계룡시 문화관광재단(이사장 이응우)은 ‘군(軍)문화로 통(通)하는 Yes! 계룡!’을 주제로 한 ‘2023계룡軍문화축제’가 대한민국 명품 축제의 위상을 확고히 하며 10일 대단원의 막을 내렸다고 밝혔다.
지난 6일부터 10일까지 5일간 계룡대 활주로와 엄사면 일원에서 열린 계룡軍문화축제는 과거와 달리 체험위주의 체류형 축제 프로그램 발굴에 공을 들였다.
특히 이번 ‘계룡軍문화축제’와 ‘지상군페스티벌’은 육해공군 3군이 하나되는 의미가 매우 큰 행사로 평가되고 있다.
3군 참모총장을 비롯한 미2사단장, 주한 튀르키예 대사가 개막식에 참석해 행사의 격을 높였고, 국방체험관에 해·공군·해병대관을 개설하는 등 관람객들에게 아주 특별한 체험기회를 제공했다.
재단은 지상군페스티벌 행사기획단과 활발한 소통을 통해 6.25 정전 및 한미동맹 70주년을 맞아 체험 프로그램을 집중적으로 발굴해 참신하고 흥미진진한 48종의 콘텐츠로 프로그램을 구성했다.
행사는 개막식 및 야간 축하공연, 실내전시관, 병영체험존, 공연·경연, 무기장비 전시, 부대행사 등이 마련됐으며, 병영체험관에서도 문화예술 VR병영체험이 열렸다.
활주로에는 한미연합 무기장비 전시, 장갑차·소형 전술차량 등의 전투장비 탑승 체험, 이동전개형 의무장비 전시 등 색다른 볼거리와 즐길거리로 연일 관람객의 발길이 이어졌다.
‘항공우주 특별관’은 우주 강국으로서 입지가 확장되어 가는 대한민국을 탐사해 볼 수 있는 전시관으로 그 어느 축제에서도 볼 수가 없었던 아주 특별한 체험의 공간을 한국항공우주연구원이 심혈을 기울여 제공했다.
계룡시는 이번 축제 기간 중 군사보호구역 내 계룡산 암용추, 삼신당을 오를 수 있는 계룡 안보생태 탐방, 계룡대 영내를 투어하는 용도령 열차 운행은 초가을 계룡산의 감춰진 절경과 아름다운 계룡의 자연을 즐길 수 있는 좋은 기회를 제공했다.
이와 함께 튀르키예, 몽골, 베트남 등 3개국 해외군악대와 주한 미8군 군악대 공연과 함께 로드퍼레이드에서 다양한 퍼포먼스를 선보이며 관람객들의 환호와 박수갈채를 받았다.
상설공연장에서는 육·해·공군·해병대의 군악대 및 의장대 공연, 해외 군악대 공연, 태권도 시범, 시민단체예술공연, 육군 특별공연, K-pop문화공연, 뮤지컬 왕대리락, 트롯가수 김경민 공연 등 軍관련 콘텐츠가 넘쳐났다.
보조공연장에서는 대중음악, 팬플룻, 사물놀이, 난타, 한국무용, 통기타, 어린이 군복 패션쇼, 어린이 군가 페스티벌, 밀리터리 패션쇼가 펼쳐졌고, ‘군가! 전부 잘함 군가 노래방’ 등 이색적인 이벤트도 눈길을 끌었다.
또한 병영체험관에서는 유료로 진행된 어린이 직업체험 프로그램인 ‘키자니아 GO’와 실내 VR병영 체험이 선풍적인 인기를 모았고, 전통혼례식, 전통한복체험 및 인생사진 찍기, 무드등(사계고택, 전통문양) 만들기, 떡메치기 등의 ‘행복충전 yes! 계룡’ 전통문화 체험관광을 진행했다.
이응우 재단 이사장은 “이번 축제는 관람객 불편 최소화와 무사고 안전에 최우선을 두었고, 시민들의 자발적인 참여와 협조에 힘입은 성공적인 축제였다”고 자평했다.
이어 “이번 축제에 계룡시민은 물론 전국 각지의 관람객들이 보여준 관심과 성원은 내년 축제에도 더욱 품격 높은 행사로 거듭날 수 있다는 확신을 가진 만큼 더욱 무거운 책임감과 사명감으로 최선을 다해 내년도 ‘2024계룡軍문화축제’를 준비하겠다”고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
‘2023 Gyeryong Military Culture Festival’ attracted 800,000 visitors...
Over 800,000 visitors came to the ‘Gyeryong Military Culture Festival’, which was held for five days from the 6th to the 10th at the Gyeryongdae runway and the Eomsa-myeon area, making it the best festival in Gyeryong City.
Gyeryong City Culture and Tourism Foundation (Chairman Lee Eung-woo) launched the ‘Yes to military culture! It was announced that the ‘2023 Gyeryong Military Culture Festival’ with the theme ‘Gyeryong!’ concluded its grand finale on the 10th, solidifying its status as Korea’s luxury festival.
Unlike the past, the Gyeryong Military Culture Festival, held for five days from the 6th to the 10th at the Gyeryongdae runway and the Eomsa-myeon area, put effort into discovering an experience-oriented stay-type festival program.
In particular, this ‘Gyeryong Military Cultural Festival’ and ‘Ground Forces Festival’ are evaluated as events that have great significance in uniting the three services of the Army, Navy, and Air Force.
The Chief of Staff of the 3rd Army, the commander of the US 2nd Division, and Ambassador Turkiye to Korea attended the opening ceremony to raise the level of the event, and provided visitors with a very special experience opportunity by opening a Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps pavilion at the National Defense Experience Center.
Through active communication with the Ground Forces Festival event planning team, the foundation intensively discovered experiential programs to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice and the ROK-U.S. alliance and composed the program with 48 types of novel and exciting content.
The event included an opening ceremony, nightly celebration performance, indoor exhibition hall, barracks experience zone, performances and competitions, weapons equipment exhibition, and side events, and a culture and arts VR barracks experience was also held at the barracks experience hall.
On the runway, visitors continued to visit every day with unique things to see and enjoy, such as an exhibition of ROK-US joint weapons equipment, a riding experience in combat equipment such as armored vehicles and small tactical vehicles, and an exhibition of mobile deployable medical equipment.
The ‘Aerospace Special Hall’ is an exhibition hall where you can explore Korea, which is expanding its position as a space powerhouse, and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute has worked hard to provide a space for a very special experience that has not been seen at any other festival.
During this festival, Gyeryong City is a great opportunity to enjoy the hidden scenery of Gyeryong Mountain and the beautiful nature of Gyeryong in early fall by visiting the Gyeryong Security Ecology, which allows you to climb the Amyongchu and Samsindang of Gyeryong Mountain within the military protection zone, and the Yongryeong Train that tours the Gyeryongdae compound. provided.
In addition, various performances were presented at the road parade along with performances by foreign military bands from three countries, including Turkye, Mongolia, and Vietnam, and by the 8th US Army in Korea, receiving cheers and applause from the audience.
At the permanent performance hall, military-related content such as military bands and honor guard performances of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, foreign military band performances, Taekwondo demonstrations, civic group art performances, army special performances, K-pop cultural performances, the musical Wang Dae-ri Rock, and trot singer Kim Kyung-min's performance. It was overflowing.
In the auxiliary performance hall, popular music, pan flute, samulnori, Nanta, Korean dance, acoustic guitar, children’s military uniform fashion show, children’s military song festival, and military fashion show were held, and ‘Military song! Unique events such as ‘All Good, Military Song Karaoke’ also attracted attention.
In addition, at the barracks experience center, the paid children's job experience program 'KidZania GO' and the indoor VR barracks experience gained sensational popularity, as well as a traditional wedding ceremony, traditional hanbok experience, taking life photos, and making mood lights (four seasons old houses, traditional patterns). , rice cake pounding, etc. ‘Happiness charging yes! Gyeryong’ traditional culture experience tour was conducted.
Lee Eung-woo, chairman of the foundation, said, “This festival placed the highest priority on minimizing visitor inconvenience and accident-free safety, and it was a successful festival thanks to the voluntary participation and cooperation of citizens.”
He continued, “We are confident that the interest and support shown by not only Gyeryong citizens but also visitors from all over the country in this festival can be reborn as a higher-quality event next year, so we will do our best with a greater sense of responsibility and mission to hold the ‘2024 Gyeryong Military Culture Festival’ next year. “I will prepare,” he said. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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