이창선 전 공주시의회 부의장, 위급상황에 처한 할머니 구해

김정환 기자 | 기사입력 2024/01/14 [10:48]

이창선 전 공주시의회 부의장, 위급상황에 처한 할머니 구해

김정환 기자 | 입력 : 2024/01/14 [10:48]

▲ 이창선 공주시의회 부의장  © 의회 자료

이창선 (전)공주시의회 부의장이 위급상황에 처한 80대 할머니를 구해 찬사를 받고 있다.


이창선(65) (전) 부의장은 지난 13일 오후 12시 30분경 공주시 옥룡동 모 식당에서 식사를 마치고 나오던 중 주차장 아스팔트 바닥에 쓰러져 있는 할머니 A씨(85)를 발견했다.


위급 상황을 직감한 이창선  (전)부의장은 순발력을 발휘해 바닥에 쓰러진 할머니를 향해 달려갔고, 이내 응급처치를 시도했다.


당시 상황은 할머니께서 이마가 붓고, 코가 깨진 상태로 출혈이 심한 상태였는데다 흘러나온 피가 할머니 눈으로 들어가 할머니가 앞을 보지 못하는 상황이었다.


A씨는 정신이 혼미해 동공이 풀려 있었고, 날씨까지 추워 시간이 지체됐으면 저체온 증세까지 보일 위급한 상태였다.


이 부의장은 손수건을 꺼내 피를 닦은 후 지혈을 실시하면서 식당에서 수건을 얻어  A씨의 머리를 받쳤고, 동행했던 지인에게는 119 출동 요청을 부탁했다.

▲ 응급처치를 하고 있는 이창선 전 공주시의회 부의장  © 공주시출입기자협의회

다행히 할머니는 15분쯤 후 현장에 도착한 119 구급대에 의해 응급처치를 받은 후 공주의료원으로 이송됐다.


머리에 출혈이 발견돼 인근의 세종 충남대병원으로 옮겨진 A씨는 응급처치가 늦었으면 자칫 생명을 잃을수도 있었던 것으로 알려졌다. 


할머니의 가족은 이창선 (전)부의장에게 할머니가 수술은 어렵지만 생명에는 지장이 없다고 전하면서 이 (전)부의장에게 진심으로 감사하다는 뜻을 밝혀왔다고 이 (전)부의장이 전했다.


위급 상황에 처했던 할머니는 이날 인근 노인회관에 점심식사를 하러 가던 길이었던 것으로 파악됐다.


한편 위급 상황에서도 침착한 대처로 소중한 생명을 살린 3선 의원을 지낸 이창선 (전)부의장은 "태권도 사범으로 활동하면서 익힌 응급처치법이 큰 도움이 됐다"며 "어르신이 빨리 회복돼 편한 일상을 되찾고 건강하게 장수 하셨으면 좋겠다"고 밝히고 "위급 상황에서는 누구라도 그렇게 하지 않겠느냐"면서 겸손함을 나타냈다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Lee Chang-seon, former vice-chairman of Gongju City Council, rescues an elderly woman in emergency situation


Lee Chang-seon, former vice-chairman of the Gongju City Council, is receiving praise for saving a grandmother in her 80s who was in critical condition.


Former Vice Chairman Lee Chang-seon (65) was leaving a restaurant in Okryong-dong, Gongju-si around 12:30 p.m. on the 13th when he found grandmother A (85) lying on the asphalt floor of the parking lot.


Former Vice Chairman Lee Chang-seon, who sensed an emergency situation, used his wits and ran towards the elderly woman who had fallen on the floor and immediately attempted to provide first aid.


At that time, her grandmother's forehead was swollen, her nose was broken, and she was bleeding profusely. The blood that flowed out got into her grandmother's eyes, making it impossible for her grandmother to see.


Ms. A was in a dazed state, her pupils were dilated, and the weather was so cold that if there was a delay, she was in a critical condition and could even show signs of hypothermia.


Vice Chairman Lee took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood, and stopped the bleeding while obtaining a towel from a restaurant and supporting Mr. A's head. He also asked an acquaintance who accompanied him to call 119.


Fortunately, her grandmother received first aid by 119 paramedics who arrived on the scene about 15 minutes later and she was then taken to Princess Medical Center.


Ms. A was found to be bleeding on her head and was taken to Chungnam National University Hospital in nearby Sejong. It was reported that if first aid had been delayed, she could have lost her life.


Her grandmother's family told former Vice-Chairman Lee Chang-seon that although the grandmother's surgery was difficult, her life was not in danger, and she expressed her sincere gratitude to (former) Vice-Chairman Lee.


Her grandmother, who was in critical condition, said she was on her way to lunch at a nearby senior center that day.


Meanwhile, former vice-chairman Lee Chang-seon, who saved precious lives with his calm response even in emergency situations, said, "The first aid techniques I learned while working as a Taekwondo instructor were a great help," and added, "I hope the elderly person recovers quickly, regains a comfortable daily life, and lives a long, healthy life." “He expressed humility by saying, “Wouldn’t anyone do that in an emergency situation?”
