강 의원 “과기부 장관, 내가 하면 R&D, 네가 하면 카르텔인가” 이 장관, 지난 10년간 과기부 R&D과제로 121억원, 산자부 과제로 5억 넘게 연구비받아
정부의 R&D예산 삭감으로 과학기술계의 반발이 연일 지속되고 있는 가운데 과기부 수장인 이종호 장관이 대학교수시절 과기부와 산자부로부터 126억 원이 넘는 연구비를 받은 것이 알려지면서 과기부의 R&D예산 삭감을 두고 “내가하면 R&D고, 네가하먼 카르텔이나”는 지적이 나오고 있다.
더불어민주당 강훈식 예결위 간사위원(충남 아산을)에 따르면 “이종호 과기부 장관이 서울대 공대 교수로 재직하면서 최근 10년간 121억원 가량의 과기부 R&D 국비 과제를 수행하는 등 국가 R&D 사업의 수혜자면서도, 장관이 된 후에는 R&D 예산을 사상 최대로 삭감하는 모순적 행동을 보이고 있다”며 비판의 목소리를 높였다.
강훈식 국회의원은 “이종호 과기부 장관이 최근 10년간 서울대 공대 교수로 재직하면서 산학협력단, 반도체 연구소 등의 연구책임자 또는 연구참여자로서 연도 기준 26건의 과기부 국비 과제를 수행한 것으로 드러났다”고 밝혔다.
강 의원은 “이 장관이 수행한 과학기술연구과제는 다년에 걸쳐 이루어지기 때문에, 연도별로 구분하면 매년 국비 과제를 평균 두, 세건 동시에 수행한 셈이다. 10년간 이종호 장관이 연구책임자 또는 참여자로서 수령한 정부투자연구비는 121억 7천 9백만원에 이르며, 건당 4.6억 정도 규모”라고 밝혔다.
삭감된 예산 280억이면 이 장관이 매년 수행했던 평균 4,6억 규모 과제들을 60개 정도 할 수 있는 규모라는게 강 의원의 설명이다.
강 의원은 또 “이 장관은 2020년부터 산자부 R&D 국비과제인 차세대지능형반도체기술개발과제를 수행하며 5억 9천만원의 연구비(총 115억 9천만원 규모 과제)를 수령하기도 했다”면서 “그런데 이 장관이 6억 가까이 받아 연구를 진행했던 이 사업 역시 금년 정부안에서 113억원, 전년 대비 15.4%가 감액되었다”고 지적했다.
강훈식 의원은 “서울대에서 수 많은 정부과제를 통해 대학원생들과 연구를 진행했으면서도, 정작 윤석열 정부의 장관이 되자 R&D 과제들이 카르텔이라며 연구비를 감액했다”면서 “내가 하면 R&D, 네가 하면 카르텔인가”라고 반문했다.
그러면서 “과기부 장관은 계속 대학원생 연구비 삭감은 없도록 하겠다는 변명만 늘어놓고 있는데 본질은 과학기술의 미래가 불확실해진 그 자체”라며, “본인이 미래 과학인들과 함께 했던 시절을 기억한다면, 자신이 더 이상 수혜자 아니라는 이유로 어린 과학자들에게 좌절감을 선사하지 않을 것”이라고 비판하고 “정부는 정확히 문제가 되는 R&D와 그렇지 않은 R&D를 하나하나 구분하여 심사에 임하라”고 촉구했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Rep. Kang Hoon-sik, “Minister of Science and Technology, drastically cuts government R&D projects that he also took on”
Rep. Kang “Minister of Science and Technology, if I do it, it’s R&D, if you do it, is it a cartel?”
Minister Lee has received research funds of 12.1 billion won for R&D projects from the Ministry of Science and Technology and over 500 million won for projects from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy over the past 10 years.
While backlash from the science and technology community continues every day due to the government's R&D budget cuts, Minister Lee Jong-ho, head of the Ministry of Science and Technology, is known to have received over 12.6 billion won in research funds from the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy when he was a university professor. There are criticisms that “it’s R&D, or it’s the NegaHarmon cartel.”
According to Kang Hoon-sik, secretary of the Democratic Party of Korea's Budget and Accounts Committee (Asan-eul, South Chungcheong Province), “Minister Lee Jong-ho of the Ministry of Science and Technology is a beneficiary of national R&D projects, including carrying out R&D government-funded projects worth about 12.1 billion won over the past 10 years while serving as a professor at the College of Engineering at Seoul National University, but after becoming minister, he “is showing contradictory behavior by cutting its R&D budget to the largest ever,” he said, raising his voice in criticism.
National Assembly member Kang Hoon-sik said, “It was revealed that while Minister of Science and Technology Lee Jong-ho served as a professor at the College of Engineering at Seoul National University for the past 10 years, he carried out 26 government-funded projects by the Ministry of Science and Technology each year as a research director or research participant at an industry-academia cooperation group and a semiconductor research institute.”
Rep. Kang said, “Because the science and technology research projects carried out by Minister Lee are carried out over multiple years, if divided by year, on average, two or three government-funded projects were carried out simultaneously each year. “The government-invested research funds that Minister Lee Jong-ho received as a research director or participant over the past 10 years amounted to 12.179 billion won, or about 460 million won per case.”
Meanwhile, in the case of the <Nano and Materials Technology Development (R&D)> project, which Minister Lee Jong-ho carried out over a period of seven years, the budget for 2022 and 2023 continued to increase slightly, but was reduced by 11.2% from the previous year to 28 billion won for the first time in the 2024 government plan. Representative Kang pointed out:
Rep. Kang explains that the reduced budget of 28 billion is enough to carry out about 60 tasks worth an average of 460 million won that Minister Lee carried out every year.
Representative Kang also said, “Since 2020, Minister Lee has been carrying out the next-generation intelligent semiconductor technology development project, which is a national R&D project of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, and has received research funds of 590 million won (a total project worth 11.59 billion won),” adding, “However, Minister Lee He pointed out, “This project, which was researched for nearly 600 million won, was also reduced by 11.3 billion won, or 15.4% compared to the previous year, in this year’s government plan.”
Rep. Kang Hoon-sik said, “Although I conducted research with graduate students through numerous government projects at Seoul National University, when I became Minister of the Yoon Seok-yeol government, the research funds were reduced, saying that the R&D projects were a cartel.” He added, “If I do it, it will be R&D, and if you do it, is it a cartel?” did.
At the same time, he said, “The Minister of Science and Technology keeps making excuses that there will be no cuts in research funds for graduate students, but the essence is that the future of science and technology has become uncertain.” He added, “If you remember the time when you worked with future scientists, you will no longer feel confident. He criticized, “We will not cause frustration to young scientists just because they are not beneficiaries,” and urged, “The government should accurately distinguish between problematic R&D and non-problematic R&D and review it one by one.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>