대전참여연대, 대전도시공사 임직원 이해충돌방지법 위반 수사의뢰대전도시공사 "대전참여자치시민연대를 이해 할 수 없다"대전참여자치시민연대(이하 대전참여연대)가 대전도시공사 임직원을 대상으로 이해충돌방지법을 위반 했다는 주장과 함께 이들에 대해 수사를 의뢰했다고 밝혔다.
대전참여연대는 언론에 보낸 자료에서 대전도시공사에 2022년, 2023년 7월 30일까지의 기부금 집행 내역을 정보공개청구를 통해 답변 내용을 살펴본 결과, 대전도시공사가 대전육상연맹에 2022년과 2023년에 각각 후원금 4천만 원을 지급한 것을 확인했다고 주장했다.
이들은 대전도시공사가 대전시의 육상 발전을 비롯해 지역의 복지, 시민을 위해 힘 써온 것은 사실이라면서, 다만, 해당 기부가 적법하게 이뤄지고 있는지는 대전시 및 시민의 감사와 감시가 필요하다고 감사 필요성을 제기했다.
그러면서 대전도시공사의 2023년 대전육상연맹 기부에서 ‘공직자의 이해충돌방지법’(이하 이해충돌방지법) 위반 의심 사례를 확인했다고 밝히면서 구체적인 사례를 언급했다.
대전참여연대에 따르면 정국영 대전도시공사 사장은 2023년 2월 대전육상연맹 회장에 당선되었고, 3월 10일 취임식을 가졌고, 대전육상연맹에 기부된 4천만 원은 3월 20일 집행되었다면서 대전도시공사의 대전육상연맹 2023년 기부는 이해충돌방지법이 시행된 이후로, 이해충돌방지법에 따르면 정국영 도시공사 사장은 대전육상연맹과 사적이해관계자가 될 수 밖에 없다고 주장했다.
이들은 또 이해충돌방지법 2조 6항 나목(공직자 자신 또는 그 가족이 임원∙대표자∙관리자 또는 사외이사로 재직하고 있는 법인 또는 단체)에서 사적이해관계자에 대해 규정하고 있다면서 정국영 사장은 해당 규정에 따라 대전육상연맹과 사적이해관계자로 보는 것이 맞다고 단언했다.
이어 같은 법 5조 1항 6(보조금∙ 장려금∙출연금∙출자금∙교부금∙기금의배정 지급 처분 관리에 관계되는 직무)일 경우 사적이해관계자의 신고 및 회피기피신청을 해야 한다고 되어 있다고 지적했다.
대전참여자치시민연대는 지난 6월 이해충돌방지법에 기반해 대전도시공사 사적이해관계자의 신고 내역과 직무수행 관련 기피신청서 접수 내역 공개를 요청했으나 대전도시공사의 답변은 정보부존재 처리였다면서 이는 ‘해당 정보를 생산하고 접수하지 않았다’는 뜻이라며, 정국영 사장은 대전육상연맹 당선 이후 사적이해관계자임을 인지하고 이를 신고해야 함에도 불구하고, 신고하지 않았다고 주장했다.
대전참여연대는 "이해충돌방지법은 공직자의 이해 충돌을 방지하고 공정한 업무수행을 보장하기 위해 시행한 법률로, 이는 곧 공공기관에 대한 시민의 신뢰를 확보하는 길이다. 대전도시공사는 “해당 법령을 몰랐다, 혹은 이것이 관행이다”라는 답변이 아닌, 해당 문제를 제대로 인지하고 해결하는 모습을 보여줘야 할 것"이라고 강조했다.
그러면서 대전참여자치시민연대는 대전도시공사 임직원에 대한 이해충돌방지법 위반 의심 사례를 수사기관에 수사 의뢰할 예정이고, 이에 대한 수사기관의 철저한 수사를 촉구하며, 대전도시공사에 대한 지속적인 감시활동을 이어나갈 것이라는 입장을 분명히 했다.
한편 대전참여연대의 이같은 주장에 대해 대전도시공사는 언론을 통해 도시공사 입장을 밝혔다.
대전도시공사는 언론에 보낸 '이해충돌방지법 위반 논란에 대한 대전도시공사 임직원의 입장'문을 통해 대전도시공사가 지역체육발전을 위해 대전시 육상연맹에 기부금을 전달하는 과정에 이해충돌방지법 위반소지가 있다는 참여자치시민연대의 일방적 주장을 유감을 나타냈다.
이어 대전도시공사는 2021년 대전도시공사는 대전시와 대전시체육회의 요청을 받아들여 비인기종목 활성화와 유망주 육성을 위해 대전육상연맹의 회장사가 된 바 있다고 밝히고, 육상은 비인기 종목으로 운영비 조달을 어려워할 정도의 열악한 재정상태라며 대전지역의 청소년들이 경제적으로 어려운 환경에서 육상선수의 꿈을 키워가고 있으나 지역사회의 지원이 부족하다는 사실을 인지하고 육상연맹회장사로 취임하게 되었다 설명했다.
또 2021년에는 이해충돌방지법 시행 이전이었으며 이에 따라 도시공사는 지방공기업법 제61조 및 동시행령 제57조의 2(겸직금지)를 면밀히 검토하여 위반사항이 없음을 확인한 바 있다고 밝히고, 2022년부터 시행된 이해충돌방지법 위반여부에 대해 도시공사 자문변호사는 “대전시 관내 공공기관으로서 비인기 종목 체육단체가 제 기능을 다할 수 있도록 봉사하는 정신으로 책임을 다하는 방안이었을 뿐 이해관계와 관련되는 행위라고 보기는 어렵고 따라서 이해관계자의 신고 및 회피 신청의무가 발생하지 않는다고 사료된다”는 의견서를 보내왔다고 말해 변호사 자문을 통한 행위였음을 강조했다.
그러면서 도시공사 사장이 대전시 육상연맹의 회장이지만 급여나 활동비를 일체 받지 않는 순수 명예직이고, 사장 취임 전 육상연맹과 어떠한 공∙사적 관계가 없었음에도 이해충돌방지법을 위반했다는 참여자치시민연대의 주장은 이해할 수 없다는 입장을 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy requests investigation into violations of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act by executives and employees of Daejeon Urban Corporation Daejeon Urban Corporation "I cannot understand the Daejeon Participatory Autonomy Citizens' Solidarity"
The Daejeon Citizens' Solidarity for Participatory Autonomy (hereinafter referred to as the Daejeon Participatory Solidarity) announced that it had requested an investigation into executives and employees of the Daejeon Urban Corporation, claiming that they had violated the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act.
The Daejeon Participation Solidarity reviewed the response through an information disclosure request regarding the details of donations made to the Daejeon Urban Corporation as of July 30, 2022 and 2023, in materials sent to the media, and found that the Daejeon Urban Corporation gave the Daejeon Athletics Federation a They claimed to have confirmed that 40 million won in donations were paid each in 2023.
They said that it is true that Daejeon Urban Corporation has been working hard for Daejeon City's land development, local welfare, and citizens, but they raised the need for an audit, saying that Daejeon City and citizens need to audit and monitor whether the donations are being made legally.
At the same time, he mentioned a specific case, saying that he had confirmed a suspected violation of the ‘Public Officials’ Conflict of Interest Prevention Act’ (hereinafter referred to as the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act) in Daejeon Urban Corporation’s 2023 donation to the Daejeon Athletics Federation.
According to the Daejeon Participation Solidarity, Jeong Kook-young, president of Daejeon Urban Corporation, was elected as president of the Daejeon Athletics Federation in February 2023, and held an inauguration ceremony on March 10, and the 40 million won donated to the Daejeon Athletics Federation was executed on March 20. The city corporation's 2023 donation to the Daejeon Athletics Federation claimed that since the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act was implemented, according to the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act, Chung Kook-young, president of the city corporation, has no choice but to become a private stakeholder with the Daejeon Athletics Federation.
They also said that Article 2, Paragraph 6 (b) of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act (corporations or organizations where public officials or their family members serve as executives, representatives, managers, or outside directors) stipulates private stakeholders, and President Jeong Kook-young followed the relevant regulations. He asserted that it is correct to view him as a private stakeholder with the Daejeon Athletics Federation.
He then pointed out that in the case of Article 5, Paragraph 1, 6 of the same Act (duties related to the management of allocation, payment, and disposition of subsidies, incentives, contributions, contributions, grants, and funds), it is necessary to report and apply for avoidance of private stakeholders.
Last June, the Daejeon Citizens' Solidarity for Participatory Autonomy requested disclosure of the details of reports by private stakeholders of Daejeon City Corporation and the details of receipt of application for evasion of duties related to the performance of duties based on the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act, but Daejeon City Corporation's response was that it was treated as a lack of information, and this was 'the relevant information.' He said, "It means that the information was not produced and received," and President Chung Kook-young claimed that he did not report it even though he was aware that he was a private stakeholder after being elected in the Daejeon Athletics Federation and was required to report it.
Daejeon Participatory Solidarity said, “The Conflict of Interest Prevention Act is a law implemented to prevent conflicts of interest among public officials and ensure fair performance of work, which is a way to secure citizens’ trust in public institutions.” Daejeon Urban Corporation said, “The law “Rather than answering, ‘I didn’t know, or this is the practice,’ we need to show that we are properly aware of the problem and are solving it,” he emphasized.
Meanwhile, the Daejeon Participatory and Autonomy Citizens' Solidarity plans to request an investigative agency to investigate suspected violations of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act against executives and employees of Daejeon Urban Corporation. It urges a thorough investigation by the investigative agency, and continues to monitor Daejeon Urban Corporation. He made it clear that he would leave.
Meanwhile, in response to this claim by the Daejeon Participatory Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, the Daejeon Urban Corporation announced its position through the media.
Daejeon Urban Corporation stated in a statement sent to the media, 'The stance of Daejeon Urban Corporation executives and employees on the controversy over violation of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act', that Daejeon Urban Corporation may have violated the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act in the process of delivering donations to the Daejeon Athletics Federation for the development of local sports. He expressed regret over the one-sided claim of the Citizens’ Solidarity for Participatory Autonomy.
Next, the Daejeon Urban Corporation announced that in 2021, the Daejeon Urban Corporation accepted the request of Daejeon City and the Daejeon Sports Council and became the chairman of the Daejeon Athletics Federation to revitalize unpopular sports and foster promising athletes. Athletics is an unpopular sport, so it is difficult to raise operating expenses. He explained that he was inaugurated as president of the Athletics Federation after recognizing that youth in the Daejeon area were developing their dreams of becoming track and field athletes in an economically difficult environment, but lacked support from the local community, citing the poor financial condition of the organization.
In addition, in 2021, this was before the enforcement of the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act, and accordingly, the city corporation announced that it had carefully reviewed Article 61 of the Local Public Enterprises Act and Article 57-2 of the concurrent executive decree (prohibition of concurrent positions) and confirmed that there were no violations. Regarding whether or not the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act was violated, the city corporation's advisory lawyer said, "As a public institution within the jurisdiction of Daejeon, it was only a way to fulfill responsibility in the spirit of service to help unpopular sports organizations perform their functions, and it is difficult to view it as an act related to interests. He emphasized that this was an action taken on the advice of a lawyer by saying that he had sent a written opinion saying, “It is believed that there is no obligation for interested parties to report or apply for avoidance.”
At the same time, although the president of the city corporation is the president of the Daejeon City Athletics Federation, it is a purely honorary position that does not receive any salary or activity fees, and the claim of the Citizens' Solidarity for Participatory Autonomy that he violated the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act even though he had no public or private relationship with the athletics federation before taking office as president is understandable. He stated that he could not do so. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
대전도시공사, 대전참여자치시민연대 관련기사목록