‘대한민국 밤밤곡곡’은 문화체육관광부와 한국관광공사가 지역의 매력적인 야간경관이나 밤에만 체험할 수 있는 이색적인 프로그램을 소개해 야간관광 활성화를 도모하기 위해 올해 처음으로 지방자치단체로부터 추천을 받아 전문가 심사를 거쳐 선정했다.
대관람차가 랜드마크인 삽교호관광지는 충청남도에서 내비게이션을 이용해 가장 많이 검색한 관광지로, 다채로운 먹거리와 볼거리, 놀거리가 조성되어 있어 연간 약 5백만명이 방문하는 당진의 대표관광지이다. 최근에는 ‘대관람차 논뷰’로 이른바 MZ 감성 관광 명소로 주목받았다.
당진시는 면천읍성의 골정지 및 장청 또한 화려한 조명들이 조성되어 있어 밤에 운치를 느끼며 느리게 걷기에 좋은 곳으로 많이 사랑받고 있다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Sapgyoho Tourist Site and Hapdeok Festival selected as ‘Korea’s 100 Bambamgoks’
The city of Dangjin announced on the 14th that Dangjin, South Chungcheong Province, ‘Sapgyoho Tourist Site Ferris Wheel’ and ‘Hapdeokje’ were selected as one of ‘Korea’s Top 100 Bambam Valleys’.
'Korea Bambamgokgok' is a project that the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Korea Tourism Organization received recommendations from local governments for the first time this year and reviewed by experts to promote night tourism by introducing the region's attractive night scenery or unique programs that can only be experienced at night. It was selected through
Sapgyoho Tourist Site, whose landmark is the Ferris wheel, is the most searched tourist destination in Chungcheongnam-do using navigation. It is a representative tourist destination in Dangjin with a variety of food, things to see, and entertainment, and is visited by about 5 million people annually. Recently, it has attracted attention as a so-called MZ emotional tourist attraction with the ‘Giant Ferris Wheel Non-View’.
Hapdeokje is one of the ‘three major embankments of Joseon’ and a ‘world irrigation facility.’ In spring, the harmony of cherry blossoms, willow trees, and rape flowers creates a spectacular view. It is a healing eco-tourism destination with plenty to see in all four seasons, such as enjoying the vast lotus flower complex in summer and seeing swans, a natural monument, in winter.
Dangjin City's Goljeongji and Jangcheong for Myeoncheon-eupseong Fortress are also decorated with colorful lights, making them a popular place to take a slow walk while enjoying the atmosphere at night. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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