농수해위는 지난달 30일부터 12월 5일까지 1조 5415억 원 규모의 2024년도 본예산안 심사를 통해 총 31억 5,800만 원을 삭감했다고 밝혔다.
농수해위는 그동안 소관 8개 실국 및 직속기관, 사업소, 출장소의 2024년도 본예산과 2023년도 제2회 추가경정예산안을 심의했다.
특히 지난 5일 농수해위는 면밀한 심사를 통해 농림축산국, 해양수산국, 농업기술원 등 내년도 일반회계 예산 가운데 농림축산국 소관 사업 6건(14억 2,900만 원) ,해양수산국 소관 3건(14억 3,400만 원) ,농업기술원 소관 사업 5건(2억 9,500만 원) 등 총 14건에 31억 5800만 원을 삭감 조정했다.
이날 회의에서 정광섭 위원장(태안2·국민의힘)은 “전년 대비 예산이 14.7% 증가한 것은 충남의 농정의지를 잘 보여준 것이다. 농업인에게 꼭 필요한 사업 추진과 시군 지원사업의 균형 있는 사업비 배정, 중복사업에 대한 재검토가 필요하다”며 “또 인건비와 유류비 상승으로 화훼농가 시름이 깊으니, 화훼농가를 비롯한 시설하우스 농가 에너지 절감 시설을 적극 지원해달라”고 말했다.
오인철 부위원장(천안7·더불어민주당)은 “농림축산국 세입예산 관련 보조금반환 수입이 153억 계상됐다. 시군에 내려간 도비가 불용 처리돼 반납되는 것은 사업 진행이 제대로 안 됐음을 반증한다”며 “꼼꼼한 업무처리 당부와 농업의 효율적인 홍보예산편성이 필요하다”고 강조했다.
김복만 위원(금산2·국민의힘)은 “GAP 농산물은 작업이 힘든 만큼 시장에서 대우받지 못해 안타깝다. 안전성 강화를 위한 농가 지원이 필요하다”며 “또 스마트팜 교육장을 하루빨리 완공해, 다른 지역에서 교육받아 충남에 정착하는 교육생의 불편을 최소화해야 한다”고 당부했다.
김민수 위원(비례·더불어민주당)은 “농어촌진흥기금의 활용에 있어 시설자금과 운영자금의 탄력적인 운용으로 청년들이 스마트팜에 활용할 수 있게 해달라”며 “들녘경영체는 농가의 집단화를 통해 경영비를 절감하는 데 취지가 있다. 일부지만 농기계 보조만을 위해 편법을 쓰기보다는 환원 사업을 통해 회원들에게 정확한 지원 정보를 제공해 달라”고 주장했다.
신영호 위원(서천2·국민의힘)은 “스마트팜 확대로 노지작물의 가치가 함께 상승하는 만큼, 수요가 많은 ‘중소 원예농가 가족용 스마트팜 지원’ 사업으로 현실적인 스마트팜 전환을 이뤄달라”며 “또 기후변화로 재해가 빈번한 농가 피해 감소를 위해 안전재해보험과 농기계보험의 도비 지원율을 높여 농가부담 감소에 힘써달라”고 요구했다.
오안영 위원(아산1·국민의힘)은 “충남의 평균 농지 규모는 1.55㏊로, 약 2,000만 원 소득에 불과하다. 농민의 점진적인 소득향상으로 도시민과 청년이 살고 싶은 농촌으로 만들어 달라”며 “농업정보지 구독사업은 매년 관례적 예산편성보다 수혜자인 농민의 요구를 파악하고 편성해달라”고 요청했다.
유성재 위원(천안5·국민의힘)은 “농촌인력수급 활성화 예산이 감액됐는데 공공형 계절근로자 정책이 성공하려면 농협이 주도해 근로자의 숙소‧임금 문제를 우선 해결해야 한다”며 “또 산림자원과는 산불예방을 위해 소나무 단순림보다 활엽수 혼합림과 같은 내화수종으로 식재해야 한다”고 주장했다.
주진하 위원(예산2·국민의힘)은 “도에서 위탁 운영 중인 농특산물 쇼핑몰인 ‘농사랑’은 수익구조 등 문제가 많아 전면 개편이 필요하다”며 “또 10년 계획사업인 도립공원 사유지 매수를 위해 지방채를 발행하는 것은 도민의 혈세를 낭비하는 처사다. 추가재원 확보 등 장기적인 계획이 필요하다”고 언급했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Council's Agriculture, Water and Fisheries Committee cuts next year's main budget by 3.158 billion won
The South Chungcheong Provincial Council's Agriculture, Fisheries and Oceans Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Agriculture, Fisheries and Oceans Committee, Chairman Jeong Gwang-seop) reviewed next year's main budget plan for the relevant departments and decided to cut some budgets that were found to have problems with budget allocation, such as overlapping projects.
The Agriculture, Fisheries and Fisheries Committee announced that it had cut a total of 3.158 billion won through review of the 2024 main budget plan worth 1.5415 trillion won from the 30th of last month to December 5.
The Agriculture, Fisheries and Fisheries Committee has reviewed the main budget for 2024 and the second supplementary budget for 2023 of the eight departments under its jurisdiction, as well as its direct agencies, business offices, and branch offices.
In particular, on the 5th, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Fisheries Committee conducted a thorough review and announced that among next year's general account budget, including the Bureau of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, the Bureau of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, and the National Institute of Agricultural Research and Extension Services, 6 projects under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (KRW 1.429 billion) and 3 projects under the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (KRW 1.434 billion). Won), a total of 3.158 billion won was adjusted to reduce 14 cases, including 5 projects under the Agricultural Research and Extension Services (295 million won).
At the meeting on this day, Chairman Jeong Gwang-seop (Taean 2, People Power Party) said, “The 14.7% increase in the budget compared to the previous year clearly demonstrates Chungcheongnam-do’s commitment to agricultural governance. “It is necessary to promote essential projects for farmers, allocate project costs in a balanced way for city and county support projects, and reexamine overlapping projects,” he said. “Also, as flower farmers are deeply concerned due to rising labor and fuel costs, energy-saving facilities for facility houses and farms, including flower farms, are needed.” “Please actively support us,” he said.
Vice Chairman Oh In-cheol (Cheonan 7, Democratic Party of Korea) said, “The subsidy return income related to the revenue budget of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs was accounted for at 15.3 billion. He emphasized, “The fact that the provincial funds sent to the city and county are treated as unused and returned proves that the project was not carried out properly,” adding, “We need to request meticulous work handling and prepare an efficient promotional budget for agriculture.”
Commissioner Kim Bok-man (Geumsan 2, People Power Party) said, “It is unfortunate that GAP agricultural products are not treated well in the market as the work is difficult. “Farm support is needed to strengthen safety,” he said. “Also, the smart farm training center must be completed as soon as possible to minimize the inconvenience to trainees who receive training in other regions and settle down in South Chungcheong Province.”
Commissioner Kim Min-soo (Proportional, Democratic Party of Korea) said, “When it comes to utilizing the Rural Development Fund, we ask that young people be able to use it for smart farms through flexible operation of facility funds and operating funds.” There is a purpose to doing this. “Rather than taking shortcuts just to provide agricultural machinery assistance, please provide accurate support information to members through giving back projects,” he argued.
Commissioner Shin Young-ho (Seocheon 2, People Power Party) said, “As the value of field crops increases with the expansion of smart farms, please achieve a realistic smart farm transition through the ‘Smart Farm Support for Small and Medium Horticultural Farmers and Families’ project, which is in high demand.” “Also, to reduce damage to farms where disasters occur frequently due to climate change, please work to reduce the burden on farms by increasing the provincial support rate for safety and disaster insurance and agricultural machinery insurance.”
Commissioner Oh An-young (Asan 1, People Power Party) said, “The average farmland size in South Chungcheong Province is 1.55 hectares, resulting in an income of only about 20 million won. “Please make the rural area where city residents and young people want to live by gradually improving the income of farmers,” he said. “For the agricultural information magazine subscription project, please identify and organize the needs of farmers, who are the beneficiaries, rather than the customary budget allocation every year.”
Commissioner Yoo Seong-jae (Cheonan 5, People Power Party) said, “The budget for revitalizing the supply and demand of rural manpower has been reduced, but for the public seasonal worker policy to be successful, the Nonghyup must take the lead in resolving workers’ accommodation and wage issues first.” He added, “Also, forestry resources and argued that “to prevent forest fires, fire-resistant species such as mixed broadleaf trees should be planted rather than simple pine forests.”
Commissioner Joo Jin-ha (Budget 2, People Power Party) said, “Nongsarang, a shopping mall for agricultural specialty products operated by the province, has many problems such as profit structure, so it needs to be completely reorganized.” He added, “In addition, the purchase of private land in the provincial park, which is a 10-year planned project, is necessary.” Issuing local bonds for this purpose is a waste of the taxpayers' money. “We need a long-term plan, including securing additional financial resources,” he said. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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