대전시의회 행자위, 소관부서 행정사무 감사 실시

김정환 기자 | 기사입력 2023/11/14 [17:56]

대전시의회 행자위, 소관부서 행정사무 감사 실시

김정환 기자 | 입력 : 2023/11/14 [17:56]

▲ 대전시의회 행정자치위원회  © 대전시의회

대전시의회 행정자치위원회가 14일 제274회 제2차 정례회 제5차 회의를 개회하여 인재개발원, 인사혁신담당관, 홍보담당관 소관 주요업무보고를 청취하고, 2023년도 행정사무감사를 실시했다.


먼저 인재개발원 감사에서 정명국 부위원장(국민의힘, 동구3)은 인재개발원 소관 외국어 역량 강화 사이버 교육 수의계약과 관련, “작년 감사 때 공개 입찰 변경을 요구했는데 수강 만족도가 어떤가”라며 질의했고, 김기홍 인재개발원장은 “수료자 수가 매년 줄고 있어 연말에 왜 저조한지 분석하려 한다”라며, “한 달 안에 수료해야 하는 점을 부담으로 여기는 것 같아 분량을 조절하여 부담을 줄여보겠다”라고 답변했다. 


한편, 정 부위원장은 인사혁신담당관 소관 독서통신교육과 관련, “작년 감사 때 서울 업체에서 지역업체로 변경 검토를 요구했는데 어떻게 추진하고 있는지”라며 질의했고, 조성직 인사혁신담당관은 “현재, 서울 업체에 6250만 원 위탁하여 소진되는 비용이 있는데 이를 절감코자 내년부터 운영지원과 복지포인트 업체에 위탁하여 기존 비용의 30%인 2000만 원 절약 개선토록 노력했다”라고 답변했다. 


단기국외훈련과 관련, 정명국 부위원장은 “작년부터 처음 생긴 시책인데 어떤 내용이고 예산은 얼마인가”라며 질의했고, 조성직 담당관은 “운영지원과에서 운영 중인 정책연수와 달리 단기국외훈련은 3가지 파트로 성과우수부서, 고성과창출부서, 우수청년과정 등 총 2억 원이 편성됐다”고 답변했다. 


정 부위원장은 직급별 정·현원 차이와 관련, “정원에 비해 현원이 적은 경우에도 법정 승진 최저 소요 연수를 지난 인원이 승진하지 못하는 사례가 있는데 무슨 이유인가”라며 질의했고, 조성직 담당관은 “시에서 적정 기간 의무적으로 근무하며 경험을 쌓을 수 있도록 여건 조성 측면이 있고 광역행정을 경험하며 시정 기여도를 높여야 하는 부분도 있다”라고 설명했다. 


김진오 위원(국민의힘, 서구1)은 인재개발원 소관 원어민 강사 활용 실적과 관련하여, “그동안 관련 교육프로그램 개발에 대한 검토는 없었나”라며 질의했고, 김기홍 인재개발원장은 “이전에는 외국인 강사가 영어, 중국어를 가르치는 사례가 있었는데 교육생 의견 수렴을 통해 수요가 없는 것으로 파악했다”라고 답변했다. 


한편, 김 위원은 인사혁신담당관 소관 전입·전보인사 운영 관련, “개인별 기피 부서를 입력하게끔 하면서 ‘전보에 참고 및 향후 인사운영 반영’이라고 안내했는데 기피 부서를 입력하면 절대 배치가 되지 않나”라며 질의했고, 조성직 인사혁신담당관은 “기피 부서 작성은 넓은 시야를 견지하고 전반적인 문제가 무엇인지 파악하려는 취지다”라고 답변했다. 


김 위원은 “개인이 실·국 순위를 입력하는 걸로 아는데 실제 매칭이 어떻게 됐나”라며 질의했고, 조성직 담당관은 “부서 간 쏠림 현상이 있는 것이 사실”이라며, “1순위 매칭 비율은 65%, 3순위까지는 75% 정도 되고 나머지는 그렇지 못했다, 어떤 직원도 원치 않는 부서가 있어 100% 매칭은 쉽지 않다”라고 답변했다. 


김 위원은 “공직자분들이 실제로 ‘인사가 공정하게 이뤄지고 있구나’ 느껴야 일함에 있어 능률이 생기는데 그렇지 못하면 업무에 지장이 생길 것”이라며, “모든 입맛에 맞출 수는 없겠지만 공정하고 합리적인 인사가 될 수 있도록 시책을 펼쳐 나갈 것을 당부드린다”라고 발언했다.


조원휘 위원(더불어민주당, 유성구3)은 인재개발원 소관 감사 중 “강사료가 너무 낮아 수준이 낮아질 수밖에 없는데 외부 유명 강사가 없어 교육의 흥미·재미가 떨어지는 경향이 있다”라며, “시간당 평균 10만 원 정도 되는데 수당 책정이 이렇게 된 이유가 무엇인가”라고 질의했고, 김기홍 인재개발원장은 “강사 수당 지급 기준은 전국이 동일하며 유명 강사를 모시는데 특급 기준도 부족할 것”이라며 유명 강사 초빙의 어려움을 표했다. 조 위원은 “교육 형태가 다양한데 교육의 수를 줄이더라도 강사의 질에 좀 더 초점을 맞춰야 맞다고 본다”라고 강조했다.


한편, 조 위원은 인사혁신담당관 소관 파견 인사와 관련, “의회 본연의 역할은 집행부를 감시·견제하는 것인데 파견 인사 직원이 올바른 감시와 견제를 할 수 있을지 의문”이라며 질의했고, 조성직 인사혁신담당관은 “이번 인사는 의회에서 먼저 요구했던 내용이며 상호 기관 사이에 파견에 대한 충분한 숙의 과정을 거쳤고 일방적 파견은 아니었다”라고 답변했다. 


이용기 위원(국민의힘, 대덕구3)은 인사혁신담당관 소관 감사 중 “남성 공무원의 육아휴직이 12%밖에 되지 않는데 대전시 공무원 사용이 저조한 이유가 무엇인가”라며 질의했고, 조성직 인사혁신담당관은 “육아휴직은 본인이 신청하면 허가를 해주는 방식인데 허가를 안해주는 사례는 없다, 다만 과거에 승진에 불이익이 없지 않았지만 지금은 인구정책 차원에서 육아휴직 후 6개월 미만 승진 사례도 있는 만큼 배려하고 있다”라고 답변했다. 


이 위원은 “남성 공무원의 육아휴직 사용 비율을 높일 유인책이 있나”라며 질의했고, 조성직 담당관은 “현재 법령상 휴직 기간의 승진 소요 전부 산입은 자녀에 따라 다른데 유인책은 분명 필요하나 간단한 문제는 아니다, 다각적으로 검토하겠다”라고 답변했다.


한편, 이 위원은 홍보담당관 소관 감사 관련, “작년 감사 때 실·국별 SNS 난립 문제를 지적했는데 올해 별다른 조치가 없어 보인다”라며, “실제 페이스북 검색을 해보니 운영이 제대로 되지 않는 유명무실한 페이지가 많이 보였다”라고 부실한 운영을 꼬집었다. 


이호영 홍보담당관은 “공문 발송을 통해 통·폐합 등 정리를 요청했지만 강제가 아니다 보니 처리가 미흡했던 것 같다”라며, “실·국장 홍보 책임제 평가 항목에도 있어 (실·국 입장에서) 운영이 필요한 부분도 있다”라고 답변했다. 


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Daejeon City Council Executive Committee conducts administrative audit of relevant departments


Daejeon City Council's Administrative Autonomy Committee held the 5th meeting of the 274th 2nd regular meeting on the 14th, listened to major business reports from the Human Resources Development Center, Personnel Innovation Manager, and Public Relations Manager, and conducted an administrative audit for 2023.


First, in the audit of the Human Resources Development Center, Vice Chairman Myeong-guk Jeong (People Power Party, Dong-gu 3) asked a question regarding the private contract for foreign language competency strengthening cyber education under the jurisdiction of the Human Resources Development Institute, saying, “During last year’s audit, we requested a change to the public bidding. What is the level of satisfaction with taking the course?” Kim Ki-hong The head of the Human Resources Development Institute responded, “The number of graduates is decreasing every year, so we are trying to analyze why it is low at the end of the year.” He added, “It seems like they consider it a burden to complete the course within a month, so we will try to reduce the burden by adjusting the amount.”


Meanwhile, Vice Chairman Jeong inquired regarding the reading and correspondence education under the jurisdiction of the Personnel Innovation Officer, saying, “During last year’s audit, we requested a review of the change from a Seoul company to a local company. How are you pursuing this?” Seong-jik Cho, the Personnel Innovation Officer, said, “Currently, we are considering changing from a Seoul company to a local company.” “There is a cost of KRW 62.5 million that is expended by consignment, and in order to reduce this, we have entrusted it to an operation support and welfare point company starting next year and have worked to save KRW 20 million, which is 30% of the existing cost.”


Regarding short-term overseas training, Vice Chairman Jeong Myeong-guk asked, “This is the first policy that was introduced last year. What is the content and what is the budget?” and Director Seong-jik Cho said, “Unlike the policy training operated by the Operational Support Department, there are three types of short-term overseas training. He answered, “A total of 200 million won was allocated to the high-performing department, high-performance generating department, and excellent youth course.”


Regarding the difference between regular and current employees by rank, Vice Chairman Jeong asked, “Even when there are fewer current employees than the quota, there are cases where people who have passed the statutory minimum required years for promotion are not promoted. What is the reason?” Seong-Jik Cho, a city official, said, “There is an aspect of creating conditions so that people can gain experience by working compulsorily for an appropriate period of time, and there is also an aspect of increasing their contribution to city administration by experiencing metropolitan administration,” he explained.


Regarding the performance of using native speaking instructors under the jurisdiction of the Human Resources Development Institute, Commissioner Jin-oh Kim (People Power Party, Seo-gu 1) asked, “Has there been any review of the development of related educational programs in the meantime?” and Director Ki-hong Kim of the Human Resources Development Institute said, “Previously, foreign instructors were used to teach English, “There was a case where Chinese was taught, but after collecting opinions from trainees, it was determined that there was no demand,” he said.


Meanwhile, regarding the operation of transfers and transfers under the jurisdiction of the Personnel Innovation Officer, Commissioner Kim asked, “We asked each individual to enter the department they avoided and informed them that it would be ‘referenced to the transfer and reflected in future personnel management.’ But if you enter the department you avoid, you will never be assigned, right?” Seong-jik Cho, Human Resources Innovation Manager, responded, “The purpose of creating departments to avoid is to maintain a broad perspective and identify the overall problem.”


Commissioner Kim asked, “I understand that individuals enter their office/department rankings, but what happened to the actual matching?” and Director Seong-jik Cho said, “It is true that there is a bias phenomenon between departments,” and “The matching rate for first place is 65%. “It was about 75% for the top 3, but not for the rest. There are departments where no employees are wanted, so it is not easy to match 100%,” he said.


Commissioner Kim said, “Public officials must actually feel that ‘personnel appointments are being made fairly’ in order to be efficient at work, but otherwise, work will be hindered,” adding, “It may not be possible to suit everyone’s tastes, but we need to make sure that personnel appointments are fair and reasonable.” “I urge you to implement policies,” he said.


Commissioner Won-Hwi Cho (Democratic Party of Korea, Yuseong-gu 3) said during the audit of the Human Resources Development Center, “The instructor fee is too low, so the standard has to be lowered, but since there are no famous external instructors, the interest and fun of education tends to decrease,” adding, “On average, it is about 100,000 won per hour.” “Why is the allowance set like this?” asked Kim Ki-hong, director of the Human Resources Development Center, expressing the difficulty of inviting famous lecturers, saying, “The standards for paying lecturers’ allowances are the same across the country, and even the special standards for hiring famous lecturers will not be enough.” Commissioner Cho emphasized, “There are various types of education, but I think it is right to focus more on the quality of instructors even if we reduce the number of education sessions.”


Meanwhile, Commissioner Cho asked a question regarding the personnel dispatched under the jurisdiction of the Personnel Innovation Officer, saying, “The original role of the Congress is to monitor and check the executive branch, but it is questionable whether the dispatched personnel staff will be able to properly monitor and check.” Personnel Innovation Officer Cho Seong-jik said: responded, “This appointment was something that was first requested by the National Assembly, and there was sufficient deliberation between the two agencies to discuss the dispatch, and it was not a unilateral dispatch.”


Commissioner Lee Yong-gi (People Power Party, Daedeok-gu 3) asked during an audit under the jurisdiction of the Personnel Innovation Officer, “Only 12% of male public servants have parental leave, so what is the reason for the low use of it by Daejeon City civil servants?”, and Personnel Innovation Officer Seong-jik Cho asked, “Parental leave is granted when the person applies for it, and there is no case of not granting permission. However, in the past, there were disadvantages to promotions, but now, from the perspective of population policy, we are taking into consideration as there are cases of promotions less than 6 months after parental leave. “He answered.


Committee member Lee asked, “Is there any incentive to increase the percentage of male public servants using parental leave?” and Seong-jik Cho, in charge, said, “According to the current law, the inclusion of all promotion requirements during the leave period varies depending on the child. Incentives are definitely needed, but it is not a simple issue. “We will review it from various angles,” he replied.


Meanwhile, regarding the audit under the jurisdiction of the public relations officer, Commissioner Lee said, “During last year’s audit, we pointed out the problem of SNS overflowing by office and country, but it appears that no action has been taken this year.” He added, “Actually, when I searched Facebook, I found that there were many famous and ineffective pages that were not operating properly. “I could see it,” he said, pointing out poor management.


Lee Ho-young, a public relations officer, said, “We requested an arrangement such as consolidation or abolition through an official letter, but since it is not mandatory, it seems that the process was insufficient.” “There are some things that are needed,” he answered.

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