대전교사노조는 6일 이와 관련 성명서를 발표하고 대전시교육청의 무소신 행정에 대한 사과를 촉구했다.
먼저 대전교사노조(이하 교사노조)는 성명서에서 "대전시교육청이 교육부 방침에 따라 9.4 추모 행사 관련 다양한 방식으로 참여한 교사에 대해 징계 등 일체의 책임을 묻지 않기로 한 것에 대해 환영한다"고 입장을 밝히고, "다만, '9.4. 공교육 정상화의 날' 학교 운영에 대한 학교장의 재량권 침해에 대한 사과와 해명이 필요하다"며 사실상 교육청의 사과를 요구했다.
그러면서 교사노조는 교육부가 엄정 대응 방침을 이야기 할 때 대전시교육청이 교사의 입장에서 단 한 번도 의견을 피력한 적이 없다고 지적하고, 정당한 교원의 휴가를 불법이라고 징계하겠다고 한 것부터가 잘못되었는데 이제와 선심성 징계 철회 방침을 내놓는 것에 대해서는 현장 선생님들의 시선이 곱지 않다고 전했다.
뿐만 아니라 대전교육청이 미리 계획되어 있던 교육청 순회 강사 지원을 갑작스레 철회하여 해당 학교 뿐만 아니라 개인 사정으로 사전에 연, 병가를 냈던 교사들에게 까지 혼란과 피해를 입혔다고 주장했다.
교사노조는 대전교육청의 행한 이같은 사실을 언급하면서 "이는 단위학교의 교육과정 운영에 대한 교육청의 월권이며 직권남용이 명백하고, 학부모의 권리까지 침해한 것"이라며 교육청의 처신이 부당했음을 지적했다.
교사노조는 성명서에서 "대전시교육청은 5일 보도자료를 통해 교권회복을 통해 교사의 교육권과 학생의 학습권이 온전히 보장될 수 있도록 최선의 노력을 다하겠다고 밝혔다"면서 "진정한 교권 회복은 학교 현장의 목소리를 귀담아 듣는 것에서 시작한다"고 일침을 가했다.
이어 "지금 학교 현장 선생님들은 이번 사건에 대한 진정성 있는 해명과 사과를 요구하고 있다"고 강조하고, "교육청의 진정성 있는 사과와 해명을 시작으로 산적해 있는 교권 회복을 위한 과제들을 함께 풀어나가길 기대한다"고 교육청에 훈수했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education, following the Ministry of Education's efforts to withdraw disciplinary action, 'glares'
The Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education announced that it would discipline teachers who participated in the 49th anniversary of the Seoi Elementary School teacher's 49th anniversary held on September 4, but after the Ministry of Education hastily decided on a no-discipline policy, front-line teachers were not pleased with the announcement that it would later withdraw disciplinary action. I'm sending it.
The Daejeon Teachers' Union issued a statement regarding this on the 6th and urged the Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education to apologize for its unconvinced administration.
First, the Daejeon Teachers' Union (hereinafter referred to as the Teachers' Union) stated in a statement, "We welcome the decision of the Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education not to hold any responsibility, including disciplinary action, against teachers who participated in various ways in relation to the September 4 Memorial Event in accordance with the policy of the Ministry of Education." “However, an apology and explanation are needed for the violation of the school principal’s discretion over school operations on ‘9.4. Public Education Normalization Day,’” he said, effectively demanding an apology from the Office of Education.
At the same time, the teachers' union pointed out that the Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education never once expressed an opinion from the teacher's perspective when the Ministry of Education talked about a strict response policy, and that it was wrong to say that it would discipline teachers' legitimate vacations as illegal, but now withdraws the disciplinary action because of its generosity. It was reported that teachers in the field did not have positive views on the policy being put forth.
The teachers' union also said that the Daejeon City Office of Education even sent out a home letter containing information such as 'possibility of curriculum changes on September 4th and how to apply for off-campus experiential learning' to schools with information on withdrawal of off-campus experiential learning applications and regular classes instead of shortened classes. He pointed out that urging people to do something had become a problem.
In addition, it was claimed that the Daejeon Office of Education suddenly withdrew its previously planned support for touring instructors, causing confusion and damage not only to the school in question but also to teachers who had taken annual or sick leave in advance for personal reasons.
The teachers' union mentioned this fact by the Daejeon Office of Education and pointed out that the Office of Education's actions were unfair, saying, "This is an excess of authority by the Office of Education over the operation of the curriculum of each school, a clear abuse of power, and a violation of parents' rights."
The teachers' union said in a statement, "The Daejeon Metropolitan Office of Education announced in a press release on the 5th that it will do its best to ensure that teachers' right to education and students' learning rights are fully guaranteed through the restoration of teaching rights," adding, "True restoration of teaching rights will be achieved through the voices of the schools." “It starts with listening carefully,” he said.
He continued by emphasizing that "the teachers at the school are now demanding a sincere explanation and apology for this incident," and added, "Starting with a sincere apology and explanation from the Office of Education, we look forward to working together to solve the mountain of tasks to restore teaching rights." "He admonished the Office of Education. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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