이를 위해 충남대 LINC3.0 사업단은 11월 28일, 정심화국제문화회관 대덕홀에서 ‘충남대학교 우주항공·국방 특화센터 개소식’을 개최했다고 밝혔다.
김기수 교학부총장, 허환일 우주항공·국방특화센터장 등이 참석한 가운데 개소식을 개최한 충남대 우주항공·국방특화센터(센터장 : 항공우주공학과 허환일 교수)는 대전시의 4대 핵심 전략 산업 중 하나인 우주항공·국방 산업 분야의 연구 및 성과 창출을 위해 이날 첫 발을 내디뎠다.
우주항공·국방특화센터는 충남대 항공우주공학과, 컴퓨터융합학부, 자율운항시스템공학과, 메카트로닉스공학과 등을 중심으로 국방과학연구소, 한국항공우주연구원 등의 연구소와 관련 분야 대기업 및 중소기업, 대학 등이 참여해 인재양성, 기업 협업, 연구·기술개발, 글로벌 협력에 나설 예정이라고 충남대가 설명했다.
이로써 충남대 LINC3.0 사업단은 현재 조성된 바이오신약 ,탄소중립에너지기술 ,스마트시티&친환경운송시스템 ,광-반도체소재센서 ,ESG미래농업 등 5개 특화센터에 이어서 ,우주항공‧국방 특화센터를 개소함에 따라 ‘ABCD+(Aerospace, Bio-health, Chip, Defence)’로 불리는 대전시 4대 전략산업의 발전을 뒷받침하는 학-연-산-관 연결의 구심체 역할을 수행할 것으로 기대되고 있다.
허환일 우주항공‧국방 특화센터장은 “대전의 4대 핵심전략산업 중 하나인 우주항공‧국방 분야는 대전시의 미래먹거리 산업 중 하나”라며 “우주항공‧국방 특화센터가 우주항공국방 분야의 글로벌 혁신과 우위 선점을 위한 대학, 출연연, 산업체의 협력센터로서 전문인력 양성, 핵심기술 개발, 취창업, 기업지원, 글로벌 협력 거점의 역할을 수행해 충남대의 대표 브랜드로 육성하겠다”고 했다.
한편, 이날 개소식에서는 한국항공우주연구원 전략기획본부장 이준 박사(우주개발의 현황 및 미래), 국방과학연구소 항공기술연구원장 오우섭 박사(국방 항공우주기술 현황 및 발전방향)의 주제 강연과 대전시의 우주‧항공, 국방 분야 발전 계획에 대한 소개 등이 진행됐다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Chungnam National University opens ‘Aerospace and Defense Specialization Center’ on the 28th
Expectation of a central body linking academia, research institutes, industry, and government in the four strategic industries of Daejeon
Chungnam National University plans to foster the aerospace and defense fields as representative specialized fields.
To this end, the Chungnam National University LINC3.0 Project Group announced that it held the ‘Chungnam National University Aerospace and Defense Specialized Center Opening Ceremony’ at Daedeok Hall of the Jeongsimhwa International Cultural Center on November 28.
The Chungnam National University Aerospace and Defense Specialization Center (Director: Professor Heo Hwan-il, Department of Aerospace Engineering), which held an opening ceremony with Vice President for Academic Affairs Ki-soo Kim and Director of the Aerospace and Defense Specialization Center Heo Hwan-il, is one of the four core strategic industries in Daejeon. The first step was taken today to conduct research and create results in the aerospace and defense industries.
The Aerospace and Defense Specialization Center is centered on Chungnam National University's Department of Aerospace Engineering, Department of Computer Convergence, Department of Autonomous Flight System Engineering, and Department of Mechatronics Engineering, and research institutes such as the Agency for Defense Development and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute, as well as large corporations, small and medium-sized companies, and universities in related fields participate to develop talent. Chungnam National University explained that it plans to engage in training, corporate collaboration, research and technology development, and global cooperation.
As a result, Chungnam National University's LINC3.0 business group opened the Aerospace and Defense Specialization Center, following the five specialized centers currently established, including new bio drugs, carbon neutral energy technology, smart city & eco-friendly transportation system, optical-semiconductor material sensor, and ESG future agriculture. Accordingly, it is expected to play a central role in connecting academia, research, industry, and government to support the development of Daejeon's four major strategic industries, called 'ABCD+ (Aerospace, Bio-health, Chip, Defense).'
Heo Hwan-il, head of the Aerospace and Defense Specialization Center, said, “The aerospace and defense field, one of Daejeon’s four core strategic industries, is one of Daejeon’s future food industries.” “As a cooperation center for universities, government-funded research institutes, and industries to gain an upper hand, we will nurture professional manpower, develop core technologies, provide employment, support businesses, and serve as a base for global cooperation to develop it into a representative brand of Chungnam National University.”
Meanwhile, at the opening ceremony, topic lectures were given by Dr. Jun Lee, Director of the Strategic Planning Division of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute (Current Status and Future of Space Development), and Dr. Woo-Seop Oh, Director of the Aerospace Technology Research Institute of the Agency for Defense Development (Current Status and Development Direction of Defense Aerospace Technology), as well as lectures on the space and development direction of Daejeon City. Development plans in the aviation and defense sectors were introduced. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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