충남대, 2025학년도 정시모집 1천233명 선발

김정환 기자 | 기사입력 2024/12/30 [16:55]

충남대, 2025학년도 정시모집 1천233명 선발

김정환 기자 | 입력 : 2024/12/30 [16:55]

▲ 충남대학교 전경     ©충남대

충남대학교가 2025학년도 정시모집에서 총 1233명(수시 이월인원 포함)을 선발한다고 밝혔다. 


정시모집 원서접수는 2024년 12월 31일부터 2025년 1월 3일까지 진행된다.


충남대는 가군에서 634명(일반전형 606명, 지역인재전형(약학과) 13명, 지역인재 저소득 2명, 농어촌학생 2명, 저소득층학생 2명, 국가안보융합전형 9명)을 모집하며, 나군에서는 599명(일반전형 550명, 지역인재(의예과, 수의예과, 간호학과) 47명, 저소득층학생 2명)을 모집한다. 다군은 모집하지 않는다.


일반전형과 지역인재전형은 대학수학능력시험 100%로 선발되며, 예체능 계열 학과와 사범대학은 실기·면접고사를 포함한 단계별 전형을 실시하므로, 지원자들은 실기·면접고사 일정을 반드시 확인해야 한다.


특히, 충남대는 전공을 정하지 않고 모집한 후 2학년 진학 시 학과(전공)를 배정하는 ‘전공자율선택제’를 신설했다. 


이에 따라 정시모집에서 창의융합대학 인문사회융합학부 148명(유형2), 자연과학융합학부 79명(유형2), 공학융합학부 105명(유형2), 첨단융합학부 75명(유형2), 농업생명과학대학 농생명융합학부 30명(유형2)을 모집한다.


또한, 첨단 분야 학과가 신설되며, 기존의 전파정보통신공학과는 ‘정보통신융합학부’로 변경되어 20명을 모집한다. 학과(부) 및 전공 명칭도 일부 변경된다. 자유전공학부[인문·사회과학전공, 공공안전학전공]은 ‘지식융합학부[문화와사회융합전공, 공공안전융합전공]’으로, 농업생명과학대학 바이오시스템기계공학과는 ‘스마트농업시스템기계공학과’로 변경된다.


마지막으로, 사범대학 일부 모집단위에서 면접고사가 폐지된다. 


국어교육과, 수학교육과, 전기·전자·통신공학교육과, 화학공학교육과, 기술교육과는 단계별 전형으로 1단계에서 수능 100%로 3배수 선발한 뒤, 2단계에서 수능 300점(96.8%)과 면접 100점(3.2%)을 합산해 선발했으나, 올해부터는 면접고사 없이 일괄 수능 300점(100%)으로 선발한다. 


충남대학교의 이번 정시모집은 학생들에게 다양한 선택의 기회를 제공하며, 변화하는 교육 환경에 발맞춘 전공 선택의 유연성을 강조하고 있다. 


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Chungnam National University to Select 1,233 Students for 2025 Regular Admission


Chungnam National University announced that it will select a total of 1,233 students (including students transferred from the early admission process) for the 2025 regular admission process.


Applications for the regular admission process will be accepted from December 31, 2024 to January 3, 2025.


Chungnam National University will recruit 634 students in Group A (606 in the general admission process, 13 in the regional talent admission process (pharmacy), 2 in the regional talent low-income process, 2 in the rural and fishing village students, 2 in the low-income students, 9 in the national security convergence process), and 599 students in Group B (550 in the general admission process, 47 in the regional talent (medical school, veterinary school, nursing school), and 2 in the low-income students). Group C will not be recruited.


The general selection and local talent selection are 100% based on the College Scholastic Ability Test, and the arts and physical education departments and the College of Education conduct a step-by-step selection process including practical and interview tests, so applicants must check the schedule for the practical and interview tests.


In particular, Chungnam National University has established a ‘major autonomy selection system’ in which students are recruited without deciding on a major and then assigned a department (major) when they advance to the second year.


Accordingly, in the regular recruitment, 148 students (type 2) will be recruited for the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences in the College of Creative Convergence, 79 students (type 2) for the Department of Natural Sciences Convergence, 105 students (type 2) for the Department of Engineering Convergence, 75 students (type 2) for the Department of Advanced Convergence, and 30 students (type 2) for the Department of Agricultural and Life Sciences in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.


In addition, new departments in advanced fields will be established, and the existing Department of Radio Information and Communication Engineering will be changed to the Department of Information and Communication Convergence, recruiting 20 students. The names of departments and majors will also be changed. The College of Liberal Arts [Humanities and Social Sciences Major, Public Safety Major] will be changed to the ‘College of Knowledge Convergence [Culture and Society Convergence Major, Public Safety Convergence Major]’, and the Department of Biosystems and Mechanical Engineering in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will be changed to the ‘Department of Smart Agricultural System and Mechanical Engineering’.


Lastly, the interview test will be abolished in some recruitment units of the College of Education.


The Department of Korean Language Education, the Department of Mathematics Education, the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Communication Engineering Education, the Department of Chemical Engineering Education, and the Department of Technical Education used to select students in the first stage by 100% of the CSAT score, and then in the second stage by adding up 300 points (96.8%) of the CSAT score and 100 points (3.2%) of the interview score. However, starting this year, they will select students based on 300 points (100%) of the CSAT score without an interview test.


Chungnam National University's regular admissions this time provide students with a variety of choices and emphasize flexibility in major selection in line with the changing educational environment.
