이번 행사에는 대전 지역 내 방산 체계기업, 국방 및 로봇, 3D프린팅 등 국방 관련 기업, 방산 분야 진입에 관심 있는 중소기업 관계자 등 150여 명이 참석하여 성황을 이뤘다.
행사는 개회식에 이어 국방산업 발전 유공자 표창 및 감사패 수여, 대전시 국방산업 성과 보고, 방위사업청 정책 발표, 방산기업 우수사례 발표 순으로 진행됐다.
이장우 대전시장은 첨단국방과학도시 대전의 성장 기반을 구축하고, 방산기업과 연구원, 관계 공무원 등 23명에게 표창장을 수여했다.
수상자는 방위사업청 방산혁신기업 100에 선정된 기업들과 대한민국 국방산업발전대전 및 M&S국제학술대회를 성공적으로 개최한 군 관계자들이다.
시상식 후에는 올해 국방산업 성과와 방산 정책 및 혁신 성공 사례를 공유하는 시간이 이어졌다.
이어 방위사업청은 국방 첨단전략산업 5개 분야의 첨단산업 혁신기업 집중 육성과 금융지원, 설비투자 및 인력공급에 대한 경영지원 확대 등 ‘2025년 중소·벤처기업 지원정책’을 발표했다.
방산기업 우수사례 발표에서는 2024년 방산혁신기업에 선정된 덕산넵코어스가 적의 전자전 공격으로부터 아군의 무기체계를 보호하는 첨단 항재밍 기술을 소개했다.
덕산넵코어스는 기술력의 국제적 인정을 받으며 항재밍 기술의 소형화와 저가화를 추진하고 있다.
또한, 솔탑은 2025년 발사 예정인 차세대 중형위성의 국산화 현황과 우주용 태양전지 시스템 국산화 연구개발 현황, 항공기 정비능력 국산화 사례를 발표해 기업들의 큰 관심을 모았다.
이장우 대전시장은 “오늘 행사가 대전 방위산업의 발전을 위한 시너지 창출의 중요한 계기가 되리라 확신한다”며, “세계적 수준의 연구 인프라와 국방 인프라를 바탕으로 첨단국방과학도시 대전을 실현하기 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon City to host '2024 Daejeon Defense Festa'... Sharing defense industry achievements and strengthening mutual cooperation
Daejeon City announced on the 25th that it held the '2024 Daejeon Defense Festa' with defense-related organizations and local defense companies at Hotel ICC, sharing this year's defense industry achievements and strengthening the mutual cooperation network.
This event was attended by approximately 150 people, including defense system companies, defense and robots, 3D printing, and other defense-related companies in the Daejeon area, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises interested in entering the defense industry, making it a great success.
The event proceeded in the following order: the opening ceremony, awarding commendations and plaques of appreciation to those who have contributed to the development of the defense industry, reporting on the achievements of the Daejeon City defense industry, announcing policies of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, and announcing best practices of defense companies.
Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo presented commendations to 23 people, including defense companies, researchers, and related public officials, for establishing the growth foundation of Daejeon, the advanced defense science city.
The winners are companies selected as the Defense Acquisition Program Administration's 100 Defense Innovation Companies and military officials who successfully hosted the Korea Defense Industry Development Fair and the M&S International Academic Conference.
After the awards ceremony, there was a time to share this year's defense industry achievements, defense industry policies, and innovation success stories.
Daejeon City announced the defense industry achievements and 2025 promotion plan, such as attracting 60 billion won worth of national defense projects for three projects, increasing the number of defense venture agreement companies by about 50 companies in the 8th elected government, and establishing a support system for training elementary, middle, and high-level customized defense industry personnel.
Next, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration announced the '2025 SME and Venture Business Support Policy', including intensive fostering of advanced industry innovation companies in five defense advanced strategic industries, financial support, and expanded management support for facility investment and human resource supply.
In the presentation of excellent defense industry cases, Deoksan Nepcores, selected as a defense innovation company in 2024, introduced advanced anti-jamming technology that protects friendly forces' weapon systems from enemy electronic warfare attacks.
Deoksan Nepcores is promoting miniaturization and low-cost anti-jamming technology while receiving international recognition for its technological prowess.
In addition, Soltop attracted great interest from companies by announcing the status of domestic production of the next-generation medium-sized satellite scheduled for launch in 2025, the status of domestic research and development for space solar cell systems, and cases of domestic production of aircraft maintenance capabilities.
Mayor Lee Jang-woo of Daejeon said, “I am confident that today’s event will be an important opportunity to create synergy for the development of Daejeon’s defense industry,” and added, “We will do our best to realize Daejeon as an advanced defense science city based on world-class research infrastructure and defense infrastructure.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>