, was selected as a special promotion candidate in recognition of his achievements in establishing the 8th elected government's performance-oriented personnel innovation system, such as registering invention patents in the personnel administration field (Chathara) for the first time in the country while working as the Personnel Innovation Officer, and establishing a department for overwork and avoidance, and additional points for childbirth.


A total of 4 people were promoted to the 4th grade, 1 administrative person and 3 technical people. The social welfare and industrial (electrical) positions, which were small positions that had no secretaries in the past, attracted attention by producing section chief-level managers.


Among the administrative positions (1 person), Choi Hyun-sook, the head of the elderly policy team, was selected from the social welfare positions, and she contributed to improving the welfare of the elderly by ensuring a lively and stable life in retirement in preparation for the super-aging society.


For the technical positions (3 people), Jeong Dae-soo, the head of the traffic management center team, who has been striving for optimal traffic facility management with citizen safety as the top priority, Lee Gwan-ho, the head of the river management team, who contributed to creating an ecological river safe from disasters such as local river maintenance, and Nam Sang-gu, the head of the land development team, who led the land development project in the southwestern region, including the 2nd and 3rd stages of the Doan District, were selected.


The 5th grade promotion training target is a total of 5 people in 3 series (types), 2 in administration, 2 in civil engineering, and 1 in architecture. After completing the 5th grade promotion leader training course in March, they will be appointed as administrative officers.


2.3. The total number of transfer personnel above the level of section chief is 23 people, including 9 directors and 14 section chiefs.


In particular, this transfer personnel at the level of section chief will include personnel exchanges with deputy district mayors, so all 4 deputy district mayors except for Jung-gu, where the exchange period is less than 1 year, will be replaced.


First, Jeon Il-hong, the head of the Accounting and Property Division, will be promoted to the Director of the Culture, Arts, and Tourism Division, which oversees the Daejeon 0-hour Festival, and Choi Jong-soo, the head of the Urban Planning Division, will be assigned to the Director of the Urban Railway Construction Division as an acting director.


Deputy Mayor Koh Hyun-deok, who is moving from the autonomous district to the city, will be promoted to the Director of the Education Policy Strategy Bureau, Deputy Mayor Moon Chang-yong to the Director of the Environment Bureau, and Deputy Mayor Park Je-hwa to the Director of the Construction Management Headquarters.


The personnel exchange in the autonomous districts will actively reflect the opinions of the district heads, and Director Jo Seong-jik will be promoted to the Deputy Mayor of Dong-gu, and Directors Kim Nak-cheol, Park Mun-yong, and Noh Gi-su will be exchanged (transferred) to the Deputy Mayors of Seo-gu, Yuseong-gu, and Daedeok-gu, respectively.
