이날 회의에서 정명국 부위원장(국민의힘, 동구3)은 직원 휴양시설 이용 지원‘ 사업(시비, 340,000천 원)은 “1인당 지급 금액을 줄여서라도 (기존의 격년이 아닌)1년에 한번 줄 수 있는 방안을 검토해달라”고 주문했다.
정 위원은 또 ‘고향사랑기부제 답례품 제공’ 건(시비, 30,000원)은 “(올해 1억 2,000만 원 반영한 것에 비해)내년도 예산에 3,000만 원 반영한 건 (제도 활성화를 위한)의지 부족인 것 같다”라며 지적했고, 이 국장은 “실제 제도를 시행하고 난 뒤 많은 어려움이 있어 이를 감안했다”라고 답변했다. 정 부위원장은 “(어려움이 있더라도)과감하게 목표를 세워 내년부터는 적극 의지를 보여야 한다”라고 당부의 말을 전했다.
한편, 자치경찰위원회 소관 「무인단속장비 구매」 건(시비, 207,000천 원)은 “요즘 언론에 많이 나오는 것 같은데 다른 장비의 구매 대수를 줄이더라도 후면다기능단속장비를 좀 더 구매하여 실효성 있는 예산 집행이 되어야 한다”라고 강조했다.
김진오 위원(국민의힘, 서구1)은 운영지원과 소관 공무원 국외정책연수 사업(시비, 750,000천 원)과 관련, “시민 대표로서 심사하기에 자료가 빈약해 제대로 검토하기가 어렵다”라며 자료 작성에 문제가 있음을 지적했고, 이성규 행정자치국장은 “자료 작성에 좀 더 신경 쓰겠다”라고 답변했다.
김 위원은 또 직장동호회 활동 지원 사업(시비, 242,630천 원)은 “동호회가 제대로 운영되는 지를 살펴서 더 잘 운영되는 곳에 지원이 더 가야 한다”라며, “새내기 공무원에 동기를 부여하기 위해 지원금 외에 실질적인 인센티브를 고민해야 한다”라고 제안했다.
한편, 김 위원은 자치경찰위원회 소관 협업치안인프라강화 사업(시비, 106,480천 원)과 관련하여, “내년도 예산이 40% 이상 증가한 이유가 무엇인가”라며 질의했고, 강영욱 자치경찰위원회 위원장은 “간담회 수요가 많은 데 비해 지원 예산이 턱없이 부족하다”라며, “어디가 취약한 지역인지 시민·경찰·방범대가 모두 협력해서 논의할 수 있는 장을 마련해야 한다”라고 답변했다.
조원휘 위원(더불어민주당, 유성구3)은 대전광역시 지방공무원 복무 조례 일부개정조례안과 관련하여 “제16조를 신설한 배경이 무엇인가”라며 질의했고, 이성규 행정자치국장은 “상위 법령 개정에 따라 맞추어 (개정 내용을)반영하는 사항”이라고 답변했다.
한편, 조 위원은 운영지원과 소관 시청어린이집 운영 지원 사업(시비, 370,212천 원)과 관련, “관련 규정에 의하면 간호사 배치는 100명 이상일 때 가능한데 현원 50명으로 기준 미달에도 불구하고 간호사 배치 이유가 무엇인가”라며 질의했고, 이 국장은 “그동안 (현원이)100명을 넘었던 적은 없지만 영·유아가 있어 돌발상황에 대비하여 배치 중이다”라고 답변했다. 조 위원은 “하지만 시민의 세금인 만큼 정말 필요한 부분인지 파악해 볼 필요가 있다”라고 발언했다.
이어진 질의에서 이용기 위원(국민의힘, 대덕구3)은 소통정책과 소관 마을공동체 활성화 사업(시비, 150,000천 원)과 관련하여, “5개 자치구마다 사업에 대한 노력의 정도가 다른데 이에 따라 차등 지원하는 것이 어떠할지 제안드린다”라고 질의했고, 이성규 행정자치국장은 “마을 기업 공동체 활성화에 적극적인 곳도 있고 그렇지 못한 곳도 있지만 개량적인 판단이 쉽지 않아 현실적인 어려움이 있다”라고 답변했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon City Council Executive Committee, relevant departments review the 2024 budget plan
The Daejeon City Council Administrative Autonomy Committee, which is continuing the 3rd meeting of the 274th 2nd Regular Meeting, reviewed the ordinance, 2024 budget, and fund management plan under the jurisdiction of the Administrative Autonomy Bureau, Audit Committee, and Autonomous Police Committee on the 24th.
At the meeting on this day, Vice Chairman Jeong Myeong-guk (People Power Party, Dong-gu 3) said that the ‘Support for Employee Use of Recreational Facilities’ project (city budget, KRW 340,000,000) “will be reduced to once a year (rather than every other year), even if it means reducing the amount paid per person.” “Please review possible measures,” he ordered.
Commissioner Jeong also said that regarding the ‘Hometown Love Donation System return gift provision’ (city budget, 30,000 won), “The fact that 30 million won was reflected in next year’s budget (compared to this year’s reflection of 120 million won) shows a lack of will (to revitalize the system).” “It’s the same,” he pointed out, and Director Lee responded, “There were many difficulties after the actual implementation of the system, so we took this into account.” Vice Chairman Jeong said, “We must set bold goals (even if there are difficulties) and show active will starting next year.”
Meanwhile, the case of “Purchase of unmanned enforcement equipment” (city budget, KRW 207,000,000) under the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Police Committee said, “It seems to be coming up a lot in the media these days, but even if we reduce the number of purchases of other equipment, we need to purchase more rear multi-function enforcement equipment and execute an effective budget. “It has to be this way,” he emphasized.
Commissioner Kim Jin-oh (People Power Party, Seo-gu 1) said in relation to the operational support and foreign policy training project for government officials (city budget, KRW 750,000,000), “It is difficult to properly review it as a representative of citizens because the data is insufficient.” It was pointed out that there was a problem, and Lee Seong-gyu, Director of the Department of Government Administration and Home Affairs, responded, “I will pay more attention to preparing the data.”
Commissioner Kim also said that the project to support workplace club activities (municipal funding, KRW 242,630,000) “needs to check whether clubs are operating properly and provide more support to those that are operating better.” “We need to think about incentives,” he suggested.
Meanwhile, Commissioner Kim asked, “Why is next year’s budget increased by more than 40%?” in relation to the collaborative security infrastructure strengthening project (city budget, KRW 106,480,000) under the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Police Committee, and Chairman Kang Young-wook of the Autonomous Police Committee said, “The meeting “Despite the high demand, the support budget is severely lacking,” he said. “We need to provide a forum where citizens, police, and crime prevention teams can all cooperate to discuss which areas are vulnerable.”
Commissioner Won-hwi Cho (Democratic Party of Korea, Yuseong-gu 3) asked, “What is the background for the establishment of Article 16?” in relation to the partial revision of the Daejeon Metropolitan City Local Public Official Service Ordinance, and Lee Seong-gyu, Director of the Bureau of Public Administration and Self-Government, said, “It must be adjusted according to the revision of the higher-level laws.” He responded, “It is a matter that reflects (the revisions).”
Meanwhile, in relation to the operation support project (city budget, KRW 370,212,000) for the operation of the city hall daycare center, Commissioner Cho said, “According to the relevant regulations, the deployment of nurses is possible when there are more than 100 people, but there is no reason to deploy nurses even though the current number of staff is 50, which does not meet the standard. “What is it?” Director Lee responded, “The number of members has never exceeded 100, but there are infants and toddlers, so we are deploying them in preparation for an unexpected situation.” Commissioner Cho said, “However, since it is a citizen’s tax, we need to figure out whether it is really necessary.”
In the following question, Commissioner Lee Yong-gi (People Power Party, Daedeok-gu 3) said regarding the communication policy and the village community revitalization project under his jurisdiction (city budget, KRW 150,000,000), “The degree of effort for the project is different for each of the five autonomous districts, and the level of effort for the project is different accordingly. “Please suggest what kind of support we should provide,” he asked, and Lee Seong-gyu, director of the Administrative Autonomy Bureau, responded, “Some places are active in revitalizing village business communities, while others are not, but there are practical difficulties as it is not easy to make improved decisions.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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