본회의는 1차는 5일에, 2차는 20일, 3차는 12월 13일에 각각 개회한다. 행정사무감사는 6~19일에 상임위원회별로 진행한다. 2025년도 예산안 및 기금운용계획안은 21~29일에 상임위원회별 예비심사를 거쳐 12월 2~12일에 예산결산특별위원회에서 심사를 받을 예정이다.
상임위별 행정사무감사 일정을 살펴보면, 운영위원회(위원장 이용기)가 6일 대전시의회사무처 운영 전반에 대해 감사를 실시한다.
행정자치위원회(위원장 정명국)는 ▷7일 기획조정실 소관 사무를 시작으로 ▷8일에는 대외협력본부, 시민안전실 ▷11일 행정자치국, 대변인 ▷12일 문화관광국, 홍보담당관 ▷14일 인재개발원, 인사혁신담당관, 명품디자인담당관 ▷15일 감사위원회, 자치행경찰위원회 ▷18일엔 소방본부, 대전관광공사에 대해 각각 감사를 진행한다.
복지환경위원회(위원장 이효성)는 ▷7일 체육건강국을 시작으로 ▷8일 복지국 ▷11일 환경국 ▷12일 녹지생명국 ▷14일 보건환경연구원, 상수도사업본부 ▷15일 시설관리공단에 대해 각각 감사를 실시하고, ▷18일~19일에는 현장방문을 추진할 계획이다.
산업건설위원회(위원장 송인석)는 ▷7일 미래전략실부터 시작해 ▷8일 기업지원국 ▷11일 경제국 ▷12일 교통국, 농업기술센터 ▷13일 철도건설국, 도시철도건설국 ▷14일 도시주택국 ▷15일 건설관리본부, 대전도시공사, 대전교통공사에 대해 감사를 벌인다.
교육위원회(위원장 이금선)는 ▷7일 교육정책전략국 ▷8일, 11일, 15일 총3일간 대전시교육청 ▷12일 대전시동부교육지원청, 대전시서부교육지원청을 대상으로 감사를 추진한다.
이어 ▷13일에는 대전교육과학연구원, 대전교육연수원, 대전평생학습관, 대전학생교육문화원, 대전교육정보원, 한밭교육박물관, 대전학생해양수련원, 대전유아교육진흥원, 대전특수교육원 등 대전시교육청 직속기관 9곳에 대해 감사를 진행한다.
이번 행정사무감사는 지난 7월 출범한 제9대 후반기 의회의 첫 감사다. 대전시의회는 시정 발전과 민의 대변을 위한 돋보기 감사를 진행해 집행부의 책임 있는 행정을 촉구할 방침이다.
이를 위해 대전 시정과 교육 행정의 전반에 대해 실태와 현황들을 촘촘하게 점검하고, 불합리한 운영에 대해 꼼꼼하게 개선․보완하는 정책대안을 제시할 계획이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon City Council to begin administrative audit and budget review from the 6th
The Daejeon City Council will hold the 282nd 2nd regular session, the last session of the year, from November 5th to December 13th, and will begin a 39-day-long process of administrative audit and budget review targeting Daejeon City, Daejeon City Office of Education, public corporations, and invested and sponsored organizations.
The first plenary session will be held on the 5th, the second on the 20th, and the third on December 13th. Administrative audits will be conducted by standing committee from the 6th to the 19th. The 2025 budget and fund management plan will undergo preliminary review by standing committee from the 21st to the 29th, and will be reviewed by the Budget and Settlement Special Committee from December 2nd to 12th.
Looking at the schedule for administrative audits by standing committee, the Steering Committee (Chairman Lee Yong-gi) will conduct an audit of the overall operation of the Daejeon City Council Secretariat on the 6th.
The Administrative and Autonomous Committee (Chairman Jeong Myeong-guk) will begin with the Planning and Coordination Office on the 7th, followed by the External Cooperation Headquarters and the Citizen Safety Office on the 8th, the Administrative and Autonomous Bureau and Spokesperson on the 11th, the Culture and Tourism Bureau and the Public Relations Officer on the 12th, the Human Resources Development Center, Personnel Innovation Officer, and Luxury Design Officer on the 14th, the Audit Committee and the Autonomous Police Committee on the 15th, and the Fire Department and the Daejeon Tourism Organization on the 18th.
The Welfare and Environment Committee (Chairman Lee Hyo-seong) will conduct an audit of the Sports and Health Bureau on the 7th, the Welfare Bureau on the 8th, the Environment Bureau on the 11th, the Greenery and Life Bureau on the 12th, the Health and Environment Research Institute and the Waterworks Business Headquarters on the 14th, and the Facility Management Corporation on the 15th, and will conduct an on-site visit on the 18th and 19th.
The Industry and Construction Committee (Chairman Song In-seok) will conduct an audit of the Future Strategy Office on the 7th, the Corporate Support Bureau on the 8th, the Economy Bureau on the 11th, the Transportation Bureau and Agricultural Technology Center on the 12th, the Railway Construction Bureau and Urban Railway Construction Bureau on the 13th, the Urban Housing Bureau on the 14th, and the Construction Management Headquarters, Daejeon Urban Corporation, and Daejeon Transportation Corporation on the 15th.
The Education Committee (Chairman Lee Geum-seon) will conduct an audit of the Education Policy Strategy Bureau on the 7th, the Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education on the 8th, 11th, and 15th, and the Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education on the 12th.
Then, on the 13th, an audit will be conducted on nine organizations directly affiliated with the Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education, including the Daejeon Educational Science Research Institute, Daejeon Educational Training Institute, Daejeon Lifelong Learning Center, Daejeon Student Education and Culture Center, Daejeon Education Information Center, Hanbat Education Museum, Daejeon Student Marine Training Center, Daejeon Early Childhood Education Promotion Center, and Daejeon Special Education Center.
This administrative audit is the first audit of the second half of the 9th council that was launched in July. The Daejeon Metropolitan Council plans to conduct a spotlight audit for the development of the city administration and representation of public opinion, and to urge the executive branch to conduct responsible administration.
To this end, we plan to closely examine the current status and actual conditions of Daejeon city administration and education administration in general, and to present policy alternatives that meticulously improve and supplement unreasonable operations. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>