세종시의회, ‘1생활권 상가 활성화에 대한 연구모임’ 열려

임채성 의원 ,포켓정차존 설치 여건 검토 및 연구용역 추진 방향 점검

김환일 기자 | 기사입력 2023/09/01 [16:31]

세종시의회, ‘1생활권 상가 활성화에 대한 연구모임’ 열려

임채성 의원 ,포켓정차존 설치 여건 검토 및 연구용역 추진 방향 점검

김환일 기자 | 입력 : 2023/09/01 [16:31]


▲ 임채성 세종시의원[사진=세종시의회]  © 김환일

지역 ‘1생활권 상가 활성화 방안에 대한 연구모임’이 31일 열렸다.


세종시의회 ‘1생활권 상가 활성화 방안에 대한 연구모임은 이날 오후 시의회 대회의실에서 제5차 간담회를 갖고 방안 모색에 나섰다.


간담회에는 임채성·김재형·이현정 의원을 비롯해 아름동 상인회 심순례 회장, 종촌동 상인회 육인규 회장, 고운동 상인회 이철호 회장, 대전세종연구원 김성표·유승규 연구원, 시청 관계 공무원 등이 참석했다. 


먼저, 간담회에서는 그동안 회의 중 상가 활성화 방안으로 제시된 ‘포켓정차존 설치’와 관련해 포켓정차존 설치 여건 마련 방안을 논의하는 시간을 가졌다.


참석자들은 “교차로, 소화전, 버스승강장 등으로부터 벌어진 거리가 확보되어야 하고, 지구단위계획상 용적률 기준이 충족되어야 하는 만큼 포켓정차존 설치 여건이 되는 장소 발굴은 어렵다. 하지만 관계 부서 협의를 통해 관련 법규에 저촉되지 않으면서 추진이 가능한 지역을 지속 검토해 나가겠다”고 의견을 수렴했다.


이어서, 연구모임의 일환으로 추진 중인 연구용역의 진행 상황에 대해 수행기관인 대전세종연구원의 설명이 있었고, 이에 대해 자유롭게 의견을 나눴다.


진행 중인 연구용역은 수경시설 등 상징 인프라 구축, 포켓정차존 설치에 따른 상가 접근성 개선, 야간경관 조명 설치 등의 측면에서 고운·아름·종촌동 중심 상점가의 효율적인 상권 활성화 방안을 모색하고 있다. 이후 이와 관련해 상인과 시민을 대상으로 설문조사 추진 예정이다.


임채성 대표의원 등 연구모임 회원들은 비용을 수반하지 않는 현실적인 상가 활성화 방안으로 ‘상가 주변 주정차 단속 유예 확대’를 제안했고, 고운·아름·종촌동 지역의 이미지 제고를 위한 슬로건 제시 필요성 등의 의견을 제기했다.


한편, 9월에는 타시도의 상권 활성화 선진사례 현장 방문과 더불어 연구용역 중간보고가 있을 예정이다.


*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>


[Sejong City Council, ‘Research meeting on revitalization of shopping malls in living area 1’ held on the 31st

Rep. Lim Chae-seong, review the conditions for installing pocket parking zones and check the direction of research services]


A ‘research meeting on ways to revitalize commercial districts in the first living area’ in Sejong was held on the 31st.


The Sejong City Council's research group on ways to revitalize shopping malls in the first living area held its 5th meeting in the city council conference room this afternoon and began exploring ways.


Attending the meeting were lawmakers Lim Chae-seong, Kim Jae-hyung, and Lee Hyeon-jeong, as well as Areum-dong Merchants Association Chairman Shim Soon-rye, Jongchon-dong Merchants Association Chairman Yuk In-gyu, Goundong Merchants Association Chairman Lee Cheol-ho, Daejeon Sejong Research Institute researchers Kim Seong-pyo and Yoo Seung-gyu, and city hall officials.


First, the meeting took time to discuss ways to prepare conditions for the installation of pocket parking zones in relation to the ‘installation of pocket parking zones’, which was proposed as a way to revitalize shopping malls during the meeting.


Participants said, “As distance from intersections, fire hydrants, bus stops, etc. must be secured, and the floor area ratio standard in the district plan must be met, it is difficult to find a place suitable for installing a pocket stop zone. However, through consultation with relevant departments, we will continue to review areas where it can be promoted without violating relevant laws and regulations.”


Next, the Daejeon Sejong Research Institute, the implementing agency, gave an explanation on the progress of the research project being promoted as part of the research meeting, and opinions were freely exchanged about this.


The ongoing research service is seeking efficient ways to revitalize commercial districts in the central shopping districts of Goun, Areum, and Jongchon-dong in terms of building symbolic infrastructure such as waterscape facilities, improving accessibility to shopping malls by installing pocket parking zones, and installing nightscape lighting. Afterwards, a survey will be conducted targeting merchants and citizens regarding this issue.


Members of the research group, including Representative Lim Chae-seong, proposed 'expanding the moratorium on parking enforcement around shopping malls' as a realistic plan to revitalize shopping malls that does not involve costs, and raised opinions such as the need to present a slogan to improve the image of the Goun, Areum, and Jongchon-dong areas. did.


Meanwhile, in September, there will be an interim report on research services along with a site visit to Tashido's advanced cases of commercial revitalization.



Next, the Daejeon Sejong Research Institute, the implementing agency, gave an explanation on the progress of the research project being promoted as part of the research meeting, and opinions were freely exchanged about this.


The ongoing research service is seeking efficient ways to revitalize commercial districts in the central shopping districts of Goun, Areum, and Jongchon-dong in terms of building symbolic infrastructure such as waterscape facilities, improving accessibility to shopping malls by installing pocket parking zones, and installing nightscape lighting. Afterwards, a survey will be conducted targeting merchants and citizens regarding this issue.


Members of the research group, including Representative Lim Chae-seong, proposed 'expanding the moratorium on parking enforcement around shopping malls' as a realistic plan to revitalize shopping malls that does not involve costs, and raised opinions such as the need to present a slogan to improve the image of the Goun, Areum, and Jongchon-dong areas. did.


Meanwhile, in September, there will be an interim report on research services along with a site visit to Tashido's advanced cases of commercial revitalization.

세종시의회,임채성,상가활성화,연구모임,5차 관련기사목록