이번 행사는 올해로 7회째를 맞이하며, 행정사무감사에서 집행기관에 대한 날카로운 지적과 건설적인 대안을 제시하여 시민 행복에 기여한 우수의원을 선정하는 자리이다.
올해 행감 우수의원으로는 상임위원회별로 ▲ 행정자치위원회 이용기 의원 ▲ 복지환경위원회 황경아 의원 ▲ 산업건설위원회 김영삼 의원 ▲ 교육위원회 김진오 의원이 선정되었다. 또한, 우수 상임위원회에는 산업건설위원회(위원장 송인석)가 뽑혔다.
뉴스1의 김경훈 기자는 기자단을 대표해 "한 해 동안 의원 여러분 모두 고생 많으셨다"며 "내년 2025년은 을사년으로, 푸른 뱀의 해라 의미가 더욱 남다르다. 시의회가 더욱 생동감 있고 활기찬 변화를 이끌어 나가기를 바란다"고 당부했다.
조원휘 대전시의장은 "의정활동의 꽃은 행정사무감사다. 올해 의원분들을 비롯해 사무처에서도 준비를 열심히 했다"며 "앞으로도 우리 시의회 의원들은 대전시민의 안전과 민생, 생활정치를 위해 예산 심의 및 본연의 업무에 충실하도록 노력하겠다"고 강조했다.
수상 소감을 전한 이용기 의원은 "2022년에도 우수의원상을 받았었는데 올해도 받게 돼 기쁘다. 무엇보다 언론인분들께서 주신 상이라 영광스럽다"며 "대전시 발전과 시민의 복리 증진을 위해 앞장서는 의원이 되겠다"고 밝혔다.
황경아 의원은 "뜻밖의 상을 받게 됐는데, 더 열심히 하라는 채찍의 소리로 생각하겠다"며 "내년에도 좋은 활동을 펼칠 수 있도록 하겠다"고 말했다.
김진오 의원은 "언론인분들께서 날카롭게, 때로는 따뜻하게 품어주시면서 시민을 위해 서로 일할 수 있었으면 하는 바람"이라며 "수상을 받은 만큼, 보다 나은 의정활동으로 보답하겠다"고 전했다.
우수 상임위원회로 선정된 산업건설위원회 송인석 위원장은 "의원분들과 같이 노력한 덕분에 좋은 상을 받게 돼 감사하다"며 "계속해서 발전하는 위원회가 될 수 있도록 하는 데 최선을 다하겠다"고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon City Council Press Corps, 2024 Administrative Audit Outstanding Members and Outstanding Standing Committee Awards
The Daejeon City Council Political Reporters Corps held the '2024 Journalist-Selected Administrative Audit Outstanding Members and Outstanding Standing Committees' awards ceremony in the city council communication room on the 12th.
This event is in its 7th year, and it is a place to select outstanding members who have contributed to the happiness of citizens by providing sharp criticism and constructive alternatives to executive agencies in the administrative audit.
This year's Administrative Audit Outstanding Members were ▲ Administrative Autonomy Committee Member Lee Yong-gi ▲ Welfare and Environment Committee Member Hwang Kyung-ah ▲ Industry and Construction Committee Member Kim Young-sam ▲ Education Committee Member Kim Jin-oh. In addition, the Industry and Construction Committee (Chairman Song In-seok) was selected as the Outstanding Standing Committee.
Reporter Kim Kyung-hoon of News 1 said on behalf of the press corps, "All of you have worked hard this year," and added, "Next year, 2025, is the Year of the Blue Snake, so it has a special meaning. I hope that the city council will lead more dynamic and lively changes."
Daejeon City Council Chairman Cho Won-hui emphasized, "The flower of legislative activities is administrative audits. This year, the council members and the office have prepared hard," and "In the future, our city council members will continue to work hard to review the budget and fulfill their original duties for the safety, livelihood, and daily politics of Daejeon citizens."
In his acceptance speech, Council Member Lee Yong-gi said, "I received the Excellent Council Member Award in 2022, and I am happy to receive it again this year. Above all, it is an honor that the award was given by journalists," and added, "I will become a council member who takes the lead in the development of Daejeon City and the promotion of citizens' welfare."
Rep. Hwang Kyung-ah said, “I received an unexpected award, but I will think of it as a whip to work harder,” and added, “I will work hard to continue to do well next year.”
Rep. Kim Young-sam emphasized, “The reason the Industry and Construction Committee received the Excellent Committee Award is because all of the members worked together,” and added, “Starting this year, I will work hard for the underprivileged and citizens next year.”
Rep. Kim Jin-oh said, “I hope that the media can work together for the citizens while being sharp and sometimes warm,” and added, “I will repay the award with better parliamentary activities.”
Chairman Song In-seok of the Industry and Construction Committee, which was selected as the Excellent Standing Committee, said, “I am grateful to have received such a great award thanks to the efforts of the members,” and added, “I will do my best to make the committee continue to develop.”
Reporters from 14 media outlets including International News, News 1, News T&T, The Fact, The Public, Local Today, Bapsang News, Break News, City Journal, Wikitree, Chungnam Ilbo, Chungcheong News, Chungcheong Shinmun, and Cookie News participated in the selection of excellent members of the administrative audit. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>