19일까지 2일간 진행되는 이번 보고회에는 국소별 자체 발굴한 시책과 타시군 벤치마킹 사례, 정책특보단과 참여자치위원회의 의견수렴 등을 거쳐 마련한 9개 분야 총 135개 시책에 대해 논의한다.
첫날에는 기획경제국, 행정안전체육국, 환경녹지국, 농업기술센터, 홍보담당관, 시민소통담당관의 시책을 다뤘다. 둘째 날은 문화복지국, 건설국, 도시개발국, 보건소, 수도사업소, 평생학습문화센터의 시책발굴 보고가 이어진다.
특히 이 자리에서 박경귀 시장은 시책발굴을 위한 5대 기준을 제시해 눈길을 끌었다.
박 시장은 “시책의 타당성을 검토하기 위해 우선 ‘공정과 형평’에 맞는지, 또 ‘시급성’을 판단해야 한다”며 “여기에 올라온 사업 중 나쁜 시책은 하나도 없다. 얼마나 급하고, 중요한지에 따라 채택하거나 잠시 미룰 수가 있다”고 말했다.
이어 “세 번째는 ‘효과성’이다. 과연 시민들에게 어떤 효과를 발휘할 것인지 내다봐야 한다”며 “네 번째는 ‘지속 가능성’이다. 공공분야 시책은 한 번 만들어지면 지속해야 하기 때문에 자칫 시정에 부담을 주는 사업이 될 수 있다”고 설명했다.
박 시장은 이날 “마지막으로 기존에 우리가 해왔던 사업도 다시 돌아봐야 한다. 이미 해온 시책이지만 사업방식만 달라져도 효과가 변하는 사업이 있다. 이게 ‘업무의 혁신성’이다”라면서 “이렇게 5가지 기준을 갖고 가늠하면서 지혜를 모아달라”고 주문했다.
한편 아산시는 보고회 후속 조치로 지휘부 당부사항 및 전문가 자문 등 검토 의견을 반영해 예산·비예산 사업별 대응과 함께 내년도 업무계획을 수립하고, 예산사업은 주민수혜도, 예산 대비 효과성 등을 검토해 본예산에 반영하고, 비예산사업은 2024년 시행을 위한 사전 세부 계획을 세울 방침이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Asan City holds ‘2024 Innovation Policy Plan Briefing’
On the afternoon of the 18th, Asan City, South Chungcheong Province, held a meeting at City Hall containing new environmental changes and administrative demands for next year's city administration, with about 20 people in attendance, including Mayor Park Kyung-gwi, Vice Mayor Cho Il-kyo, and external experts such as offices, bureaus, directors, policy special advisers, and participation and autonomy committees. It was announced that the '2024 Innovation Policy Planning Report Meeting' was held to discover future-oriented policies.
At this briefing session, which will be held for two days until the 19th, a total of 135 policies in 9 areas will be discussed, including self-discovered policies by region, benchmarking cases of other cities and counties, and collection of opinions from the Policy Special Advisory Group and Participatory Autonomy Committee.
On the first day, the policies of the Planning and Economic Bureau, Public Administration, Security and Sports Bureau, Environment and Greenery Bureau, Agricultural Technology Center, Public Relations Officer, and Citizen Communication Officer were discussed. On the second day, policy discovery reports from the Culture and Welfare Bureau, Construction Bureau, Urban Development Bureau, Public Health Center, Waterworks Office, and Lifelong Learning Culture Center follow.
In particular, Mayor Park Kyung-gwi attracted attention by presenting five criteria for policy discovery.
Mayor Park said, “In order to review the feasibility of a policy, we must first determine whether it is ‘fair and equitable’ and whether it is ‘urgency.’” He added, “There is not a single bad policy among the projects posted here. “Depending on how urgent and important it is, it can be adopted or postponed for a while,” he said.
He continued, “The third is ‘effectiveness.’ “We need to anticipate what effect it will have on citizens,” he said. “The fourth is ‘sustainability.’ “Once public sector policies are created, they must be continued, so they can easily become a burdensome project for municipal administration,” he explained.
Mayor Park said on this day, “Finally, we need to look back at the projects we have previously done. Although it is a policy that has already been implemented, there are projects whose effects can change even if the business method is changed. “This is ‘innovativeness of work,’” he said, adding, “Please gather your wisdom by evaluating these five criteria.”
Meanwhile, as a follow-up to the report, Asan City established a work plan for next year along with responses to each budget and non-budget project by reflecting review opinions such as recommendations from the command and expert advice, and for budget projects, residents' benefits and effectiveness compared to the budget were reviewed to determine the budget. We plan to reflect this in and establish detailed plans in advance for non-budget projects to be implemented in 2024. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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