국방대학교는 11월 9일, 컨벤션센터 세종대강당에서 대학 교수, 교직원, 학생 등 300여 명이 참석한 가운데 제49대·제50대 국방대학교 총장 이·취임식 행사를 개최했다고 밝혔다.
제50대 총장으로 취임하는 임기훈 중장은 육사 47기로 국방부 정책기획과장, 육군 교육사령부 전투발전1차장, 국방부 정책기획차장, 국가안보실 국방비서관 등 주요직책을 두루 역임한 국방정책 전문가로 정평이 나있다.
임기훈 총장은 취임사를 통해 “불확실성이 증대되고 포괄적 안보위기를 맞고 있는 중차대한 시기에 국방대학교가 국가안보의 싱크탱크로서의 역할을 완수할 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다해 나가겠다.”고 취임 소감을 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Army Lieutenant General Lim Ki-hoon takes office as the 50th president of the National Defense University
Army Lieutenant General Lim Ki-hoon took office as the 50th president of the National Defense University.
The National Defense University announced that it held the transfer and inauguration ceremony for the 49th and 50th presidents of the National Defense University on November 9 at the Sejong University Convention Center Auditorium with about 300 university professors, staff, and students in attendance.
Lieutenant General Lim Ki-hoon, who will be inaugurated as the 50th president, is well-known as a defense policy expert who has held a variety of major positions, including the head of the Policy Planning Division of the Ministry of National Defense in the 47th Army Corps, the first deputy director of combat development at the Army Training Command, the deputy director of policy planning at the Ministry of National Defense, and the secretary of defense at the National Security Office. .
President Lim Ki-hoon expressed his inauguration speech in his inauguration speech, saying, “I will do my best to ensure that the National Defense University can fulfill its role as a think tank for national security in this critical time when uncertainty is increasing and we are facing a comprehensive security crisis.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>