국가철도공단, ‘2023년도 하반기 안전・청렴문화 실천 결의!’충청본부, 철도현장 협력사와 함께 안전사고 ZERO!, 청렴문화 선도! 다짐
이날 결의대회는 철도공단 직원과 협력사 관계자 등 약 130여 명이 참석했다.
결의대회에서 ‘중대재해사고 Zero 달성’ 및 ‘건설현장 청렴문화 선도’라는 슬로건을 내걸고 안전하고 청렴한 철도현장 조성에 대한 실천의지를 다졌다.
결의대회는 결의문 낭독, 무재해 구호 제창, 청렴 홍보 영상시청, 간담회 순서로 진행됐다.
결의문에는 ▲안전한 작업환경 조성으로 무재해 달성 ▲청렴한 건설문화 정착 ▲ 열차 안전 운행을 위한 고품질 시공 등의 내용이 담겨있다.
특히, 철도 종사자의 투명하고 공정한 업무처리를 약속하고 현장의 애로사항을 발 빠르게 해소하는 소통의 기회도 마련했다.
김윤양 충청본부장은 “이번 결의대회를 통해 환절기 대비 안전·청렴의지를 다잡았으며 특히 내년 개통 예정인 서해선 및 중부내륙선(충주~문경) 사업의 안전사고가 ZERO가 될 수 있도록 노력하겠다.”며, “아울러, 청렴한 문화를 선도하여 신뢰받는 철도현장이 되도록 앞장서겠다.”고 밝혔다.
[Korea Railroad Authority, ‘Resolution to practice safety and integrity culture in the second half of 2023!’
Chungcheong Headquarters, together with railway partners, lead to zero safety accidents! and a culture of integrity! promise ]
The Chungcheong headquarters of the National Railroad Authority announced on the 14th that it held the ‘Second Half of 2023 Safety and Integrity Resolution Conference’ at the West Sea Line and Central Inland Line field office to prevent safety accidents and disasters during the change of seasons and spread a culture of integrity.
About 130 people, including employees of the Korea Railroad Corporation and partners from partner companies, attended the resolution meeting that day.
At the resolution meeting, we raised the slogans ‘Achieving zero serious accidents’ and ‘Leading a culture of integrity at construction sites’ and strengthened our commitment to creating safe and clean railway sites.
The resolution meeting was held in the following order: reading the resolution, chanting a no-accident slogan, watching an integrity promotional video, and holding a meeting.
The resolution contains the following: ▲achieving zero accidents by creating a safe working environment ▲establishing a culture of integrity in construction ▲high quality construction for safe train operation.
In particular, it promised transparent and fair work processing for railroad workers and also provided opportunities for communication to quickly resolve on-site difficulties.
Kim Yun-yang, head of the Chungcheong headquarters, said, “Through this resolution meeting, we have strengthened our commitment to safety and integrity in preparation for the change of seasons. In particular, we will strive to ensure that there are zero safety accidents in the West Sea Line and Central Inland Line (Chungju-Mungyeong) projects scheduled to open next year.” In addition, we will take the lead in creating a culture of integrity and creating a trustworthy railroad site.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
국가철도공단,충청본부, 관련기사목록