대전경찰청이 전신 마비를 가장해 15억 원의 보험금을 타내려 한 가족 보험사기단을 검거했다고 밝혔다.
대전경찰청 대전동부경찰서에 따르면 지난 5일, 일상생활에 지장이 없음에도 전신마비로 움직이지 못하는 것처럼 속여 보험사로부터 약 1억 8천만 원을 편취하고, 추가로 13억 원 가량을 청구한 ‘가족 보험사기단’ 3명을 검거·송치했다고 밝혔다.
경찰은 보험사로부터 보험금을 청구한 대상자의 행위가 의심된다는 진정서를 접수하고, 가족 단위의 보험사기 범행임을 의심해 수사에 착수하여 대상자의 병원 내원 기록 및 CCTV 자료 수집, 정밀 분석 등을 통해 이들의 범행을 밝혀냈다.
경찰에 검거된 피의자들은 가족 관계로, A씨(남, 20대)가 지난 2016년 3월경 오른팔 복합부위통증증후근 진단을 받은 후, 보험금 청구 과정에서 전신 마비가 더 많은 보험금을 받을 수 있다는 사실을 알아낸 뒤 父인 B씨(남, 50대), 누나인 C씨(여, 20대)와 공모해 지난 2021년 10월경 전신마비 등 후유장애진단서를 발급받아, 미리 가입되어 있던 5개 보험사에 15억 상당의 보험금을 청구한 것으로 드러났다.
이들은 허위로 전신마비 장애진단을 받기 위해 보행 및 일상생활이 불가능하다고 속여 팔·다리 장애 진단을 순차적으로 받는 등 치밀하게 계획 후 범행 실행하였으나, A씨의 정상적인 보행 및 일상생활 하는 모습 등이 수개월에 걸친 경찰의 끈질긴 수사 과정에서 확인되면서 범행은 끝을 맺게 되었다.
경찰 관계자는 오는 6월말까지 보험사기 특별단속기간을 운영하고 있으며, 보험사기 범죄는 공·민영보험의 재정 건전성을 훼손하고 선량한 다수 가입자들의 보험료 부담을 가중시키는 악성 사기범죄이므로, 집중 단속을 통해 선량한 가입자들의 피해 방지를 위해 최선을 다하겠다고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Daejeon Police Agency arrests family scammer who claimed 1.5 billion insurance money
The Daejeon Police Agency announced that it had arrested a group of family insurance scammers who pretended to be paralyzed and tried to extract 1.5 billion won in insurance money.
According to the Daejeon Dongbu Police Station of the Daejeon Police Agency, on the 5th, they swindled about 180 million won from the insurance company by deceiving them as if they were unable to move due to general paralysis even though they had no problems with their daily life, and claimed an additional 1.3 billion won for 'family insurance'. It said that three people were arrested and sent.
The police received a complaint from the insurance company claiming that the person who claimed the insurance money was suspected of committing an insurance fraud, and launched an investigation, suspecting that it was a family unit insurance fraud crime. found out
The suspects arrested by the police are related to their family. After Mr. A (male, in his 20s) was diagnosed with complex regional pain syndrome in his right arm around March 2016, during the insurance claim process, he learned that full body paralysis can receive more insurance money. After finding out, he colluded with his father, Mr. B (male, in his 50s) and older sister, Mr. C (female, in his 20s), and issued a diagnosis of aftereffects such as general paralysis around October 2021, and signed up for five insurance companies in advance. It turned out that they had claimed 1.5 billion won in insurance money.
In order to receive a false diagnosis of general paralysis, they deceived that walking and daily life were impossible and executed the crime after careful planning, such as receiving diagnoses of arm and leg disorders sequentially, but Mr. A's normal walking and daily life were observed over several months. The crime came to an end as it was confirmed in the course of the persistent police investigation.
Police officials are operating a special crackdown on insurance fraud until the end of June. Insurance fraud is a malicious fraud that damages the financial soundness of public and private insurance and increases the burden of insurance premiums for many good subscribers. We will do our best to prevent damage to our subscribers. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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