이날 회의에서 이용국 위원(서산2·국민의힘)은 “충남 지역에 걸맞은 충남형 홍보전략과 비전이 절실히 필요하다”고 지적하며 “매년 비슷한 홍보 정책은 과감히 탈피‧개선하고, 내년에는 구체적인 성과가 나타날 수 있는 홍보전략을 세워달라”고 주문했다.
김도훈 위원(천안6·국민의힘)은 “공공기관유치단의 홍보비 산출기초 금액 표시가 맞지 않는다”며 오기 사항을 정정 요구했고 “홍보영상 제작과 관련해 세부적인 광고효과를 다양화‧극대화 해주고, 산출자료를 세부적으로 표현해달라”고 당부했다.
조철기 위원(아산4·더불어민주당)은 “공공기관 유치의 홍보·광고효과가 매우 중요하다”며 “이번 정부의 부산엑스포 유치 실패를 거울삼아 충남도 역시 도민이 공감하는 대안과 실효성 있는 홍보 및 유치 전략을 추진해달라”고 강조했다.
신한철 위원(천안2·국민의힘)은 “내포신도시 인구 유입을 늘리기 위해선 정주 여건 개선이 무엇보다 중요하니, 이에 대한 사업추진을 잘 추진해 달라”며 “충남혁신도시 개발사업도 내실 있게 추진해 달라”고 요청했다.
이완식 부위원장(당진2·국민의힘)은 “현재 내포신도시에 주민의 건강을 책임지는 종합병원이 없다”며 “주민 불편이 가속화되고 있는 만큼 종합병원 유치를 속도감 있게 추진해달라”고 요구했다.
고광철 위원(공주1·국민의힘)은 “협의체가 내실 있게 운영 될 수 있도록 대책을 마련해달라”며 “특히 내포신도시 정주여건 개선으로 차질 없는 건립 정책을 추진해 주고, 공공기관 유치 시 지역인재채용(30%)을 위해 더 노력해 달라”고 제안했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Council’s construction subcommittee orders stronger promotions to attract public institutions
At the 1st meeting of the 348th regular session of the South Chungcheong Provincial Council held on the 4th, the Construction and Fire Protection Committee of the South Chungcheong Provincial Council (hereinafter referred to as the Construction Subcommittee) deliberated on the 2024 main budget and the 2023 second supplementary budget under the jurisdiction of the public institution attraction group and decided to “attract public institutions.” “We need to strengthen advertising and publicity for this purpose,” he said, calling for strengthening practical publicity.
At the meeting on this day, member Lee Yong-guk (Seosan 2, People Power Party) pointed out, “There is an urgent need for a Chungnam-style public relations strategy and vision suitable for the South Chungcheong region,” and added, “We must boldly break away from and improve similar public relations policies every year, and hope for concrete results next year.” “Please come up with a promotional strategy that can be seen,” he asked.
Commissioner Kim Do-hoon (Cheonan 6, People Power Party) requested correction of the error, saying, “The basic amount for calculating the publicity cost of the public institution attraction group is not correct,” and added, “We diversify and maximize the detailed advertising effects in relation to the production of promotional videos and calculate the amount.” “Please express the data in detail,” he asked.
Commissioner Cho Cheol-gi (Asan 4, Democratic Party of Korea) said, “The public relations and advertising effects of attracting public institutions are very important,” and “In light of this government’s failure to host the Busan Expo, South Chungcheong Province is also working on alternatives that resonate with residents and effective publicity and attraction strategies.” “Please push forward with this,” he emphasized.
Commissioner Shin Han-cheol (Cheonan 2, People Power Party) said, “In order to increase the inflow of population into Naepo New City, improving settlement conditions is more important than anything else, so please push forward with this project well.” He also added, “Please also promote the Chungnam Innovation City development project in a substantial manner.” and requested.
Vice Chairman Lee Wan-sik (Dangjin 2, People Power Party) said, “Currently, there is no general hospital in Naepo New Town that is responsible for the health of residents,” and requested, “As inconvenience to residents is accelerating, we must expedite the attraction of a general hospital.”
Commissioner Go Gwang-cheol (Gongju 1, People Power Party) said, “Please prepare measures so that the council can operate effectively. In particular, promote a smooth construction policy by improving the residential conditions in Naepo New Town, and hire local talent when attracting public institutions.” He suggested, “Please work harder for 30%.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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