지난 1일 여성·노인위원장을 경선으로, 4일에는 대학생·노동위원회를 심사를 통해 위원장을 선출한 더불어민주당 대전시당이 18일 운영위원회를 열고 전국위원회급 위원장에 이어 상설위원회 위원장을 임명하고 조직 정비와 시민 소통 강화에 나섰다.
이날 회의에서는 청년위원장에 여인표 국제메타미디어콘텐츠 협동조합 이사장, 장애인위원장에 박재홍 대전시당 장애인위원장, 사회적경제위원장에 최지연 서구의원, 소상공인위원장에 김신웅 전 서구의원 등 4명의 전국위원회급 위원장 임명을 마쳤다.
이로써 대전시당은 전국위원회급 10개 위원회 가운데 8개 위원회 위원장 인선을 마무리했으며, 공석인 을지키는민생실천위원장과 농어민위원장은 추후 선출할 계획이다.
전국위원회급 위원장 구성에 이어 이날 운영위에서는 5개 상설위원회 위원장 임명도 진행됐다.
직능위원장에 남진근 전 대전시의원, 자치분권위원장에 전명자 서구의원, 다문화위원장에 하경옥 유성구의원, 교육연수위원장에 한연환 전 대전시당 정책실장, 홍보소통위원장에 김창관 전 서구의회 의장을 각각 임명했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon City Party of the Democratic Party of Korea to Reorganize Organization and Strengthen Communication with Citizens
18th, Appointment of Chairmen and Standing Chairmen
The Daejeon City Party of the Democratic Party of Korea held a steering committee meeting on the 18th and appointed standing committee chairs following national committee chairs, and began reorganizing the organization and strengthening communication with citizens.
On the 1st, the Daejeon City Party elected the chairmen of the Women and Senior Citizens Committee through a primary election, and on the 4th, the chairmen of the University Student and Labor Committees through a review.
The appointment of four national committee-level chairmen was completed, including Yeo In-pyo, Chairman of the International Metamedia Contents Cooperative, as the Youth Committee Chairmen, Park Jae-hong, Chairmen of the Daejeon City Party for the Disabled, Choi Ji-yeon, Seo-gu Council Member, as the Social Economy Committee Chairmen, and Kim Shin-woong, former Seo-gu Council Member, as the Small Business Committee Chairmen.
With this, the Daejeon City Party has completed the appointment of chairmen of eight out of ten national committee-level committees, and plans to elect the vacant Eulji-Keeping People’s Livelihood Practice Committee Chairmen and the Farmers and Fishermen Committee Chairmen later.
Following the formation of the National Committee-level chairpersons, the Steering Committee also appointed the chairpersons of the five standing committees.
Former Daejeon City Councilor Nam Jin-geun was appointed as the Functional Committee Chairperson, Seo-gu Councilor Jeon Myeong-ja as the Local Autonomy Committee Chairperson, Yoo Seong-gu Councilor Ha Gyeong-ok as the Multicultural Committee Chairperson, former Daejeon City Party Policy Director Han Yeon-hwan as the Education and Training Committee Chairperson, and former Seo-gu Councilor Kim Chang-gwan as the Public Relations and Communication Committee Chairperson. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>