이번 토론회는 방한일 의원(예산1·국민의힘)이 좌장을, 전제상 공주교육대 교수가 발제를 맡았으며, 천안구성초 이남훈 교장, 공주여고 최선희 교사, 충남학부모회연합회 박병일 회장, 충남교육청 교원인사과 심상주 교권보호팀장이 지정토론자를 맡아 열띤 토론이 이어졌다.
발제를 맡은 전제상 교수는 「충남 교권회복과 교육활동 보호방안」을 주제로 교직 특성 ,교권과 학습권의 충돌과 갈등 ,교권보호 4법의 주요 내용 등에 대해 설명하고, 결국은 “학생-교원-학부모가 상호 존중해야 균형을 이룰 수 있다”고 주장했다.
토론자로 나선 이남훈 교장은 “교육공동체의 권리가 확산되는 과정에서 상호권리의 충돌이 발생하는 것은 예견된 일이었으나, 학부모와 학생의 권리가 법률적으로 성문화되고 확대되는 과정에서 교권을 보호하고 공존하기 위한 발걸음은 더디기만 했다”고 지적하며 학급당 학생수 축소 ,교권침해 사안에 대한 처벌 수준 상향 ,교권침해 처분에 대한 절차적 시스템 필요 등을 주장했다.
공주여고 최선희 교사는 “교권을 확립하는 것이 곧 학생의 정당한 학습권을 보장하는 것”이라 주장하고, “법과 제도의 정비도 중요하지만 교사와 학생의 인권이 서로 존중되는 문화가 정착돼야 비로소 ‘학교의 봄’을 올 수 있게 할 수 있을 것”이라고 강조했다.
충남교육청 교원인사과 심상주 팀장은 “학교 현장의 선생님들로부터 교육 당국에 쏟아내는 비판과 질책을 겸허히 받아들이고 있다”며 “교육공동체 3주체의 권리와 의무에 관한 체계적인 교육과 홍보활동을 강화해 나갈 것”이라고 주장했다.
방한일 의원은 “최근 서이초 교사가 생을 마감하면서 촉발된 교권에 대한 인식에 대해 제도 개선과 법률 개정으로 빠르게 대처해 가고 있다”며 “무엇보다 더 이상 학생들을 위해 헌신해야 할 우리의 선생님, 교원들이 상처를 입고 교직을 떠나지 않도록 교육공동체의 배려와 양보가 있는 방안을 마련해 주길 바란다”고 강조했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
South Chungcheong Provincial Council holds legislative debate to explore ways to restore church authority
On the 12th, the South Chungcheong Provincial Council held a legislative debate to ‘explore ways to restore teaching rights’ in the provincial council conference room and proposed reducing the number of students and establishing a system for violating teaching rights.
This debate was chaired by Rep. Bang Han-il (Budget 1, People Power Party) and Professor Jeon Je-sang of Gongju National University of Education as the speaker. Principal Lee Nam-hoon of Cheonan Guseong Elementary School, Gongju Girls' High School teacher Choi Seon-hee, Chungnam Parents' Association President Park Byeong-il, and Chungnam Office of Education Teacher Personnel Department Sim Sang The head of the state's teaching rights protection team served as the designated debater and a heated discussion ensued.
Professor Jeon Je-sang, who was in charge of the presentation, explained the characteristics of the teaching profession, the conflict and conflict between teaching rights and learning rights, and the main contents of the four laws protecting teaching rights under the theme of “Restoration of teaching rights and measures to protect educational activities in Chungnam”, and ultimately ended with “students, teachers, and parents.” “We can achieve balance only when we respect each other,” he argued.
Principal Lee Nam-hoon, who was a discussant, said, “It was expected that conflicts of mutual rights would arise in the process of expanding the rights of the educational community, but in the process of legally codifying and expanding the rights of parents and students, it was necessary to protect the rights of teachers and coexist. “The steps were slow,” he pointed out, arguing for a reduction in the number of students per class, an increase in the level of punishment for cases of violation of teaching rights, and the need for a procedural system for disposition of violation of teaching rights.
Choi Seon-hee, a teacher at Gongju Girls’ High School, argued that “establishing teaching rights means guaranteeing students’ legitimate right to study,” and added, “Although the maintenance of laws and systems is important, only when a culture in which the human rights of teachers and students are respected is established can the ‘school’ “We will be able to bring spring,” he emphasized.
“We humbly accept criticism and reprimands from teachers in schools to the educational authorities,” said Shim Sang-ju, head of the Teacher Personnel Department at the South Chungcheong Office of Education. “We will strengthen systematic education and promotional activities on the rights and obligations of the three entities in the educational community.” “He claimed.
Rep. Bang Han-il said, “We are quickly responding to the awareness of teaching rights that was sparked by the recent death of a teacher at Seoi Elementary School by improving the system and revising the law.” “I hope that the educational community will come up with a plan with consideration and concessions so that they do not get hurt and leave the teaching profession,” he emphasized. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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