이날 회의에서 정광섭 위원장(태안2·국민의힘)은 “연안 지역에 대한 해양쓰레기 수거를 위한 해양환경도우미 인력이 대폭 축소됐는데, 현재 해양쓰레기 문제가 심각한 만큼 사업추진에 차질이 없어야 한다”고 강조하며 “추후 필요하다면 추경을 통해 예산을 확보하는 방안도 고민해 달라”고 주문했다.
김복만 위원(금산2·국민의힘)은 “해수면과 내수면에 종사하는 어업인의 수를 비교했을 때, 해수면에 종사하는 어업인이 많은 만큼 당연히 관련 사업비도 많이 책정됐을 것”이라며 “하지만 내수면어업에 종사하는 어민들도 소외되지 않도록 지원 확대 방안도 마련해 달라”고 말했다.
오인철 부위원장(천안7·더불어민주당)은 “전국의 해안가가 있는 다른 시도에서도 추진 중인 사업을 하는 것보다, 충남을 대표하는 제대로 된 항만을 하나라도 먼저 갖추는 게 중요하다”며 “소관부서의 선택과 집중이 필요한 때”라고 강조했다.
김민수 위원(비례·더불어민주당)은 “해수욕장 방사능 검사를 2개소만 지원하고 있는데 더 확대해 나가야 한다”며 “또한 해양스포츠 행사와 관련해 유독 보령시에서만 많이 추진되고 있다. 인근 바다 지역과의 형평성도 고민해야 한다”고 언급했다.
신영호 위원(서천2·국민의힘)은 “화력발전소의 1차 피해는 어민인데도 불구하고 그동안 지역자원시설세가 해양수산국 예산안에 반영되지 못하다가 내년 본예산에 처음 1억 5천만 원이 반영됐다”며 “기후환경국과 산업경제실에서 90% 이상 예산을 반영하고 있는데, 어민에게 더 많이 사용될 수 있도록 지역자원시설세 확보 노력을 해달라”고 당부했다.
오안영 위원(아산1·국민의힘)은 “2024년 본예산 중 지역수산물 학교급식 식재료 공급 지원비가 1억 증액됐는데, 실질적인 지역수산물 소비 효과가 발생할 수 있는 사업도 고민해 달라”며 “또한 내수면어업을 위한 예산 증액에도 힘써달라”고 노력도 요구했다.
유성재 위원(천안5·국민의힘)은 “부남호 역간척 생태 복원 타당성 조사를 위해 신규로 1억 2천만 원이 편성됐는데, 2018년부터 유사한 용역이 여러 차례 진행된 바 있고 사업 진척도 더디다”며 “사업의 방대성은 알겠으나, 적기에 사업이 추진되도록 더 노력해 달라”고 요청했다.
주진하 위원(예산2·국민의힘)은 “해양수산국 대부분 사업이 하드웨어나 연구용역이 주를 이루다 보니 정책 방향에 맞는 콘텐츠가 부족하다”며 “어민의 소득증대와 섬 발전 등 실제적인 어업 활성화를 위한 사업추진에 예산을 사용해 달라”고 역설했다.
한편 농수해위 2024년도 본예산은 5일 상임위 의결을 거쳐 오는 8일부터 12일까지 3일간 진행되는 예산결산특별위원회 심사 후 15일 제348회 정례회 4차 본회의에서 최종 확정된다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Council's Agriculture, Fisheries and Fisheries Committee, Review of the 2nd Supplementary Budget and 2024 Main Budget under the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
The South Chungcheong Provincial Council's Agriculture, Fisheries and Oceans Committee (Chairman Gwang-seop Jeong) announced on the 5th that it reviewed the 2nd supplementary budget for 2023, the main budget for 2024, and three ordinances under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Oceans and Fisheries at the second meeting of the 348th regular session on the 4th.
At the meeting on this day, Chairman Jeong Gwang-seop (Taean 2, People Power Party) emphasized, “The number of marine environment assistants to collect marine debris in coastal areas has been significantly reduced, and as the current marine debris problem is serious, there should be no setbacks in the project.” He asked, “If necessary in the future, please consider ways to secure the budget through a supplementary budget.”
Commissioner Kim Bok-man (Geumsan 2, People Power Party) said, “When comparing the number of fishermen working on the sea level and inland waters, naturally, as there are many fishermen working on the sea level, the related project expenses would have been set at a high rate.” “Please come up with a plan to expand support so that fishermen who do this are not left out,” he said.
Vice Chairman Oh In-cheol (Cheonan 7, Democratic Party of Korea) said, “It is important to have at least one proper port that represents South Chungcheong Province first, rather than carrying out projects that are being promoted in other cities and provinces with coastal areas across the country.” He added, “The selection of the relevant department and “This is a time when we need to focus,” he emphasized.
Commissioner Kim Min-soo (Proportional/Democratic Party of Korea) said, “We are only supporting radioactivity testing at two locations, but we need to expand it further,” adding, “Also, in relation to marine sports events, a lot of this is being promoted only in Boryeong City. “We also need to consider equity with nearby sea areas,” he said.
Commissioner Shin Young-ho (Seocheon 2, People Power Party) said, “Although the primary victims of thermal power plants are fishermen, the local resource facility tax has not been reflected in the budget of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Bureau, but the first 150 million won was reflected in next year’s main budget.” “More than 90% of the budget is being reflected by the Climate and Environment Bureau and the Industrial Economy Office, so please make efforts to secure local resource facility taxes so that more can be used for fishermen,” he said.
Commissioner Oh An-young (Asan 1, People Power Party) said, “In the 2024 main budget, the support cost for supplying ingredients for local seafood school meals has been increased by 100 million won, so please consider projects that can have a real effect on local seafood consumption,” and added, “Also, inland fisheries should be promoted.” He also requested efforts, saying, “Please make efforts to increase the budget for this.”
Commissioner Yoo Seong-jae (Cheonan 5, People Power Party) said, “A new 120 million won was allocated to study the feasibility of ecological restoration for Bunam Lake station reclamation, but similar services have been carried out several times since 2018, and project progress is slow.” “I understand the scope of the project, but please make more efforts to promote the project in a timely manner.”
Commissioner Joo Jin-ha (Budget 2, People Power Party) said, “As most projects of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries are focused on hardware or research services, there is a lack of content that fits the policy direction,” and added, “Practical revitalization of fisheries such as increasing fishermen’s income and island development.” “Please use the budget to promote projects for this purpose,” he emphasized.
Meanwhile, the 2024 main budget of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Fisheries Committee will be finalized at the 4th plenary session of the 348th regular session on the 15th after being approved by the standing committee on the 5th and reviewed by the Budget and Settlement Special Committee for three days from the 8th to the 12th. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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