충남도의회 예결위, 내년도 본예산 120억 8227만 원 삭감2024년 도청 본예산 10조 8108억 원 중 10조 7987억여 원 예결특위 통과
이는 각 상임위원회(교육위원회 제외) 예비심사를 통해 감액 조정된 203억 3587만 원보다 82억 5360만 원이 부활한 규모다.
예결특위는 예비 심사 결과를 충분히 반영하면서도 지역 현안과 밀접하거나 도민 삶의 질 향상에 직결되는 예산은 상임위에서 조정한 원안대로 심의하는 등 심도 있는 심사를 진행했다.
심의 결과 전체적으로 일반회계 기획경제위 소관(18건) 54억 7860만 원 ,행정문화위 소관(18건) 38억 9290만 원 ,복지환경위 소관(2건) 1897만 원 ,농수산해양위 소관(8건) 16억 800만 원 ,건설소방위 소관(5건) 3억 8180만 원 등이 삭감되고, 특별회계 ,건설소방위 소관(6건) 7억 200만 원이 삭감됐다.
구체적으로는 소상공인 및 중소기업 실시간 데이터 운영(3억 원) ,청사 비상대피시설 설비 설치공사(1억 4200만 원) ,내포신도시 조형물 설치(1억 원) 등의 사업이 사업재검토 또는 불요불급 등을 이유로 전액 삭감됐다.
또 수출 중소기업 해외마카팅 지원(31억 원) ,수출 중소기업 해외바이어 발굴(3억 원) 등의 사업은 사전절차 미이행으로 삭감했으며, 공립예술단 운영(30억 원) ,전자현수막 게시대 설치(2억 원) 등의 사업은 과다계상을 이유로 일부 감액했다.
오인환 위원장(논산2·더불어민주당)은 “상임위원회 예비 심사를 존중하되, 예결위에서 심사 결과 도민에게 꼭 필요한 사업은 추진하고, 일부 불요불급한 사업은 과감히 삭감했다”며 “내년도 예산이 도민의 안전하고 편안한 삶을 위해 신속하고 내실 있게 집행될 수 있도록 노력해 줄 것을 바란다”고 밝혔다.
한편 이번 예산안은 오는 15일 열리는 제348회 정례회 4차 본회의에서 최종 확정된다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Council's Budget and Budget Committee cuts next year's main budget by 12.08227 billion won
Out of the 2024 provincial government main budget of 10.8108 trillion won, 10.7987 trillion won passed by the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts.
The South Chungcheong Provincial Council's Special Committee on Budget and Settlement (Chairman Oh In-hwan, hereinafter referred to as the Budget and Accounts Committee) announced that it reviewed the 2024 South Chungcheong Province main budget worth 10.8108 trillion won from the 8th to the 12th and reduced 12.08227 billion won to reserve funds.
This is an amount restored by KRW 8.2536 billion compared to the KRW 20.33587 billion adjusted for reduction through preliminary review by each standing committee (excluding the Education Committee).
The Special Committee on Budget and Accounts conducted an in-depth review, fully reflecting the results of the preliminary review and reviewing the budget closely related to local issues or directly related to improving the quality of life of residents according to the original plan adjusted by the standing committee.
As a result of the deliberation, overall, the General Accounting and Planning and Economy Committee (18 cases) received KRW 5,478.6 million, the Administrative and Cultural Affairs Committee (18 cases) received KRW 3,892.9 million, the Welfare and Environment Committee (2 cases) received KRW 18.97 million, and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Oceans Committee (8 cases) Cases) 1.68 billion won, 381.8 million won for the Construction and Fire Protection Commission (5 cases) were cut, and 702 million won for the special accounting and Construction and Fire Protection Commission (6 cases) were cut.
Specifically, projects such as real-time data operation for small and medium-sized businesses (KRW 300 million), construction of emergency evacuation facility facilities for government offices (KRW 142 million), and installation of Naepo New City sculptures (KRW 100 million) were subject to business re-examination or unnecessary payment. The entire amount was cut for a reason.
In addition, projects such as overseas marketing support for exporting small and medium-sized businesses (KRW 3.1 billion) and finding overseas buyers for exporting small and medium-sized businesses (KRW 300 million) were cut due to non-compliance with preliminary procedures, while operating a public art troupe (KRW 3 billion) and installing an electronic banner board (KRW 200 million) were cut. Projects such as Won) were partially reduced due to overstatement.
Chairman Oh In-hwan (Nonsan 2, Democratic Party of Korea) said, “We respect the preliminary review of the Standing Committee, but as a result of the review by the Budget and Accounts Committee, we promoted projects that are essential to the residents and boldly cut some non-essential projects.” He added, “We will ensure that next year’s budget is safe and secure for the residents.” “I hope you will make efforts to ensure that it is implemented quickly and substantively to ensure a comfortable life,” he said.
Meanwhile, this budget plan will be finalized at the 4th plenary session of the 348th regular meeting held on the 15th. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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