공주시청 회계과장, 시의회 행감장에서 ‘시의원 o무시' 논란시의원 질문에 항의성 답변과 반문•짜증으로 맞서... ‘싸움닭’ 감투 쓰나?
이날 회의에서 회계과장은 의원 질문에 지속적으로 반문과 짜증으로 맞섰고, 참다 못한 의원이 삿대질에 가까운 제스처를 취하기도 했다.
이러한 과장의 태도에 의원들은 ‘오만’하다며 불쾌감을 숨기지 않았고, 일부에서는 ‘역대급 싸움닭’이라고 비난했다.
지역사회에서는 시민 모독이라며 “최원철 시장이 책임지라”는 목소리도 터져 나왔다.
문제의 발단은 13일 열린 공주시의회 회계과 소관 행정사무감사에서 서승열 의원과 회계과 이상률 과장이 질문과 답변을 하는 과정에서 붉어졌다.
질문에 나선 서 의원은 먼저 "공사 몰아주기를 할 경우 감사 대상이 될 수도 있다"며 이 과장을 압박했다.
서 의원의 지적에 얼굴이 붉어진 회계과장은 “그런 것은 못 들어봤다”며 맞받았다.
이어 서 의원이 수의계약의 특정업체 편중 문제와 함께 사업제공 근거를 묻자 이 과장은 “잘하는 업체에 줬다”며 뭐가 문제냐는 투로 대꾸했다.
“잘하는 근거가 뭐냐”는 서 의원의 거듭된 질문에 이 과장은 “면허정지나 행정처분 여부” 등이라고 답했다.
일 잘하는 근거가 '면허정지나 행정처분 없는 회사'라니 황당한 답변으로 들리기에 부족함이 없는 답변으로 보였다.
“(전문가인) 건설과 토목직원들의 의견을 들은 적 있는가”라는 서 의원의 거듭된 질문에 이 과장은 “거기까지는 파악을 않고...”라며 즉답을 피했다.
일 잘하는 기준이 면허정지 행정처분 받지않은 회사이니 기술력,시공능력 등은 관심 밖이니 건설과 직원들의 의견은 들을 필요가 없었던 것으로 보인다.
서 의원이 “잘 하나 못하나(파악조차 않느냐)”고 따지자 이 과장은 “말씀 드렸잖아요”라며 물러서지 않았다.
‘왜 생떼냐’는 투로 들리자 서 의원이 “작년 7월 1일부터 올해 4월30일까지 1건도 못 받은 업체가 있는가 하면, 20건 이상 받은 업체도 있다”고 지적했다.
이에 이 과장은 “내막을 들어봐야 안다”며 잘못이 없다는 취지로 말했다.
설전은 서 의원의 ‘슬라이드 쇼’로 이어졌다.
서 의원이 토목공사 뒤채움 부실, 사이즈 초과 과대석 투입 등 증거 사진을 공개하며 “부실공사에도 돈을 주나. (아예) 사진도 안보나. 할말 있나”라고 퍼부었다.
이 과장은 “회계과 직원이 40mm, 10mm짜리 (돌이나) 자로 재고 있나?”라며 힐난조로 반문했다. 그러면서 “회계과 소관이 아니다”고 비껴갔다. 자료 노트를 탁 덮어버리며 노골적으로 불쾌감을 드러내기도 했다.
서 의원은 “회계과장이 할 소리냐”며 배석한 의회 사무국장에게 회계과장을 고발할 것을 요구했다.
그러자 “위원님 말씀대로 해보세요”라는 이 과장의 비아냥이 나왔다. 오전 일정은 그렇게 끝났다.
오후 속개 후 임달희 부의장이 이 과장을 향해 “태도가 감정적이다. 싸우러 왔나”며 “소관 부서장이면 ‘살펴보고 조치하겠다’고 하는게 맞지, 이게 무슨 행감이냐”고 경고했다. 이 과장은 그제서야 “알겠다”며 다소 누그러진 태도를 보였다.
이날 회의 현장 동영상이 외부로 흘러나갔고, 이를 시청한 시민들은 “안하무인 공무원, 시민에게 대드는 꼴”이라며 혀를 찼다. [공주기자협의회 공동취재]
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Gongju City Hall Accounting Manager, Controversy over 'City Council's Opening' at Gongju City Council
Responding to city council members’ questions with protest answers and counter-question irritation…
In the Gongju City Council administrative affairs audit (Haenggam), the head of the accounting department (Grade 5 official) of the Gongju City Hall, the audited institution, consistently responded with heated tone and protest to questions from the member of the assembly line. is being criticized.
At the meeting that day, the head of the accounting department continued to confront lawmakers with questions and annoyance, and a lawmaker who couldn't stand it made gestures close to pointing.
Lawmakers did not hide their displeasure at the manager’s attitude, saying that he was “arrogant,” and some criticized him as “the greatest fighting cock of all time.”
In the local community, there were also voices saying, “Mayor Choi Won-cheol should take responsibility,” saying that it was blasphemy.
The origin of the problem came to light in the process of asking and answering questions and answers between Rep. Seo Seung-yeol and Lee Sang-ryul, head of the accounting department, at the Gongju City Council Accounting Department administrative affairs audit held on the 13th.
Rep. Seo, who responded to the question, first pressed the head of the accounting department, saying, "If you drive the construction, you may be subject to audit."
The head of the accounting department, blushing at Rep. Seo’s point, responded by saying, “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”
Then, when Rep. Seo asked about the reason for providing the business along with the issue of the bias in private contracts with a specific company, Manager Lee replied, “I gave it to a good company,” and asked what the problem was.
To Rep. Seo’s repeated question, “What is the basis for doing well?”, Manager Lee replied, “Is there a license suspension or administrative disposition?”
It seemed like an absurd answer that the basis for good work was 'a company without license suspension or administrative disposition'.
To Rep. Seo’s repeated question, “Have you heard the opinions of (experts) construction and civil engineering workers?” Manager Lee avoided an immediate answer, saying, “I didn’t know that far…”.
It seems that there was no need to listen to the opinions of the employees of the construction department because the standard for doing a good job is a company that has not received an administrative disposition of license suspension.
When Rep. Seo asked, “Are you not good at it (do you not even understand it?)”, Manager Lee said, “I told you,” and did not back down.
When it was heard in the tone of’why is it raw’, Congressman Seo pointed out, “There are companies that have not received even one case from July 1 of last year to April 30 of this year, and there are companies that have received more than 20 cases.”
In response, Manager Lee said, “You have to listen to the inside story to know,” and said to the effect that there was nothing wrong.
The battle of words continued with Congressman Seo’s “slide show.”
Rep. Seo revealed photos of evidence, such as poor backfilling of civil engineering works and the use of oversized stones, and said, “Give money to poor construction. (At all) I can't even see the picture. Do you have something to say?”
Manager Lee asked in a scathing way, "Do the accounting department staff measure 40mm and 10mm (stone) rulers?" At the same time, he sidestepped, saying, “It is not under the jurisdiction of the Accounting Department.” He even blatantly expressed his displeasure by covering up the data notes.
Rep. Seo asked the secretary general of the parliament, who was present, to file a complaint against the chief accountant, saying, “Is that what the accounting manager is saying?”
Then, Lee's sarcasm came out, saying, "Do as the commissioner said." The morning schedule ended like that.
After the afternoon break, Vice Chairman Lim Dal-hee said to Lee, “The attitude is emotional. Did you come to fight,” he warned, “if you are the head of the relevant department, it is correct to say, ‘I will look into it and take action.’ What kind of happiness is this?” Only then did Manager Lee show a somewhat softened attitude, saying, “I understand.”
On this day, a video of the meeting site was leaked outside, and citizens who watched it clicked their tongues, saying, “It’s like standing up to a careless public official or citizen.” [Joint coverage of Gongju Journalist Council] <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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