이날 회의에서는 전략사업추진실, 교통건설국, 농업기술센터 소관 조례안 4건, 동의안 4건에 대하여 심사하고, 2건의 보고를 청취한 뒤 질의를 실시했다.
질의에 나선 송활섭 부위원장(국민의힘, 대덕구2)은 최근 160만평 국가산업단지 지정 등 대전시의 기업유치 중요성을 언급하며, 기업유치 성공 성과금 관련하여 “좋은 제도가 무용지물이 되지 않도록 해야한다”고 강조하며 “나눠먹기식의 성과금 지급이 되지 않도록 효율적인 운영과 적극적인 홍보가 필요하다”고 당부했다.
김선광 의원(국민의힘, 중구2)은 “조례 내용의 적합성, 제정의 타당성, 상위법령 위반 여부, 조례 시행 시 예상되는 문제점 등을 종합적으로 검토해서 제정해야 한다”며, 콜센터 감정노동자뿐만 아니라 기타 감정노동자들의 노동환경 개선을 위해 기존 감정노동자 보호 조례에 추가적으로 반영하여 개정하는 것이 바람직하다고 말했다.
김영삼 의원(국민의힘, 서구2)은 만 70세 이상 어르신 무임교통 지원사업과 관련하여, 시내버스와 지하철 간 무임 승차 연령의 일치화 방안에 대하여 질의했다. 현재 대전시 지하철은 만 65세 이상이 무임승차 대상이다. 김 의원은 “무임승차 대상 연령을 현실적으로 조절하여 무임승차로 인한 적자를 해소하고 추가적인 비용을 절감해야 한다”고 말했다.
송대윤 의원(더불어민주당, 유성구2)은 콜센터 감정노동자와 관련하여 시에서 위탁 운영 중인 컨택센터 육성 지원 사업에 적지 않은 예산이 투입되고 있는데도 이러한 주민조례가 발안되었다는 것은 이들에 대한 보호·지원이 충분하지 못한 것이 아닌지 질의했다.
산업건설위원회 소관 안건 심사 결과 주민청구조례인 「대전광역시 콜센터 감정노동자 보호·지원에 관한 조례안」은 현재 시행중인 「대전광역시 감정노동자 보호 조례」개정을 통해 수용 가능한 내용을 반영하도록 의견을 모아 ‘의결 보류’되었으며, 「대전광역시 기업유치 및 투자촉진 조례 일부개정조례안」 등 조례안 3건, 동의안 4건은 원안 가결됐다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon City Council Industrial Construction Committee reviews ordinances under the jurisdiction of Strategic Business Promotion Office and Transportation Construction Department
Daejeon City Council's Industrial Construction Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Industrial Construction Committee) held its first meeting according to the agenda of the 273rd extraordinary meeting on the 8th, reviewed 6 ordinance bills and 8 motions under the jurisdiction of the Industrial Construction Committee over two days on the 8th and 11th, and reported 4 They announced that they plan to listen to opinions on two cases, including a change in the basic plan for Daejeon Urban Railway Line 2, and adopt an administrative audit plan in 2023.
At the meeting on this day, four ordinance bills and four motions under the jurisdiction of the Strategic Business Promotion Office, Transportation and Construction Bureau, and Agricultural Technology Center were reviewed, two reports were heard, and questions were asked.
Vice Chairman Song Hwal-seop (People Power Party, Daedeok-gu 2), who asked questions, mentioned the importance of attracting companies to Daejeon City, including the recent designation of a 1.6 million pyeong national industrial complex, and emphasized that “good systems must not be made useless” regarding bonuses for success in attracting companies. He requested, “Efficient operation and active promotion are needed to prevent the payment of performance bonuses in a split manner.”
Rep. Kim Seon-kwang (People Power Party, Jung-gu 2) said, “The ordinance must be enacted by comprehensively reviewing the suitability of the contents of the ordinance, the feasibility of enactment, whether it violates higher-level laws, and problems expected when enforcing the ordinance,” adding that not only call center emotional workers but also other He said that in order to improve the working environment of emotional workers, it would be desirable to further reflect and revise the existing emotional worker protection ordinance.
Representative Kim Young-sam (People Power Party, Seo-gu 2) asked about a plan to harmonize the free riding age between city buses and subways in relation to the free transportation support project for seniors over 70 years of age. Currently, free riding on the Daejeon subway is available to people over 65 years of age. Rep. Kim said, “We need to realistically adjust the target age for free riding to eliminate the deficit caused by free riding and reduce additional costs.”
Rep. Song Dae-yoon (Democratic Party of Korea, Yuseong-gu 2) said that although a considerable amount of budget is being invested in the contact center development support project being operated by the city in relation to call center emotional workers, the fact that such a resident ordinance has been proposed does not mean that sufficient protection and support for them is provided. I asked whether it was something I failed to do.
As a result of the review of the agenda of the Industrial Construction Committee, the 'Daejeon Metropolitan City Call Center Emotional Workers Protection Ordinance', which is a resident claim ordinance, was passed by gathering opinions to reflect acceptable content through the revision of the 'Daejeon Metropolitan City Emotional Worker Protection Ordinance' currently in effect. It was put on hold, and three ordinance bills and four consent bills, including the “Daejeon Metropolitan City Business Attraction and Investment Promotion Ordinance Partial Amendment Ordinance,” were passed as original drafts. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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