대전시교육청, ‘지역인재 양성’ 직업계고 학과개편 추진

김정환 기자 | 기사입력 2024/08/08 [09:51]

대전시교육청, ‘지역인재 양성’ 직업계고 학과개편 추진

김정환 기자 | 입력 : 2024/08/08 [09:51]

▲ 대전시교육청     ©김정환 기자

대전시교육청이 직업계고를 대상으로 인재 양성을 위한 학과개편을 추진한다.


이를 위해 대전시교육청은 신산업 분야와 지역인재 양성을 위해 6교 22개 학과에 대해 직업계고 학과 개편을 단행하고 2025학년도 신입생 모집부터 개편된 학과로 학생을 모집한다고 8일 밝혔다.


학교별 학과개편은 대전시 4대 미래 핵심 전략산업 바이오 분야 지역인재 양성을 위해 대전생활과학고는 바이오제약과 ,바이오뷰티테크과, 유성생명과학고는 ,바이오제약생명과를 각각 신설하였다. 또한 국방 분야는 충남기계공업고가 교육부 지정 협약형특성화고로 선정됨에 따라 ,방산장비설계과 ,방산건설과 ,방산설비과 ,AI로봇운용과로 학과를 개편했다. 


신산업·신기술 분야에 발맞추어 대전도시과학고는 친환경자동차와 기계분야를 융·복합한 모빌리티과를 신설하는 한편, 교육부 공모사업인 2024년 직업계고 재구조화 지원사업으로 ,전기·배터리과(이차전지제조과정)가 최종 선정되어 7.5억 원을 지원받을 예정이다. 


대전신일여고는 지역 패션산업과 유통산업으로 진출할 수 있는 패션마케팅과를 신설하여 지역 산업계와 연계를 강화하였고, 대전도시과학고는 지역의 식품가공 및 디저트 산업의 전문인력 수요와 중학생들의 진로 희망을 반영하여 ,파티시에과를 신설하였다. 


그 밖에도 계룡디지텍고가 전통 산업을 더욱 내실화하는 소프트웨어과 ,자동화설비과 ,전기과로 개편을 하고, 대전신일여자고가 기존 경영계열과 문화콘텐츠계열을 학과로 변경하여 ,지식경영과 ,문화콘텐츠과로 모집하며, 유성생명과학고는 생명과학과를 ,스마트원예·화훼장식과 ,반려동물과 ,조리제빵과로, 자동차건설정보과를 ,건설정보과 ,자동차·건설기계과로 각각 학과 분리했다. 


이상탁 과학직업정보과장은 “우리 지역 직업계고가 학생과 학부모, 산업체가 선호할 수 있도록 대대적인 교육과정 개편을 단행했다.”라며, “앞으로도 직업계고의 경쟁력 강화를 위해 다각적인 지원을 아끼지 않겠다.”라고 말했다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education to Promote Department Reorganization of Vocational High Schools to ‘Cultivate Local Talent’


The Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education is promoting department reorganization for vocational high schools to foster talent.


To this end, the Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education announced on the 8th that it will reorganize vocational high schools for 22 departments in 6 schools to foster new industries and local talent, and will recruit students to the reorganized departments starting from the 2025 school year.


Reorganization of departments by school: Daejeon Living Science High School newly established the Department of Biopharmaceutical Science and the Department of Biobeauty Tech, and Yuseong Life Science High School newly established the Department of Biopharmaceutical Life Science to foster local talent in the bio sector, one of Daejeon’s four future core strategic industries. In addition, Chungnam Machinery and Technology High School was selected as a specialized high school with an agreement with the Ministry of Education, and reorganized its departments into the Department of Defense Equipment Design, the Department of Defense Construction, the Department of Defense Equipment, and the Department of AI Robot Operation.


In line with the new industry and new technology sector, Daejeon City Science High School is establishing a mobility department that combines eco-friendly automobiles and machinery, and the Department of Electrical and Battery (secondary battery manufacturing process) was finally selected as the 2024 Vocational High School Restructuring Support Project, a Ministry of Education public offering project, and is expected to receive support of 750 million won.


Daejeon Shinil Girls' High School has established a fashion marketing department that can advance into the local fashion industry and distribution industry, strengthening ties with the local industry, and Daejeon City Science High School has established a patissier department to reflect the demand for professional manpower in the local food processing and dessert industries and the career aspirations of middle school students.


In addition, Gyeryong Digitech High School has reorganized into the Software Department, Automation Equipment Department, and Electrical Department to further strengthen traditional industries, Daejeon Shinil Girls’ High School has changed its existing Business Department and Culture Content Department into departments and recruited students for the Knowledge Management Department and the Culture Content Department, and Yuseong Life Science High School has divided its Life Science Department into the Smart Horticulture and Floriculture Department, the Companion Animal Department, and the Cooking and Bakery Department, and its Automobile Construction Information Department into the Construction Information Department and the Automobile and Construction Machinery Department.


Lee Sang-tak, head of the Science Vocational Information Department, said, “We have carried out a large-scale curriculum reform so that our local vocational high schools can be preferred by students, parents, and businesses,” and “We will not spare any support in various ways to strengthen the competitiveness of vocational high schools in the future.”
