이를 위해 대전시는 지난달 28일부터 5개 자치구별 점검반을 편성·운영하고 있으며 국립수산물품질관리원 장항지원, 정부 원산지 특별점검반이 순차적으로 업체당 1회 이상 점검을 추진할 계획이다.
대전시는 점검을 통해 원산지표시 여부와 표시내용의 적정성, 위반 여부 등을 중점적으로 살펴볼 예정이며, 위반사항이 발견되면 재발 방지를 위해 일체 예외 없이 엄격한 법 적용을 한다는 방침이다.
특히, 일본산 수입 수산물을 취급하는 유통, 소매, 도매업체에 대해 활참돔, 활가리비, 활우렁쉥이 등과 같은 품목과 김장철 성수기 특성을 반영한 중점품목을 지정하여 집중 단속할 예정이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon City conducts comprehensive survey of businesses handling Japanese seafood
As people are avoiding Japanese seafood due to the discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima, Japan, Daejeon City is conducting special inspections on country of origin labeling for 625 companies handling imported Japanese seafood until December 5 to strengthen safety management of seafood due to the discharge of contaminated water. announced that it would be carried out.
To this end, Daejeon City has been organizing and operating inspection teams for each of the five autonomous districts since the 28th of last month, and the Janghang Branch of the National Fishery Products Quality Management Service and the government's special inspection team for the country of origin plan to sequentially carry out inspections at least once per company.
Daejeon City plans to focus on whether the country of origin is indicated, the appropriateness of the labeling contents, and whether there are any violations through inspection, and if any violations are found, the policy is to strictly apply the law without any exceptions to prevent recurrence.
In particular, distribution, retail, and wholesale companies that handle imported marine products from Japan will be subject to intensive crackdowns by designating items such as live red snapper, live scallops, and live snails, as well as key items that reflect the characteristics of the peak season of kimchi season. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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