외국인 주민 등 250여 명을 대상으로 한 이번 대피 훈련에는 시 공무원들의 안내에 따라 아산교육지원청 및 신창초등학교와 육군 제3585부대 2대대, 아산경찰서, 충남경찰특공대, 아산소방서, 한국전력공사, KT 등 8개 공공기관이 참여했다.
또 자율방재단, 자율방범대, 의용소방대, 적십자회 등 유관단체와 신창면 이장협의회, 신창면 외국인기관단체협의회 6개의 민간단체가 대피 활동을 지원하는 형식으로 진행했다.
앞서 아산시는 공공기관 위주의 ‘충무계획’의 임무 숙달이라는 목표를 뛰어넘어, 민·관·군 협업체계를 강화하고 실질적인 시설 복구와 부상자 치료, 구호품 지급 등 구호 활동을 전개한다는 계획으로 이번 훈련을 구상했다.
특히 신창면은 인구 3만여 명 중 1만여 명이 외국인인 만큼, 외국인 주민 대피 훈련이 반드시 필요한 지역이었다. 실제, 훈련이 벌어진 신창초등학교의 경우 외국계 이주민 가정 학생이 전체의 70%에 달한다.
훈련은 동시통역 방송 등 다각적인 홍보 방안으로 구호소인 신창초까지 외국인 주민의 안전한 대피 이동을 지원하고, 공공기관 및 유관 단체가 일사불란하게 협조하는 시나리오대로 훈련이 진행됐다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Asan City Conducts Foreigner Rescue Training for ‘Ulchi Exercise’
South Chungcheong Province Asan City, which is participating in the ‘2024 Ulchi Exercise’, announced that it conducted ‘Foreigner Resident Evacuation and Movement, Rescue Center Operation Training’ as part of the Ulchi Exercise on the afternoon of the 21st at Sinchang Elementary School in Eupnae-ri, Sinchang-myeon.
This evacuation training targeting approximately 250 foreign residents was conducted by eight public institutions, including the Asan Office of Education, Sinchang Elementary School, the 2nd Battalion of the 3585th Army Unit, Asan Police Station, Chungnam Police Special Forces, Asan Fire Station, Korea Electric Power Corporation, and KT, under the guidance of city officials.
In addition, related organizations such as the Autonomous Fire Prevention Foundation, Autonomous Crime Prevention Corps, Volunteer Fire Brigade, and the Red Cross, as well as six private organizations, including the Sinchang-myeon Village Chief Council and the Sinchang-myeon Foreigner Organizations and Groups Council, supported evacuation activities.
Asan City previously planned this training to go beyond the goal of mastering the mission of the ‘Chungmu Plan’ centered on public institutions, and to strengthen the public-private-military cooperation system and carry out relief activities such as actual facility restoration, treatment of the injured, and distribution of relief supplies.
In particular, Sinchang-myeon was an area that absolutely needed evacuation training for foreign residents, as 10,000 out of the 30,000 population are foreigners. In fact, in the case of Sinchang Elementary School, where the training took place, 70% of the students are from foreign immigrant families.
The training was conducted according to a scenario in which foreign residents were supported to safely evacuate to Sinchang Elementary School, the relief center, through various promotional methods such as simultaneous interpretation broadcasts, and public institutions and related organizations cooperated in unison. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>