충남도, 대규모 스마트팜 조성...스마트농업 생태계 구축네덜란드 정부·NH농협·하나은행·KB증권·중부발전과 ‘맞손’
청년농업인 영농 현장 유입·정착과 미래 지속 가능한 농업 발전을 위해 추진 중인 스마트농업 생태계 구축 사업을 추진중인 충남도는 15일 김태흠 지사가 참석한 가운데 도청에서 네덜란드 농업자연식품품질부 등 국내외 13개 기관·기업·단체와 ‘지역활성화 투자펀드’ 유치를 통한 충남글로벌홀티콤플렉스 조성 양해각서, 탄소중립형 스마트팜 실증단지 및 글로벌 전문교육 운영 협력 양해각서 ,충남형 스마트농업 경영지원 협력 양해각서를 잇따라 체결했다고 밝혔다.
이날 지역활성화 투자펀드 유치를 통한 충남글로벌홀티콤플렉스 조성 양해각서는 서산시와 레저월드, 우듬지팜, KB증권, HHR이동참했다.
충남글로벌홀티콤플렉스는 청년농업인 등이 거주하며 농산물을 생산·유통·가공하고, 먹거리와 볼거리를 관광객 등에게 제공할 수 있는 스마트팜 농산업 융복합단지로 충남도는 서산 B지구 일원 75.8㏊의 부지에 2025년까지 3287억 원을 투입해 농업바이오단지 ,농업체험단지 ,스마트팜 빌리지 ,공공형 스마트팜 등을 조성한다는 계획이다.
충남도는 이 가운데 농업바이오단지에는 농업 선진국인 네덜란드의 첨단 농업 시설과 시스템을 도입하고, 대규모 유통 물류센터를 구축하고, 농업체험단지에는 친환경 테마파크와 네덜란드 마을 등을 조성하며, 첨단 스마트팜·신재생에너지 엑스포 개최도 추진한다는 계획이다.
탄소중립형 스마트팜 실증단지 및 글로벌 전문교육 운영 협력 양해각서는 네덜란드 농업자연식품품질부와 한국중부발전, 아테스코리아 등과 체결했다.
우리나라 지방정부가 네덜란드 중앙정부와 양해각서를 체결하기는 이번이 처음이라는게 충남도의 설명이다.
아테스코리아는 스마트팜 전문 교육관 설립과 교육 프로그램 운용, 신재생에너지 기술 전수 등 사업 실행과 운영을 총괄하고, 중부발전은 스마트팜 부지 제공과 폐열 활용 신재생에너지 발굴 연구, 시범사업 추진, 서산 AB지구 농산업융복합단지에 대한 재활용 골재 제공 등에 협력하기로 했다.
이번 사업 추진을 위해 충남도는 200억 원을 투입해 서산 AB지구에 청·창농 인큐베이팅센터를, 중부발전이 운영 중인 신보령화력과 신서천화력에는 그린스마트팜을 설치·운영한다.
청·창농 인큐베이팅센터에는 스마트팜 교육센터와 청년커뮤니티 지원 시설 등을, 240억 원을 투입하는 그린스마트팜에는 탄소중립센터와 재배 시설, 교육장, 판매장, 식당 등을 갖추게 된다.
충남형 스마트농업 경영 지원 협력 양해각서는 충남신용보증재단, NH농협은행 충남본부, 하나은행 충남북영업본부, 충남스마트온실시공협동조합, 충남스마트농업협회 등과 맺었다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
South Chungcheong Province creates a large-scale smart farm... building a smart agricultural ecosystem
‘joint hands’ with the Dutch government, NH Nonghyup, Hana Bank, KB Securities, and Korea Midland Power Company -
South Chungcheong Province has raised a fund worth 300 billion won to build a large-scale smart farm and rural theme park in Seosan, and the project to build a smart agricultural ecosystem to provide funding and education support systems for young farmers is gaining momentum.
South Chungcheong Province, which is promoting a project to build a smart agricultural ecosystem to attract and settle young farmers into farming fields and develop sustainable agriculture in the future, held a meeting with 13 domestic and foreign organizations and companies, including the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Food and Food Quality, at the provincial office on the 15th with Governor Kim Tae-heum in attendance. ·It was announced that a memorandum of understanding on the creation of the Chungnam Global Holty Complex through attracting a 'regional revitalization investment fund' with an organization, a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in operating a carbon-neutral smart farm demonstration complex and global professional education, and a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in supporting smart agricultural management in Chungnam-type were signed in succession. .
On this day, Seosan City, Leisure World, Udeumji Farm, KB Securities, and HHR signed a memorandum of understanding to create a Chungnam Global Holty Complex through attracting a regional revitalization investment fund.
Chungnam Global Holty Complex is a smart farm agricultural and industrial convergence complex where young farmers can live, produce, distribute and process agricultural products, and provide food and attractions to tourists. The plan is to invest 328.7 billion won by 2020 to create an agricultural bio complex, agricultural experience complex, smart farm village, and public smart farm.
Among these, South Chungcheong Province will introduce cutting-edge agricultural facilities and systems from the Netherlands, an agriculturally advanced country, in the agricultural bio complex, build a large-scale distribution logistics center, create an eco-friendly theme park and Dutch village in the agricultural experience complex, and develop cutting-edge smart farms and new renewable energy. There are also plans to hold an energy expo.
A memorandum of understanding on cooperation in operating a carbon-neutral smart farm demonstration complex and global professional education was signed with the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Food and Food Quality, Korea Midland Power Company, and Artes Korea.
South Chungcheong Province explains that this is the first time that a Korean local government has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Dutch central government.
Artes Korea oversees business implementation and operation, including the establishment of a smart farm specialized training center, operation of training programs, and transfer of new and renewable energy technology. Korea Midland Power Company provides smart farm land, conducts research on discovering new and renewable energy using waste heat, and promotes pilot projects in the Seosan AB district. We decided to cooperate in providing recycled aggregates for the agricultural-industrial convergence complex.
To promote this project, South Chungcheong Province will invest 20 billion won to establish and operate the Cheong-Changnong Incubating Center in the Seosan AB district, and a green smart farm at Shinboryeong Thermal Power Plant and Shinseocheon Thermal Power Plant operated by Korea Midland Power Company.
The Cheong-Changnong Incubating Center will have a smart farm education center and youth community support facilities, and the Green Smart Farm, with an investment of 24 billion won, will have a carbon neutral center, cultivation facilities, training centers, sales centers, and restaurants.
A memorandum of understanding on cooperation in supporting Chungnam-type smart agricultural management was signed with the Chungnam Credit Guarantee Foundation, NH Nonghyup Bank Chungnam Headquarters, Hana Bank Chungnam North Sales Headquarters, Chungnam Smart Greenhouse Construction Cooperative, and Chungnam Smart Agriculture Association. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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