대전·충남 거주 외국인, 지난해 지방세 3억5천9백만 원 채납대전 4명-1억4백만 원...충남 8명-2억9천1백만 원 체납...세종 0명
지난 2023년도 한해 대전과 충남에서 지방세를 체납한 외국인은 총 12명으로 이들이 체납한 지방세는 3억9천5백만 원으로 나타났다.
세종시에서는 지방세 채납 외국인이 없는 것으로 밝혀졌다.
더불어민주당 한병도 국회의원(전북 익산시을, 국회 행정안전위원회)이 행정안전부로부터 제출받은 국정감사 자료에 따르면, 전국적으로 외국인 지방세 체납액 누적 규모가 2021년 373억원, 2022년 409억원 ,2023년 434억원으로 해마다 증가하고 있는 것으로 확인됐다.
한 의원이 밝힌 지난해 기준 세목별 외국인 체납액은 자동차세 170억원 △지방소득세 112억원 △지방교육세 61억원 △재산세 58억원 △주민세 20억원 순이었다.
지난 3년간 체납액은 60억 2,900만원이 증가했는데 이 중 자동차세 체납액이 23억 7,600만원(39.4%), 지방소득세가 21억 3,100만원(33.4%)을 차지했다.
한편 1,000만원 이상 외국인 고액 체납자 218명이 체납한 지방세는 90억 7,800만원으로 전체 체납액의 20.9%를 차지했다.
전국 시·도별 외국인 고액 체납자는 △경기 44억 4천만원(67명) △서울 27억 7,800만원(87명) △제주 4억 2,500만원(15명) △인천 3억원(12명) △충남 2억 9,100만원(8명) 등 순으로 나타났다.
행정안전부는 외국인 고액·상습 체납자를 대상으로 명단공개·출국금지 등 행정제재를 실시해왔지만 체납액 규모가 증가하면서 실효성 제고 필요성이 제기되고 있다.
한병도 의원은 “외국인 대상 고지서 송달 등 지방세 부과·징수 정확성을 제고하기 위한 제도개선이 필요하다”며 “기존 명단공개·출국금지 실효성 제고 방안 마련과 함께 외국인 특화 조사 강화가 병행되어야 할 것”이라고 강조했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Foreigners living in Daejeon and Chungnam, local tax arrears of 359 million won last year
4 in Daejeon - 104 million won... 8 in Chungnam - 291 million won... 0 in Sejong
Assemblyman Han Byeong-do: "System improvement is necessary to improve the accuracy of local tax imposition and collection"
A total of 12 foreigners in Daejeon and Chungnam in 2023 were found to have arrears in local taxes, amounting to 395 million won.
It was revealed that there were no foreigners in Sejong City who had arrears in local taxes.
According to the national audit data submitted by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety to Assemblyman Han Byeong-do of the Democratic Party of Korea (Iksan-eul, Jeollabuk-do, National Assembly Public Administration and Security Committee), the cumulative amount of local tax arrears nationwide by foreigners has been confirmed to be increasing every year, reaching 37.3 billion won in 2021, 40.9 billion won in 2022, and 43.4 billion won in 2023.
According to a lawmaker, the amount of unpaid foreign taxes by category last year was 17 billion won for automobile tax, 11.2 billion won for local income tax, 6.1 billion won for local education tax, 5.8 billion won for property tax, and 2 billion won for resident tax.
Over the past three years, the amount of unpaid taxes increased by 6.029 billion won, of which automobile tax unpaid taxes accounted for 2.376 billion won (39.4%) and local income tax unpaid taxes accounted for 2.131 billion won (33.4%).
Meanwhile, the amount of unpaid local taxes by 218 foreign high-value delinquents of 10 million won or more was 9.078 billion won, accounting for 20.9% of the total unpaid taxes.
The number of high-value foreign tax delinquents by city and province nationwide was as follows: △Gyeonggi 4.44 billion won (67 people), △Seoul 2.778 billion won (87 people), △Jeju 425 million won (15 people), △Incheon 300 million won (12 people), △Chungnam 291 million won (8 people).
The Ministry of the Interior and Safety has been implementing administrative sanctions such as public disclosure of names and bans on leaving the country for high-value and habitual foreign tax delinquents, but as the amount of delinquent tax increases, the need to improve effectiveness is being raised.
Rep. Han Byeong-do emphasized, “Institutional improvements are needed to improve the accuracy of local tax imposition and collection, such as delivery of notices to foreigners,” and “In addition to establishing measures to improve the effectiveness of existing public disclosure of names and bans on leaving the country, strengthening of specialized investigations for foreigners should be carried out in parallel.”