이를 위해 대전시와 국민의힘 대전시당(이하 대전시당)은 22일 대전시청에서 이장우 시장을 비롯해 이택구 행정부시장 등 대전시 간부 공무원들과 대전시당 당협위원장, 자치구청장, 시의원들과 민선 8기 두 번째 당정협의회를 개최하고, 내년도 국비 확보에 총력을 기울이기로 했다.
이번 당정협의회는 최근 시정 성과 및 내년도 국비사업 등 주요 시정에 대한 당‧정 간 소통과 협력을 강화하기 위해 마련됐고, 당정협의회 참석자들은 회의에 앞서 “반도체 첨단전략산업 특화단지 대전 지정”을 위해 총력을 기울이기로 결의했다.
이날 회의에서 이장우 대전시장은 “국토의 균형발전을 위해서 대전을 반드시 대한민국 반도체산업의 핵심으로 육성해야 하며, 이는 국가경쟁력 확보에도 크게 기여할 것”이라고 말하며 반도체 첨단전략산업 특화단지 대전 유치 당위성 강조했다.
이날 당정협의회에서 대전시는 도시철도 2호선 트램 총사업비 협의 완료 ,충청권 광역철도 1단계 KDI 수요예측재조사 조기 완료 ,머크 및 SK온 투자유치 협약 체결 ,대전역 미래형 환승센터 공모 선정 등 최근 거둔 성과를 설명하고, 대전시당의 지원에 감사 인사를 전했다.
이어 내년도 주요 국비사업인 웹툰 콘텐츠 클러스터 조성 ,대전형 스마트 농업 첨단산업 밸리 조성 ,카이스트 창업 혁신파크 조성 ,글로컬 대학 육성 ,천문·우주 체험시설 조성 등 10개 사업에 대한 관심과 지원을 건의했다.
한편 이날 당정협의회에는 대전시에서 이장우 시장, 이택구 행정부시장, 이석봉 경제과학부시장, 박연병 기획조정실장 이하 실국본부장과 정재필 경제수석보좌관, 박철환 정무수석보좌관 등이 참석했고, 국민의힘 대전시당에서는 이은권 위원장과 윤창현(동구 / 비례대표 국회의원) · 조수연(서구갑) · 양홍규(서구을) · 정상철(유성구을) 당협위원장, 박희조 동구청장, 김광신 중구청장, 서철모 서구청장, 최충규 대덕구청장, 이상래 대전시의회 의장, 선기운 시당 사무처장 등이 참석했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도를 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
People's Power Daejeon City Party-Daejeon City, all-out efforts to secure national funds...
Daejeon City and the People's Power The Daejeon City Party is making all-out efforts to secure national funds.
To this end, Daejeon City and the People's Power Daejeon City Party (hereinafter referred to as the Daejeon City Party) held a meeting at Daejeon City Hall on the 22nd with Mayor Lee Jang-woo and administrative mayor Lee Taek-gu, as well as Daejeon City Party's party council chairman, autonomous district head, and city council members, and the second party government of the 8th popular election. It was decided to hold a council meeting and focus all efforts on securing government funds for next year.
This party-government council was prepared to strengthen communication and cooperation between the party and the government on major municipal administrations, such as recent municipal government achievements and next year's government projects. decided to tilt the
At the meeting, Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo emphasized the necessity of attracting Daejeon as a semiconductor high-tech strategic industrial complex, saying, “For balanced development of the national territory, Daejeon must be nurtured as the core of the Korean semiconductor industry, which will greatly contribute to securing national competitiveness.”
At the party-government meeting, Daejeon City explained recent achievements such as the completion of discussions on the total project cost of the tram for urban railway line 2, the early completion of the KDI demand forecast re-survey for the first phase of the Chungcheong metropolitan railway, the signing of an investment attraction agreement with Merck and SK On, and the selection of a future transfer center contest for Daejeon Station. , thanked the Daejeon City Party for their support.
Next year, it suggested interest and support for 10 projects, including the creation of a webtoon content cluster, which is a major government funded project, the creation of a Daejeon-type smart agricultural high-tech industry valley, the creation of a KAIST startup innovation park, the fostering of glocal universities, and the creation of astronomy and space experience facilities.
Mayor Lee Jang-woo said, "Let's strengthen communication and strategic partnership between the party and the government to make Daejeon a preemptive leap forward as a first-class economic city amid complex economic crises so that citizens' lives can be enriched." He emphasized that multifaceted communication is important as an important responsibility,” and asked for interest in and speedy support for securing government funds and current administrative issues for next year.
Regarding this, City Party Chairman Lee Eun-kwon said, “The Daejeon City Party also suggested support for local pending projects to the People’s Power Central Party for the development of Daejeon City.” I will,” he said.
Meanwhile, on this day, Mayor Lee Jang-woo, Administration Mayor Lee Taek-gu, Deputy Mayor Lee Seok-bong, Planning and Coordination Office Director Park Yeon-byeong, Head of the Office of Planning and Coordination Lee Ha-ha, Senior Advisor for Economic Affairs Jae-pil Jeong, and Senior Advisor for Political Affairs Park Chul-hwan attended the party-government council from Daejeon City. Yoon Chang-hyeon (Dong-gu / Proportional representative member of the National Assembly) Jo Su-yeon (Seo Gu-gap) Yang Hong-gyu (Seo-gu-eul) Jeong Sang-cheol (Yoo Seong-gu-eul), party council chairperson, Park Hee-jo, Dong-gu mayor, Kim Gwang-shin, Jung-gu mayor, Seo-cheol-mo, Seo-gu mayor Choi Chung-gyu, Daedeok-gu mayor Choi, Sang-rae Lee, Daejeon City Council chairman, Seon Ki-woon City Party The Secretary General and others were present. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스대전충청 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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