[인사] 세종시 (하반기 5급 이상)

김환일 기자 | 기사입력 2024/07/12 [18:08]

[인사] 세종시 (하반기 5급 이상)

김환일 기자 | 입력 : 2024/07/12 [18:08]

▲ 세종시청사 전경[사진=세종시]  © 김환일 기자

◇ 3급 승진(2명)


 ▲미래전략본부 전략과장 이영옥 ▲보건복지국 복지정책과장 이익수


◇ 4급 승진(3명)


▲기획조정실 예산담당관실 장경애 ▲건설교통국 건축과 방성현 ▲건설교통국 도로과 윤종오


◇ 5급 승진요원(20명)


(행정5급 9명) ▲기획조정실 예산담당관실 이현정 ▲시민안전실 사회재난과 신수정 ▲미래전략본부 지능형도시과 김형진 ▲미래전략본부 지능형도시과 김혜진 ▲자치행정국 자치행정과 박동준 ▲자치행정국 세정과 한재현 ▲문화체육관광국 체육진흥과 최호진 ▲충청권특별지방자치단체합동추진단사무국 초광역지원과 박상록 ▲운영지원과 우종필


 (공업5급 1명) ▲경제산업국 경제정책과 오관석 

 (농업5급 1명) ▲경제산업국 로컬푸드과 이효근

 (녹지5급 1명) ▲환경녹지국 산림공원과 김영욱

 (보건5급 1명) ▲보건복지국 보건정책과 심은경


(시설5급 4명) ▲자치행정국 회계과 장진학 ▲건설교통국 건축과 조미연 ▲건설교통국 도로과 임종덕 ▲건설교통국 도로과 정창구


(전문경력관 가군 1명) ▲기획조정실 정책기획관실 구한범

(농촌지도관 1명) ▲농업기술센터 피옥자

(수의연구관 1명) ▲경제산업국 동물위생방역과 이성희


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


[Sejong City (Grade 5 or higher in the second half of the year)]


◇ Promotion to level 3 (2 people)


▲Lee Young-ok, Strategy Division Chief, Future Strategy Headquarters ▲Lee Ik-soo, Welfare Policy Division Chief, Health and Welfare Department


◇ Promotion to level 4 (3 people)


▲Gyeong-ae Jang, Budget Officer, Planning and Coordination Office ▲ Seong-hyeon Bang, Architecture Department, Construction and Transportation Bureau ▲ Jong-oh Yoon, Road Division, Construction and Transportation Bureau


◇ Level 5 promoted personnel (20 people)


(Administrative Level 5, 9 people) ▲ Planning and Coordination Office Budget Officer Hyun-Jeong Lee ▲ Citizen Safety Office Social Disaster Department Shin Soo-Jeong ▲ Future Strategy Headquarters Intelligent City Division Kim Hyeong-Jin ▲ Future Strategy Headquarters Intelligent City Division Kim Hye-Jin ▲ Autonomous Administration Bureau Autonomous Administration Division Park Dong-Jun ▲ Autonomous Administration Bureau Tax Administration Department ▲ Han Jae-Hyeon ▲ Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau Sports Promotion Department Choi Ho-jin ▲Chungcheong Special Local Government Joint Promotion Team Secretariat Super-regional Support Department Park Sang-rok ▲Operation Support Department Woo Jong-pil


(1 person at level 5 of engineering) ▲Oh Gwan-seok, Economic Policy Department, Economic Industry Bureau


(Agriculture Level 5, 1 person) ▲ Lee Hyo-geun, Local Food Division, Economic Industry Bureau

(Greenery Level 5 1 person) ▲ Kim Young-wook, Forest Park Division, Environment and Greenery Bureau

(1 person at health level 5) ▲Eun-kyung Shim, Health Policy Department, Health and Welfare Department

(4 people at facility level 5) ▲ Jang Jin-hak, Accounting Department, Autonomous Administration Bureau ▲ Cho Mi-yeon, Architecture Department, Construction and Transportation Bureau ▲ Lim Jong-deok, Road Division, Construction and Transportation Bureau ▲ Jeong Chang-gu, Construction and Transportation Bureau Road Department


(Professional Experience Center Group A, 1 person)▲Planning and Coordination Office Policy Planning Director Koo Han-beom

(1 rural guidance officer)▲Agricultural Technology Center Prisoner

(1 veterinary research officer)▲ Seong-hee Lee, Animal Sanitation and Quarantine Division, Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry






