이날 집회에서 이근업 공주시농민회 회장은 “미곡창고에 쌓여있는 쌀을 해결하지도 못한 채 수확기를 맞이해야 할 농민들은 한여름 땡볕 아래 아스팔트 위에서 생존권 투쟁을 외치고 있으며 외치는 이도, 바라보는 시민들도 참담하기만 하다”며 성명서를 낭독했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Gongju City Farmers Association Holds Farmers’ Rally to Demand ‘Rice Price Guarantee’ and Stop Rice Imports
On September 6, the Gongju City Farmers Association (Chairman Lee Geun-eop, hereinafter referred to as the Farmers Association) held a rally in front of Gongju City Hall with the National Farmers’ Association of Chungnam Province to demand rice price guarantees and the prevention of rice imports.
At the rally that day, Gongju City Farmers Association Chairman Lee Geun-eop read a statement, saying, “Farmers who have to face the harvest season without being able to resolve the rice piled up in the rice warehouse are shouting for their right to survive on the asphalt under the scorching summer sun. It is miserable for both those who are shouting and the citizens who are watching.”
Also, claiming that “there are many predictions that the government’s pledge of 200,000 won per 80kg rice will not even reach 160,000 won this year due to the government’s policy of destroying agriculture, ignoring farmers, and incompetent agricultural administration that calls for giving up agricultural products in order to sell industrial products,” they raised their voices, saying, “We, Gongju farmers, are standing here to demand that the government plow up our rice paddies and come up with measures to secure rice prices and address the skyrocketing production costs in order to inform people of the miserable reality that all farming in the Republic of Korea is going down the drain. The government must immediately step in to secure measures for agriculture, the nation’s core industry, and to guarantee farmers’ right to survive.” After the rally, they rode around 10 trucks in a car parade through Gongju City and moved to Bugok-ri, Sagok-myeon to continue the plowing schedule. On this day, the Gongju City Farmers’ Association demanded that the government guarantee 260,000 won per 80kg sack of rice, stop importing 408,700 tons of rice every year, and immediately implement nationally responsible agricultural administration. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>