이날 감사에서 김기서 위원장(부여1·더불어민주당)은 “건설본부 본부장을 비롯한 조직 리더들의 리더십과 역량 강화교육을 더욱 활성화해야 한다”며 “교육으로 젊은 세대와의 소통 강화는 물론 건설본부의 업무역량도 강화될 것”이라고 밝혔다.
이어 이완식 부위원장(당진2·국민의힘)은 “건설현장 LH무량판 시공과 관련해 도내 전수조사를 시행했는데, 철저한 사후 현장점검이 필요하다”며 “또한 임시야적장 산업폐기물 관리‧감독도 유념해 달라”고 전했다.
조철기 위원(아산4·더불어민주당)은 “아산지역 도로표지판 정비사업 등 예산소요액이 잘못 표기됐다”며 감사자료의 미흡을 지적하고 “건설본부의 행정 정확성을 기해달라”고 말했다.
신한철 위원(천안2·국민의힘)은 “주요 업무보고 때와 지방계약업체 현황이 다르다. 업무보고서 작성을 정확하게 해 달라”며 “다시는 행감에서 이러한 부실한 업무보고가 이뤄지지 않도록 철저하고 성실히 임해달라”고 지적했다.
김도훈 위원(천안6·국민의힘)은 “국지도 23번 도로의 인도 여건 상태가 좋지 않아 통행에 지장을 주고 있다”며 “조속히 개선해 달라”고 당부했다.
이용국 위원(서산2·국민의힘)은 “현재 충남건설본부는 대전‧세종에 비해 인력도 적고 업무가 원활하게 운영되지 못하고 있다”며 “행정조직 개선을 통해 원활한 업무 운영을 해달라”고 밝혔다.
고광철 위원(공주1·국민의힘)은 “공주 우성-이인 간 교량 사업과 도로 건설 사업이 안전성 있게 추진될 수 있도록 노력해달라”며 “특히 주민 의견을 수렴하는 등 적극적인 행정이 필요하다”고 전했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungnam Provincial Council Construction Subcommittee, Chungnam Construction Headquarters and Transportation Training Institute... Request for active administration
On the 13th, the Construction and Fire Protection Committee of the South Chungcheong Provincial Council requested that the trust of residents be restored through active administration in the 2023 administrative audit of the South Chungcheong Province Construction Headquarters and Transportation Training Institute.
In the audit on this day, Chairman Kim Ki-seo (Buyeo 1, Democratic Party of Korea) said, “We need to further promote leadership and capacity building training for organization leaders, including the head of the construction headquarters,” and added, “Through training, we can strengthen communication with the younger generation and improve the work capabilities of the construction headquarters.” “It will also be strengthened,” he said.
Next, Vice Chairman Lee Wan-sik (Dangjin 2, People Power Party) said, “We conducted a thorough investigation in the province regarding the construction of LH mass plates at construction sites, and a thorough post-site inspection is necessary,” adding, “Please also keep in mind the management and supervision of industrial waste in temporary storage yards.” “He said.
Commissioner Cho Cheol-ki (Asan 4, Democratic Party of Korea) pointed out the insufficiency of the audit data, saying, “The budgetary amount for the road sign maintenance project in the Asan area was incorrectly indicated,” and said, “Please ensure the construction headquarters’ administrative accuracy.”
Commissioner Shin Han-cheol (Cheonan 2, People Power Party) said, “The status of local contractors is different from the time of major business reports. He pointed out, “Please write your work report accurately,” and “Please work thoroughly and sincerely to ensure that such a poor work report is never made at the administrative office again.”
Commissioner Kim Do-hoon (Cheonan 6, People Power Party) said, “The sidewalk conditions on National Route 23 are not good, which is hindering traffic,” and asked, “Please improve it as soon as possible.”
Commissioner Lee Yong-guk (Seosan 2, People Power Party) said, “Currently, the South Chungcheong Construction Headquarters has less manpower than Daejeon and Sejong, and work is not being operated smoothly. We ask for smooth operation by improving the administrative organization.”
Commissioner Go Gwang-cheol (Gongju 1, People Power Party) said, “Please make efforts to ensure that the bridge project and road construction project between Gongju Woosung and Iin are carried out safely,” and added, “Active administration is necessary, especially by collecting residents’ opinions.” . <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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