이번 삭감은 일반회계에서 기획경제위원회 소관 4건에서 3억 98만원, 행정문화위원회 소관 3건에서 6억 5000만원, 보건복지환경위원회 소관 19건에서 60억 6350만원, 농수산해양위원회 소관 1건에서 5억원, 건설소방위원회 소관 2건에서 5억 5000만원이 각각 삭감되었으며, 특별회계에서는 기획경제위원회 소관 1건에서 1억원이 삭감되었다.
주요 삭감 내용으로는 충남 핵심데이터 구축 및 운영 사업이 1억원 감액되었고, 도정정책 학술연구용역비(Pool) 1억원, 청사 및 관사 시설비 5억원, 충남 문화유산 특별전 1억원, 어린이집 확충사업 7억 9500만원, 왕암저수지 탐방로 및 원앙 서식지 조성사업 14억 9500만원, 폐플라스틱 물리적 재활용 시범사업 6억 6000만원, 시외버스 경영서비스 개선지원 5억원 등이 과다계상으로 일부 감액되었다.
또한, 무장애 나눔길 조성 사업은 사업 재검토로 전액 삭감되었고, 자연휴양림 관리 사업은 시기 미도래로 일부 감액되었으며, 농업계학교 실습장 지원 사업은 공모 미선정으로 전액 삭감되었다.
박정식 위원장(아산3·국민의힘)은 “상임위원회 예비심사를 존중하되, 예결특위에서 심사 결과 도민에게 꼭 필요한 사업은 추진하도록 하였고, 일부 불요불급한 사업은 과감히 삭감했다”며 “도민의 안전하고 편안한 삶을 위해 신속하고 내실 있게 집행될 수 있도록 노력해 달라”고 강조했다.
한편, 이번 예산안은 오는 16일 열리는 제356회 정례회 4차 본회의에서 최종 확정될 예정이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungnam Provincial Council, 2025 Budget Cut by 8.16448 Billion Won
The Chungnam Provincial Council Budget Settlement Special Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Budget Settlement Special Committee) announced that it had finally cut 8.16448 Billion Won after reviewing the 2025 Chungcheongnam-do Budget and Fund Management Plan totaling 11.7671 trillion Won from the 9th to the 11th.
This cut was 398 million Won from 4 cases under the Planning and Economy Committee in the general account, 650 million Won from 3 cases under the Administration and Culture Committee, 6.0635 billion Won from 19 cases under the Health, Welfare and Environment Committee, 500 million Won from 1 case under the Agriculture, Fisheries and Oceans Committee, and 550 million Won from 2 cases under the Construction and Fire Committee. In the special account, 100 million Won was cut from 1 case under the Planning and Economy Committee.
The major reductions include a reduction of 100 million won in the Chungnam Core Data Construction and Operation Project, 100 million won in the Provincial Policy Academic Research Service Fee (Pool), 500 million won in the Office and Official Residence Facility Fee, 100 million won in the Chungnam Cultural Heritage Special Exhibition, 795 million won in the Daycare Center Expansion Project, 1.495 billion won in the Wangam Reservoir Exploration Trail and Mandarin Duck Habitat Creation Project, 660 million won in the Physical Recycling Pilot Project for Waste Plastic, and 500 million won in the Intercity Bus Management Service Improvement Support Project, which were partially reduced due to overestimation.
In addition, the Barrier-Free Sharing Trail Creation Project was completely cut due to a review of the project, the Natural Recreation Forest Management Project was partially reduced due to the delay in the timing, and the Agricultural School Training Center Support Project was completely cut due to the non-selection in the public offering.
Chairman Park Jeong-sik (Asan 3, People Power Party) emphasized, “We will respect the preliminary review of the standing committee, but the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts decided to push forward with projects that are absolutely necessary for the residents, and boldly cut some unnecessary projects,” and “Please make efforts to ensure that they are executed quickly and substantively for the safety and comfort of the residents.” Meanwhile, this budget plan is scheduled to be finalized at the 4th plenary session of the 356th regular session to be held on the 16th. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>