예산군, 제3회 추가경정예산 9239억원 확정

김정환 기자 | 기사입력 2023/12/08 [10:16]

예산군, 제3회 추가경정예산 9239억원 확정

김정환 기자 | 입력 : 2023/12/08 [10:16]

▲ 예산군청사 전경     ©예산군

충남 예산군이 2023년 제3회 추가경정예산안이 제296회 예산군의회 정례회(6차)에서 원안으로 의결됐다고 8일 밝혔다.


지난달 17일 의회에 제출한 이번 추가경정예산(일반회계 및 특별회계 기준)은 특별교부세 42억원 ,특별조정교부금 6억4000만원 ,국도비보조금 25억원 ,전입금 42억원 등을 재원으로 기정예산 9151억원 대비 87억원(0.96%)이 늘어난 9239억원 규모다.


회계별로는 일반회계 75억원, 공기업특별회계 35억원이 증액됐고 기타특별회계는 23억원이 감액됐다.


주요 증액사업은 소하천재해복구사업 23억7000만원 ,국가하천(무한천)신종제 복구공사 20억원 ,수리시설재해복구사업 5억원 ,지방하천재해복구공사 1억8000만원 등 지난 호우피해에 따른 복구비가 반영됐다.


올해 마지막 추가경정예산인 만큼 변경 교부된 국도비사업에 대해 증·감액분이 반영됐으며, 국비보조금 반환금 43억9000만원, 도비보조금 반환금 14억2000만원도 반영된 반면 정부 건전재정 기조에 따라 자체예산은 조정을 통해 감액됐다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


Yesan County, 3rd supplementary budget confirmed at 923.9 billion won


Yesan County, South Chungcheong Province announced on the 8th that the 3rd supplementary budget for 2023 was approved as the original bill at the 296th regular meeting (6th) of Yesan County Council.


This supplementary budget (based on general accounting and special accounting) submitted to the National Assembly on the 17th of last month has a pre-set budget of 915.1 billion won, financed by 4.2 billion won in special allocation taxes, 640 million won in special adjustment grants, 2.5 billion won in national highway subsidies, and 4.2 billion won in transfer funds. It is worth 923.9 billion won, an increase of 8.7 billion won (0.96%).


By accounting, general accounting was increased by 7.5 billion won, public enterprise special accounting was increased by 3.5 billion won, and other special accounting was decreased by 2.3 billion won.


The major increased projects are KRW 2.37 billion for the small river disaster recovery project, KRW 2 billion for the national river (Muhan Stream) new species restoration project, KRW 500 million for the hydraulic facility disaster recovery project, and KRW 180 million for the local river disaster recovery project, as well as restoration costs due to damage from the past heavy rain. reflected.


As this is the last supplementary budget of the year, increases and decreases have been reflected in the national highway project that has been changed and issued, and 4.39 billion won in national subsidy refunds and 1.42 billion won in provincial subsidy refunds have also been reflected, while the internal budget has been adjusted in accordance with the government's sound fiscal policy. It was reduced through
