서승열 의원 절차상 하자 거론으로 청문회 시작과 함께 정회 소동... 윤 의장, 정회 10여분 만에 공식 사과...
윤구병 공주시의회 의장이 공주문화관광재단 대표이사 인사청문회장에서 의원들에세 공식 사과하는 수모를 겪었다.
윤 의장의 공식 사과는 5일 공주시의회 특별위원회 회의실에서 열린 김지광 공주문화광광재단 대표이사 후보자에 대한 인사청문회에서 서승열 의원이 청문위원 선정 과정에 문제를 제기하면서 이를 수습하는 과정에서 사과했다.
공주시의회 인사청문특별위원회는 이날 인사청문회가 시작되자 서승열 의원이 "절차상 문제가 있다"며 의사진행 발언을 하면서 청문회 시작과 함께 정회하는 소동이 벌어졌다.
공주시의회가 출자·출연기관 대표 후보자를 상대로 인사청문회를 여는 것은 인사청문회 조례 개정 후 처음이다.
정회 소동까지 발생한 인사청문회에서 서승열 의원은 청문회에 앞서 의사진행 발언을 통해 “인사청문회 심사위원 7명 중 3명은 의회 추천으로 돼 있는데 심사위원을 누가 뽑았는지 의원들 아무도 모른다. 절차상 문제가 있기에 이번 청문회는 뒤로 미뤄야 한다”고 목소리를 높였다.
서 의원의 문제 제기에 이어 이상표 의원도 "공기업 시행령을 보면 심사위원은 지자체장이 4명, 의회 3명을 각각 추천하는 것으로 돼 있다"면서 "의장 추천이 아닌 의회 추천으로 명문화 돼 있기에 의장추천은 관례상 맞지 않다"고 서 의원의 지적에 힘을 더했다.
서승열 의원과 이상표 의원의 거듭된 문제 제기에 이범수 의원장은 “그럼 정회하자는 것이냐. 오늘은 청문회를 실시하고 앞으로 절차상 문제점이 없도록 하자”며 청문회 진행의사를 밝혔고, 이에 서 의원은 “관례에따라 의장이 했다는 것은 맞지 않다. 꼭 짚고 넘어가야 한다. 인사청문회 뒤로 미루고 심사위원 다시 뽑아서 하자”고 맞섰고, 인사청문회는 청문회 시작 6분여 만에 정회를 했다.
정회가 되자 청문위원들 가운데 시의원들의 비공개 회의가 진행됐고, 이후 10여분 만에 청눔회가 속개 돼, 윤구병 의장이 “다음부터는 의회 추천의 경우 의원들과 협의 후 추천하겠다”고 사과를 하면서 청문회가 진행됐다.
결국 관행이라는 이유로 의장이 독단적으로 인사청문위원을 임명하면서 청문회 정회 소동까지 야기한것에 대해 윤구병 의장은 권한을 남용 했다는 지적을 피하기 어렵게됐다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Gongju City Council Chairman Yoon Gu-byeong bows his head at the personnel hearing
The ‘adjournment’ of the confirmation hearing for the CEO of the Culture and Tourism Foundation provides the cause of the uproar... Rep. Seo Seung-yeol raised an uproar at the start of the hearing due to mention of procedural defects... Chairman Yoon officially apologized 10 minutes after the adjournment...
Gongju City Council Chairman Yoon Gu-byeong suffered the humiliation of having to formally apologize to council members at the personnel hearing for the CEO of the Gongju Culture and Tourism Foundation.
Chairman Yoon's official apology was made during the personnel hearing for Kim Ji-gwang, the candidate for CEO of the Gongju Culture and Tourism Foundation, held in the special committee meeting room of the Gongju City Council on the 5th, when Rep. Seung-yeol Seo raised a problem with the selection process of the hearing committee members and apologized in the process of resolving the issue.
The Gongju City Council's Special Personnel Hearing Committee was adjourned at the start of the hearing when Rep. Seo Seung-yeol said, "There is a problem with the procedure," leading to an uproar.
This is the first time since the revision of the personnel hearing ordinance that the Gongju City Council is holding a personnel hearing for a candidate representing an investment or contribution organization.
At the personnel hearing, which even caused an uproar, Rep. Seo Seung-yeol said in a statement before the hearing, “Three of the seven judges for the personnel hearing are recommended by the National Assembly, but none of the lawmakers know who selected the judges. “Because there are procedural problems, this hearing must be postponed,” he said, raising his voice.
In response to Rep. Seo's remarks, Speaker Yoon Gu-byeong said, "As a representative of the National Assembly, I, as the customary chairman, made the recommendation," to which Rep. Seo responded, "I asked the National Assembly to make a recommendation for the citizens' right to know, but the Speaker made the recommendation without consulting with the members. “What we did was against the rules,” he said, pointing out the unfairness of Chairman Yoon’s recommendation for a personnel hearing committee member.
Following Rep. Seo's raising of the issue, Rep. Lee Sang-pyo also said, "If you look at the enforcement ordinance for public enterprises, the reviewers are supposed to recommend four local government heads and three council members," and added, "It is stipulated that it is a council recommendation, not a chairperson's recommendation, so the chairperson's recommendation is customary." “It doesn’t fit,” he said, adding strength to Rep. Seo’s point.
In response to repeated issues raised by Representatives Seo Seung-yeol and Lee Sang-pyo, Representative Beom-soo Lee said, “So are you saying we should adjourn? He expressed his intention to proceed with the hearing, saying, “Let’s hold a hearing today and make sure there are no procedural problems in the future.” Rep. Seo said, “It is not correct that the chairman did it according to custom.” This must be pointed out. “Let’s postpone the personnel hearing and re-elect judges,” he countered, and the personnel hearing was adjourned about 6 minutes after it began.
When the session was adjourned, a closed meeting was held among the city council members among the hearing committee members, and the council resumed about 10 minutes later, with Chairman Yoon Koo-byeong apologizing and saying, “From now on, in case of recommendations to the council, I will make recommendations after consulting with the council members,” and the hearing ended. It went ahead.
In the end, it became difficult for Chairman Yoon Koo-byeong to avoid criticism that he had abused his authority as he arbitrarily appointed a personnel hearing committee member on the grounds of customary practice, causing an uproar in adjourning the hearing. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>