대전시-KAIST, 인공지능반도체 인재양성 본격 추진28일, KAIST 인공지능반도체대학원 개원식… 165명 전문인재 양성
인공지능반도체는 인공지능 서비스 구현에 필요한 대규모 연산을 초고속·초저전력으로 실행하는 시스템반도체를 일컷는다.
지난 5월 과기정통부 인공지능반도체대학원 지원사업에 선정된 한국과학기술원(KAIST)은 향후 6년간 반도체 설계, 제작, 응용이 가능한 창의융합형 인재 165명을 양성할 계획이다.
이를 위해 인공지능 알고리즘ㆍ회로ㆍ칩 설계 등의 다양한 실용화 연구 및 산학 공동 프로젝트와 함께, 학문 분야를 초월한 융합교육ㆍ연구를 위해 복수 지도제를 도입하며, 미국ㆍ유럽 내 유수 대학들과 차세대 분야 전략적 글로벌 협력 교육을 추진할 예정이다.
대전시는 지난 5월 인공지능반도체대학원 지원사업 계획을 수립하고, 관련 예산편성을 위한 지방재정 투자심사를 지난 8월 통과했다. 앞으로 6년간 총 49억 원의 예산을 투입해 인공지능반도체 인재 양성을 적극적으로 지원할 방침이다.
또한, 국산 인공지능반도체를 도시철도 1호선 시청역 인공지능 CCTV 시스템에 실제 적용하는 응용실증사업을 비롯해 팹리스 기업과 인공지능반도체 혁신기관과의 협력을 통해 인공지능반도체산업을 집중육성 할 계획이다.
개원식에 참석한 이장우 대전시장은 “인공지능반도체는 인공지능(AI)시대의 핵심 기반 기술이자 반도체산업의 새로운 성장 동력”이라며 “인공지능반도체대학원을 중심으로 대전을 세계 최고의 반도체 도시로 육성할 것”이라고 말했다.
한편 한국과학기술원(KAIST)에서 열린 개원식에는 이장우 대전시장과 이광형 한국과학기술원 총장, 강도현 과기정통부 정보통신정책실장, 전성배 정보통신기획평가원장을 비롯해 한국과학기술원 교직원 및 반도체기업 관계자 등이 참석해 현판식을 갖고 인공지능반도체대학원의 개원을 축하했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon-KAIST, full-scale promotion of artificial intelligence semiconductor talent training
On the 28th, KAIST Artificial Intelligence Semiconductor Graduate School opening ceremony... Training of 165 professional talents
Daejeon City and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) announced on the 28th that they will open the ‘Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Artificial Intelligence Semiconductor Graduate School’ and pursue the training of artificial intelligence semiconductor talent.
Artificial intelligence semiconductors refer to system semiconductors that execute large-scale calculations required to implement artificial intelligence services at ultra-high speeds and ultra-low power.
The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), which was selected for the Ministry of Science and ICT's Artificial Intelligence Semiconductor Graduate School support project last May, plans to train 165 creative convergence talents capable of designing, manufacturing, and applying semiconductors over the next six years.
To this end, we are conducting various commercialization research and industry-academia joint projects on artificial intelligence algorithms, circuits, and chip design, as well as introducing a dual guidance system for convergence education and research that transcends academic fields, and working with leading universities in the U.S. and Europe to develop strategic partnerships in the next-generation field. We plan to promote global cooperative education.
Daejeon City established an artificial intelligence semiconductor graduate school support project plan last May and passed the local financial investment review for related budget allocation last August. We plan to actively support the training of artificial intelligence semiconductor talent by investing a total budget of 4.9 billion won over the next six years.
In addition, we plan to intensively foster the artificial intelligence semiconductor industry through cooperation with fabless companies and artificial intelligence semiconductor innovation organizations, including an application demonstration project that actually applies domestically produced artificial intelligence semiconductors to the artificial intelligence CCTV system at City Hall Station on Urban Railway Line 1.
Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo, who attended the opening ceremony, said, “Artificial intelligence semiconductors are a core technology in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and a new growth engine for the semiconductor industry,” and added, “We will foster Daejeon into the world’s best semiconductor city centering on the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence Semiconductors.” “He said.
Meanwhile, the opening ceremony held at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) was attended by Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology President Lee Kwang-hyung, Ministry of Science and ICT Director Kang Do-hyun, Information and Communications Planning and Evaluation Institute Director Jeon Seong-bae, as well as KAIST faculty and staff from semiconductor companies. He congratulated the opening of the Artificial Intelligence Semiconductor Graduate School. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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