2019년부터 테스트 및 도입 홍보만 무성. 기획‧추진 능력 의문?
이순열 세종시의회 의장이 세종시가 추진하고 있는 자율주행 운송 사업이 ‘빛 좋은 개살구’라고 혹평했다.
이순열 의장은 세종시 자율주행 실증사업 자료를 공개하며, 운영 실태와 문제점을 지적하고 세종시(최민호 시장)의 행정 무능을 질타했다.
이 의장이 공개한 자료에 따르면 자율주행 참여 기업은 총 7개로 2019년부터 12개 구간을 실증했고, 현재 테스트 중인 구간은 4곳이지만, 이들 가운데 유료 상용구간은 대전~세종~오송 단 1개뿐이다.
이 의장은 “세종시가 추진하는 자율 주행사업 대부분은 중기부․산업부․국토부가 주도하는 국가혁신 융복합단지 사업 ,R&D 규제자유특구 사업 ,자율주행기반 대중교통시스템 실증연구 개발 등 소위 국가사업에 참여하면서 협력(매칭) 예산과 테스트 공간을 제공하는 수준이었다”고 지적했다.
지난 5년간 세종시가 자율주행 기업과 직접 협업해 테스트와 상용화를 시도한 사례는 딱 두 번뿐이라고 지적한 이 의장은 그 사례로 도심공원(호수공원~대통령기록관)과 종합청사(세종정부종합청사 순환) 2곳인데 현재는 도심공원 구간만 운행 중이며 올해 6월이면 해당 사업도 종료되고, 이후 계획은 전무하다고 세종시 계획에 우려를 나타냈다.
그는 또 “국토부와 세종시 공동 실증 중인 구간은 ‘국립세종도서관~종촌고’와 ‘오송역~세종터미널~반석역’이고, 세종시가 관여하거나 주도하는 구간은 위 3곳이 전부이며 나머지 한 곳은 오토노머스 기업이 자율주행 빅데이터 관제센터 플랫폼 운영 사업 일환으로 테스트 중인 ‘시청~국책연구단지’구간이라”고 말했다.
이 의장은 “자율주행 등 실증 업무는 지난 2019년부터 현재까지 국‧시비 등 총 92억 원이 투입됐고, 이 가운데 시비는 20억 8천만 원이 투입됐다면서, 하지만 세종시가 직접 기업과 손잡고 자율주행을 주도했거나 성장시킨 사례는 사실상 찾기 힘들 뿐 아니라, 세종시가 5년간 20억을 투입해 얻은 결과물도 의문투성”이라고 의문을 제기했다.
이 의장의 주장에 따르면 세종시에 본사를 두고, 자율주행 기술을 주도하는 기업은 한 곳도 없고, 현재 자율주행 참여 기업은 오토노머스(a2z)와 언맨드솔루션, 포디투닷 3개 기업으로 오토노머스 본사는 경북 경산, 언맨드솔루션(중소기업)‧포디투닷(현대차 자회사)은 본사가 서울에 있다.
이순열 의장은 “상용화 테스트 중인 BRT구간(A2, A3) 노선을 제외하면 자율 주행차를 찾기 힘들다”라며 “무려 5년 가까이 12개 구간을 면밀히 선정해 실증까지 했지만 상용화 실증 구간이 단 1곳에 불과하다는 것은 심각한 문제다”라고 지적했다.
이어 이 의장은 “국비 지원이 종료되면 참여한 기업마저 세종을 떠나지 않느냐”며 “더 큰 문제는 자율주행 기업 유치에 소극적이고, 지원과 투자는 물론 축적된 데이터 조차 활용 계획이 없어 사실상 방치 수준인 게 더 놀랍다”고 말했다.
이순열 의장은 “국가 사업에 편승할 뿐 체계적인 기업지원과 육성 계획이 없어 아쉽고, 타 시․도는 세종보다 뒤늦게 시작했음에도 앞서가는 상황에 경각심이 필요하다”고 강조한 뒤 “성과나 열매가 부실한 소위 빛 좋은 개살구란 지적을 피하려면 기 테스트 구간에 자율주행차를 운행하려는 목표와 의지가 필요하다”고 덧붙였다.
한편, 국토부가 22년 상반기 이전 지정된 14곳을 평가해 발표했는데 세종은 C등급(충북-세종)과 E등급(세종)을 받아 저조했다.
타 시도 중 서울시는 최초 야간 자율버스를 상용화 단계로 발전시켜 실증 중이고 경복궁~청와대․여의도에도 자율주행 버스가 승객을 태우고 있다. 서울시장은 자율주행 노선 추가 확대도 최근 발표했다.
부산시는 물류 화물 등 해상택시와 화물운송 실증 중이며, 화성시는 국토부 자율주행 실증도시 우선 협상도시로 선정돼 총 740억 예산이 투입된다. 교통약자 이동지원, 수요 응답 미니 셔틀, 긴급출동 및 도로 통제 등 '레벨4' 이상 자율주행 기술·서비스의 통합적 실증과 자율주행 공공서비스 시범 적용도 진행될 예정이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Lee Soon-yeol, Chairman of Sejong City Council, “Sejong City’s self-driving project is a bright apricot.”
There is no systematic corporate support and development plan, just piggybacking on national projects. Since 2019, there has been no promotion of testing and introduction. Do you have doubts about your planning and implementation capabilities?
Sejong City Council Chairman Lee Soon-yeol harshly criticized the self-driving transportation project being promoted by Sejong City, calling it a “good apricot.”
Chairman Lee Soon-yeol disclosed data on Sejong City's autonomous driving demonstration project, pointed out the operational status and problems, and criticized the administrative incompetence of Sejong City (Mayor Choi Min-ho).
According to data released by Chairman Lee, a total of 7 companies participating in autonomous driving have demonstrated 12 sections since 2019, and 4 sections are currently being tested, but among them, only 1 paid commercial section is Daejeon~Sejong~Osong. .
Chairman Lee said, “Most of the autonomous driving projects promoted by Sejong City are so-called national projects such as the national innovation convergence complex project led by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the R&D regulation-free special zone project, and the empirical research and development of an autonomous driving-based public transportation system. “It was at the level of providing cooperation (matching) budget and testing space while participating,” he pointed out.
Chairman Lee pointed out that in the past five years, Sejong City has attempted testing and commercialization through direct collaboration with autonomous driving companies only twice. Examples include the city park (Lake Park ~ Presidential Archives) and the Sejong General Government Complex (Circulation of the Sejong Government Complex). There are two locations, but currently only the city park section is in operation. The project will end in June of this year, and there are no future plans, raising concerns about Sejong City's plan.
He also said, “The sections being jointly demonstrated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and Sejong City are ‘National Sejong Library ~ Jongchon High School’ and ‘Osong Station ~ Sejong Terminal ~ Banseok Station’, and the sections in which Sejong City is involved or led are the above three, and the remaining sections are “This is the ‘City Hall ~ National Research Complex’ section that Autonomous Company is testing as part of its autonomous driving big data control center platform operation project,” he said.
Chairman Lee said, “A total of 9.2 billion won has been invested in verification work such as autonomous driving from 2019 to present, including national and municipal funds, of which 2.08 billion won was invested in municipal funds. However, Sejong City is directly joining hands with companies. He raised questions, saying, “Not only is it difficult to find cases of leading or growing autonomous driving, but the results obtained by investing 2 billion won over 5 years are also full of questions.”
Chairman Lee pointed out that Sejong City has not confirmed any efforts to attract self-driving companies or develop technology through direct investment. “We requested the submission of data to confirm the operation and introduction plan of self-driving cars in the section, but the department in charge refused, and only delivered one line of data to the council stating that 31 self-driving-related companies had been attracted,” he said, displeased with the executive branch’s behavior. was lifted.
According to Chairman Lee's claim, there is not a single company headquartered in Sejong City that is leading autonomous driving technology, and the three companies currently participating in autonomous driving are Autonomous (a2z), Unmand Solution, and 4d2dot. Nomus' headquarters is in Gyeongsan, Gyeongsangbuk-do, while Unmanned Solutions (small and medium-sized business) and 4D2Dot (Hyundai Motors subsidiary) are headquartered in Seoul.
Chairman Lee Sun-yeol said, “Except for the BRT sections (A2, A3) that are undergoing commercialization testing, it is difficult to find autonomous vehicles.” He added, “We carefully selected and demonstrated 12 sections for nearly 5 years, but there is only one commercialized section. “This is a serious problem,” he pointed out.
Chairman Lee continued by saying, “If government support ends, won’t even the companies that participated leave Sejong?” and “The bigger problem is that they are passive in attracting self-driving companies, and there are no plans to support and invest or even utilize the accumulated data, so they are virtually neglected.” “It’s even more surprising,” he said.
Chairman Lee Sun-yeol emphasized, “It is unfortunate that there is no systematic corporate support and development plan, just piggybacking on national projects, and we need to be alert to the situation in which other cities and provinces are ahead of Sejong despite starting later than Sejong.” He then added, “There are so-called bright companies with poor performance and fruits.” He added, “To avoid being criticized as an apricot, we need the goal and will to operate self-driving cars in the existing test section.”
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport evaluated and announced 14 locations designated before the first half of 2022, and Sejong performed poorly, receiving a C grade (Chungbuk-Sejong) and an E grade (Sejong).
Among other attempts, Seoul City has developed and is demonstrating the first night autonomous bus to the commercialization stage, and self-driving buses are also carrying passengers in Gyeongbokgung Palace, the Blue House, and Yeouido. The mayor of Seoul also recently announced the additional expansion of autonomous driving routes.
Busan City is currently demonstrating maritime taxis and cargo transportation, including logistics cargo, and Hwaseong City was selected as a priority negotiation city for autonomous driving demonstration cities by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and a total budget of KRW 74 billion will be invested. Integrated demonstration of ‘Level 4’ or higher autonomous driving technology and services, such as mobility support for the transportation vulnerable, demand response mini shuttles, emergency dispatch, and road control, and pilot application of autonomous driving public services will also be conducted. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>