이날, 의원별 일괄 질문에 이어 박경귀 아산시장의 답변 후 보충질의 일문일답으로 진행된 이날 시정 질문에서 박효진 의원은 지방보조금 업무 매뉴얼 작성 ,대면을 원칙으로 자체 교육 시행 ,지방 보조금 교부 신청 시 교육 이수증 첨부 등 활용 방안을 제시하면서 지방보조금 체계적 관리 운영 현안에 대해 질의했다.
박효진 의원은 “예산편성 단계부터 지방 보조사업을 철저히 관리하여 건전하고 책임감 있는 지방 보조금이 사용될 수 있도록 청렴한 아산시가 될 수 있기를 함께 노력해달라”고 전했다.
이기애 의원은 “현재 아산시 자원봉사센터를 직영으로 운영하고 있으며 용화동 소재 아산시새마을회관 건물 1층을 사무실로 무상임차 하여 사용하고 있다”며 “시설 노후화와 사무공간이 열악하고 협소해서 근로자뿐만 아니라 자원봉사자들도 활동하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있다”고 안타까움을 표했다.
이어 “자원봉사센터와 자원봉사단체가 통합청사 형태로 신축된다면 공간 제약 없이 소통하고 협업할 수 있다”고 말했고 “자원봉사자를 위한 맞춤형 공간구성을 위해 최적의 부지 선정과 아산시 자원봉사가 더욱 활성화될 수 있도록 복합청사 건립을 위해 적극 행정에 힘을 써달라”고 주문했다.
신미진 의원은 공유재산 사용실태조사 결과에 따라 시유지 무단점유자에게 변상금 부과 후 정상적인 대부계약을 체결하고 나중에는 행정에서 필요 없다는 이유로 매각까지 해준다는 사례를 들며 무단점유자에게 특혜로 작용한다는 문제점을 지적했다.
또한, 공유재산 관리를 한국지방행정공제회에 위탁 관리하게 된 배경과 효과에 관해 물으며 “우리 시 재산은 우리 시가 관리하는 게 더 효율적이고 바람직하다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Asan City Council asks questions on current issues
Representatives Park Hyo-jin, Lee Ki-ae, and Shin Mi-jin continue to ask questions about administration.
Asan City Council, South Chungcheong Province, which is holding its 245th extraordinary session, held its second plenary session on the 20th, and Reps. Park Hyo-jin, Ki-ae Lee, and Shin Mi-jin continued to ask city administration questions about major current issues in Asan City.
On this day, following a group question from each member, followed by an answer from Asan Mayor Park Gyeong-gwi, a Q&A session of supplementary questions was held. Representative Park Hyo-jin wrote a local subsidy work manual, conducted self-training on a face-to-face basis, and attached a certificate of training completion when applying for a local subsidy. We asked about the current issues of systematic management and operation of local subsidies while suggesting ways to utilize them.
Representative Park Hyo-jin said, “Please work together to become an honest city in Asan by thoroughly managing local subsidy projects from the budget preparation stage so that local subsidies can be used soundly and responsibly.”
Rep. Lee Ki-ae asked about the current issue of establishing a space for collaboration and communication between city-run organizations and civil society organizations.
Rep. Lee Ki-ae said, “Currently, we are directly operating the Asan City Volunteer Center and are using the first floor of the Asan City Saemaul Center building in Yonghwa-dong as an office for free.” She added, “Due to the aging facilities and poor and narrow office space, not only workers but also resources are affected. “Volunteers are also having difficulty doing their jobs,” he expressed regret.
He continued, “If the volunteer center and volunteer organizations are newly built in the form of an integrated office building, they will be able to communicate and collaborate without space restrictions.” He added, “We will select the optimal site to create a customized space for volunteers and volunteering in Asan City will be more active.” “Please actively use administrative efforts to build a complex office building so that we can do so,” he requested.
Rep. Shin Mi-jin asked a question about the systematic management of Asan City's public property and future plans.
Rep. Shin Mi-jin pointed out the problem of giving preferential treatment to unauthorized occupiers, citing an example in which, based on the results of a survey on the use of public property, a normal loan contract was concluded after charging compensation to unauthorized occupiers of city-owned land, and later on, it was even sold on the grounds that the administration did not need it.
She also asked about the background and effect of entrusting management of public property to the Korea Local Administrative Mutual Aid Association and said, “It is more efficient and desirable for our city to manage our city’s property.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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