전석광 의장은 지난 총선 당시 더불어민주당을 탈당한 후 무소속으로 활동해왔다.
입당식은 국민의힘 대전시당 소회의실에서 진행되었으며, 박경호 대덕구당원협의회 위원장을 비롯해 100여 명의 당원들이 참석해 성황을 이루었다.
그는 또한 “정치인으로서 한 정당을 지키는 것이 맞지만, 대덕구 지역발전이라는 가치와 목표가 더 중요하다고 생각했다”며, “국민의힘 대덕구 당협에서 새롭게 기회를 주신 만큼 중도층 지지세 확산과 지역발전에 헌신하겠다”고 강조했다.
전 의장은 대덕구민의 지지와 관심을 부탁하며, “쓴소리조차 달게 받는 열린 자세로 열심히 노력하겠다”고 덧붙였다.
박경호 대덕구 당협위원장은 전석광 의장의 입당을 환영하며, “오늘은 참 기쁜 날”이라고 언급했다. 그는 “전석광 의장의 결단에 감사하며, 그의 입당은 대덕구민과 대덕구 발전을 위한 큰 힘이 될 것”이라고 기대감을 나타냈.
이번 전석광 의장의 국민의힘 입당으로 대전 대덕구의회는 총 8명의 의원 중 국민의힘 5명, 민주당 2명, 무소속 1명으로 재편되었다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon Daedeok-gu Council Chairman Jeon Seok-gwang joins the People's Power Party
Independent Daejeon Daedeok-gu Council Chairman Jeon Seok-gwang joined the People's Power Party on the 19th.
Chairman Jeon Seok-gwang has been active as an independent since leaving the Democratic Party of Korea during the last general election.
The inauguration ceremony was held in the small conference room of the Daejeon City Party of the People's Power Party, and around 100 party members, including Park Gyeong-ho, the chairman of the Daedeok-gu Party Member Council, attended the event, making it a great success.
At the inauguration ceremony that day, Chairman Jeon Seok-gwang said, "After being elected as the chairman of the Daedeok-gu Council, I was very embarrassed when Chairman Park Gyeong-ho offered me to join the party," and explained his reason for joining the party, saying, "However, politics is about improving the quality of life of local residents, and I accepted the offer to serve for regional development, so I joined the party today."
He also emphasized, “As a politician, it is right to protect a party, but I thought the value and goal of regional development in Daedeok-gu were more important,” and “I will devote myself to expanding support from the middle class and regional development as the Daedeok-gu chapter of the People’s Power Party has given me a new opportunity.”
Former Chairman Jeon asked for the support and interest of Daedeok-gu residents, adding, “I will work hard with an open attitude that accepts even harsh criticism.”
At the inauguration ceremony, a list of about 400 new party members was delivered to Chairman Park Kyung-ho, and a red tie, the symbol of the People’s Power Party, was donated.
Daedeok-gu chapter chairman Park Kyung-ho welcomed Chairman Jeon Seok-kwang’s inauguration, saying, “Today is a truly joyful day.” He expressed his expectations, saying, “I am grateful for Chairman Jeon Seok-kwang’s decision, and his inauguration will be a great force for the residents of Daedeok-gu and the development of Daedeok-gu.”
With the recent admission of Chairman Jeon Seok-kwang to the People Power Party, the Daejeon Daedeok-gu Council has been reorganized into a total of eight members: five from the People Power Party, two from the Democratic Party, and one independent. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>